Posts tagged Lent

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/5/23 :: Politics and Religion


The sermon discusses the intersection of politics and religion, emphasizing the importance of Christian values in the political process. It highlights the need for justice, integrity, and concern for the marginalized in society. The sermon also explores the concept of covenant in the context of political order, suggesting a partnership between the governed and the governing.

2/5/23 :: Prayers for the Faithful


This sermon is a series of prayers for the Church, the nations, the community, the sick, and the departed. It emphasizes the need for peace, righteousness, respect, and awareness of each other's needs within our homes and communities. It also highlights the importance of leadership in fostering peace and reconciliation.

3/28/21 :: Meekness and Majesty


This sermon explores the themes of Palm Sunday and the days that follow, focusing on the apparent contradictions in the nature of Jesus Christ. It discusses the meekness and majesty of Jesus, and how understanding both aspects is crucial to understanding his identity and the events of Holy Week. The sermon also delves into the mystery of Jesus' suffering and the depth of God's love.

3/21/21 :: Seeing Jesus


This sermon, delivered on the fifth Sunday of Lent in 2021, explores the desire of unnamed Greeks to see Jesus. It discusses the anticipation and tension surrounding Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the expectations of the people, and the subsequent disappointment when Jesus did not fit into their preconceived notions. The sermon emphasizes that Jesus cannot be owned or controlled by any group and challenges listeners to reflect on their own understanding and portrayal of Jesus.

3/14/21 :: Unconditional Love


This sermon reflects on the topic of unconditional love, particularly the love of a mother. It discusses the concept of the Church as a community of friends drawn together by the friendship of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and graciousness. The sermon also highlights the vital role of positive parenting in society, as the home is where attitudes are formed.

3/14/21 :: Love at Full Stretch


This sermon focuses on the concept of 'love at full stretch', drawing parallels between the love of a parent and the love of God. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, just as the Lord has forgiven us, and the graciousness of love. The sermon also reflects on the unconditional love experienced at home, which serves as our first encounter with such love.

3/7/21 :: The Power of God's Foolishness


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the transitory nature of human power and the enduring strength of God's wisdom. Drawing from his personal experiences and biblical teachings, he contrasts the might of superpowers like Rome and the seeming powerlessness of the Church. He emphasizes the importance of faith in navigating uncertain times and the need for each generation to make the faith its own.

2/28/21 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the journey of faith, using the story of Abraham as a metaphor. He discusses the challenges and doubts that can arise along the way, and the importance of trust and patience in God's timing. He also draws parallels between Abraham's journey and the path of self-sacrifice that Jesus calls his disciples to follow.

2/28/21 :: Transfiguration: A Different Angle


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of Transfiguration and encourages the congregation to look at Jesus from a different angle. He emphasizes that Jesus is not just a teacher, but God's beloved Son, and His teachings should change the way we act, think, and live. This new perspective also changes how we view ourselves and others, highlighting our potential as beings made in God's image.

2/14/21 :: Transfiguration and Insight


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of transfiguration and how it relates to our understanding of Jesus. He discusses the highs and lows of life and faith, and the role of the Church as the Body of Christ in providing support and hope. He also addresses the impact of the ongoing pandemic and the Church's responsibility to be a beacon of light and hope in society.

2/14/21 :: Signs of Hope


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of hope in the midst of adversity, using the metaphor of a solitary daffodil blooming in the frost as a sign of better times ahead. He draws parallels between the current Covid-19 pandemic and the Transfiguration of Jesus, emphasizing the need for resilience and faith. He encourages the congregation to be 'signs of hope' in their communities.

2/7/21 :: Creation's Purpose


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of creation and its purpose. He recalls how his journey to faith began in physics classes, where he pondered the order and purpose in the universe. He discusses the teachings of French theologian, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Apostle Paul, both of whom saw a progression and purpose in creation. Kevin emphasizes that our care for the world and for each other are integral parts of our worship and response to God's love.

4/10/20 :: The Crucifixion


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, drawing parallels between the clarity that glasses bring to vision and the clarity that faith brings to understanding the significance of the crucifixion. He emphasizes that while the world may see the crucifixion as a victory of hate and ugliness over love, through the lens of faith, it is seen as God acting in power.

4/9/20 :: The Act of Self-Emptying Service


This sermon reflects on the Gospel reading for Maundy Thursday 2020, which emphasizes Jesus' act of washing his disciples' feet. It discusses the significance of this act as a symbol of self-emptying service and humility. The sermon encourages us to emulate this act in our lives, to empty ourselves of pride and self-centeredness, and to love one another as Jesus loved us.

4/5/20 :: Palm Sunday - Year A


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'I' crossed out, symbolizing selflessness and obedience, as exemplified by Jesus. He emphasizes the importance of living a life of encouragement, love, and honor, rejecting prejudice and hatred. He also encourages us to be the 'aroma of Christ' and 'letters of Christ', being a presence and witness of Christ beyond words and actions.

3/29/20 :: Lent 5 - 2020


This sermon reflects on the challenges and lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic, drawing on reflections from Bill Gates. It emphasizes the importance of community, faith, and self-reflection in these trying times. The sermon also discusses the story of the resurrection of Lazarus, drawing parallels to the metaphorical 'tombs' we find ourselves in and the power of Jesus to release us from them.

3/29/20 :: Covid-19: A Spiritual Perspective


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the spiritual lessons that the Covid-19 pandemic is teaching us. He emphasizes that the virus is a reminder of our equality, interconnectedness, and the importance of health, family, and our true purpose. He also highlights the choices we have in how we respond, and the opportunity for growth and learning.

