Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

7/15/15 :: Funeral of Mr Des Meredith


This sermon is a tribute to Mr Des Meredith, who passed away peacefully in St Francis Hospice. It highlights his life, his love for his family, and his zest for life. It also touches on his interests in sports and bridge. The sermon offers comfort and hope, reminding the congregation of the promise of a new Jerusalem, where there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain.

7/12/15 :: Understanding the Bigger Picture


Kevin reflects on the importance of understanding the broader context of scripture, using the story of John the Baptist's death to illustrate how individual narratives fit into the wider message of the Gospel. He emphasizes the tension between the values of God's Kingdom and those of the world, and the inner conflict that Christians face in reconciling these differences. The sermon encourages believers to bring their whole selves to God, embracing inner tensions as part of the journey towards healing and restoration.

7/5/15 :: Grace in Weakness


Kevin reflects on the concept of 'thorn in the flesh' as a metaphor for life's challenges, drawing from Paul's words in 2 Corinthians and the journey of Rev David Watson with cancer. He emphasizes the sufficiency of God's grace in our weakness and the transformative power of God's love and healing, encouraging a life of discipleship and faithfulness.

6/14/15 :: Inside Matters


Kevin's sermon focuses on looking beyond external appearances to the true value within. He uses a tin of dog food filled with trifle to illustrate not judging by the outside, relating it to the story of David's selection by God and the parable of the seeds from Jesus' teachings. The core message is about growing God's Kingdom within us by being compassionate, understanding, and helpful to others.

6/14/15 :: The Kingdom in the Small


Kevin reflects on the nature of misjudgment and the power of small, seemingly insignificant actions to manifest the Kingdom of God. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical parables, he emphasizes how small acts of kindness and faith can have a profound impact on the world. The sermon encourages us to offer our modest contributions to God, trusting that He will work through them to bring hope and transformation.

5/31/15 :: Healing and Salvation


Kevin's sermon on Trinity Sunday, 2015, focuses on the intertwined concepts of healing and salvation, as exemplified in the story of Zacchaeus and the baptism of Jacob Warburton. He draws parallels between biblical stories of healing and the ongoing process of spiritual restoration, emphasizing the role of the community in nurturing faith and embodying the 'aroma of Christ'.

5/31/15 :: Salvation in Scripture


Kevin's sermon on Trinity Sunday explores the multifaceted concept of salvation as presented in the Bible. Through a series of scriptural excerpts, he delves into the past, present, and future aspects of being saved, emphasizing the power of faith, the ongoing process of salvation, and the ultimate deliverance through endurance.

5/10/15 :: Chosen to Bear Fruit


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the importance of remembering key events and personal milestones, tying it to the act of Confirmation. He emphasizes that each person is special and chosen by God to make a difference in the world. The sermon also highlights the role of faith in promoting justice, peace, and reconciliation.