3/22/20 :: Mothering Sunday - Year A


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2020, reflects on the profound effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on society. It emphasizes the importance of community in these trying times and the hope symbolized by children, who represent the future. The sermon also draws parallels between the current crisis and the biblical story of Jeremiah, highlighting the resilience and hope inherent in humanity.

3/22/20 :: Unity in Crisis


Kevin's sermon reflects on the unprecedented challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and community spirit. He urges everyone to practice social distancing, support healthcare workers, and maintain hope during this national emergency. The core message is about coming together by staying apart, and the power of collective action in the face of a global crisis.

3/7/20 :: Reflection on Corona Virus Epidemic


This sermon reflects on the Corona Virus Epidemic, drawing parallels with biblical stories and the human tendency to believe in our own omnipotence. It emphasizes the importance of community and our responsibilities to each other during such times.

3/7/20 :: We Are Not Kings


This sermon discusses the human perception of control over the world and its consequences. It draws parallels between the biblical plagues of Egypt and the modern-day disasters like Covid-19, wildfires, and floods. The sermon emphasizes that despite our advancements, we are not the masters of nature and our actions have consequences.

3/1/20 :: Imperfections and Grace


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Lent in 2020, explores the theme of human imperfection and God's grace. It reflects on the fallibility of even the most respected figures, such as Jean Vanier, and the ability of God to work through flawed individuals. It emphasizes the understanding and mercy of Jesus, who experienced human life and its challenges.

2/16/20 :: Religion and Politics


The sermon discusses the intersection of religion and politics, emphasizing the importance of religious conviction in informing political choices. It highlights the concept of covenant in the political process, which presupposes reciprocity, mutual respect, and consent. The sermon also stresses the role of justice in society, particularly in protecting the weak and marginalized.

2/16/20 :: The Power of Now


This sermon emphasizes the importance of rest and the power of the present moment. It explores the concept of Sabbath, a day of rest and gladness, and the need to make time for God amidst the busyness of modern life. It also addresses the fears and anxieties that come with life's responsibilities, and the need to bring these concerns into the presence of God.

4/19/19 :: Good Friday - The Two Mary's


This sermon, delivered on Good Friday 2019, takes us to the foot of the Cross, focusing on the two Mary's - Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The sermon explores the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the boundless love of God. It emphasizes that Jesus' death is a triumph of God's loving purposes, not a desolation.

4/18/19 :: The Servant King


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and his sacrifice on the cross. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the grace of Jesus, and following his example of service and humility. The sermon encourages listeners to not only admire Jesus' actions but to embody them in their own lives.

4/14/19 :: Palm Sunday - Family Service


This sermon from Palm Sunday 2019 focuses on the concept of 'I' and how it can be used both positively and negatively. It emphasizes the importance of controlling the 'I' and aligning our attitudes and lives with Jesus. The sermon concludes with the prayer of St Ignatius, providing a pattern for living in the footsteps of Jesus.

4/14/19 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the concept of life and faith as a journey. He emphasizes the importance of baptism and confirmation as key milestones in this journey. He draws parallels between our personal journey and Jesus' journey to his crucifixion, highlighting the power of Jesus' resurrection and the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping us in the likeness of Christ. The sermon concludes with a quote from Dietrich Boenhoffer, emphasizing the transformative power of Christ's incarnation.

4/7/19 :: Extravagance of Love


In this sermon, Kevin delves into the story of Mary anointing Jesus' feet with expensive perfume, a moment of calm amidst the tumultuous events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. He explores the themes of exuberance and extravagance, drawing parallels with the Incarnation and the self-emptying, self-abandoning love of Christ. He encourages listeners to respond to Christ's love with the same extravagance, allowing it to permeate every aspect of their lives.

3/31/19 :: Journey to Confirmation


Kevin shares about the journey of the confirmation group, their activities, and their study of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging mistakes and making a fresh start, symbolized by the group exercise of writing down regrets and burning them. He invites the congregation to support these young people in their spiritual journey.

3/31/19 :: Mothering Sunday and the Prodigal Son


On Mothering Sunday, traditionally observed as the Fourth Sunday in Lent, Kevin reflects on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. He draws parallels between the unconditional love of a parent and the love of God for us. He shares a personal story of a family in Ahoghill, whose sons were caught in addiction, yet the mother's love remained unwavering. This sermon emphasizes the power of unconditional love and forgiveness.

3/17/19 :: Journey of Reconciliation


This sermon, delivered on St. Patrick's Day 2019, explores the journey of St. Patrick, from being a slave to becoming a beacon of the Gospel. It discusses how we respond when life goes wrong and emphasizes the importance of not retaliating but seeking reconciliation. The sermon also addresses the recent terrorist attack in New Zealand, condemning all forms of terrorism and urging listeners to stand alongside voices of reason and truth.

3/10/19 :: Temptation and Identity


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of temptation, using the example of Jesus in the wilderness. He discusses the struggle of being true to oneself in the face of temptation and the importance of not taking the easy option. He encourages us to be trustworthy, compassionate, and forgiving, striving to do what Jesus would do in any given situation.

3/10/19 :: Temptation and Faith


This sermon discusses the personal experience of temptation and how it relates to Christian faith and discipleship. It emphasizes the importance of free will and personal responsibility in making moral decisions. The sermon also highlights the role of faith in overcoming temptation, drawing on biblical examples of encounters with God in the wilderness.

2/24/19 :: Creation in Disarray


This sermon discusses the concept of a creation in disarray, drawing parallels between a manufacturer recalling faulty cars and the need for God's intervention in a flawed world. It emphasizes Jesus' authority over all aspects of a dysfunctional creation, as demonstrated through his miracles and healings. The sermon also explores the discomfort that can come with Jesus' presence and challenges, and the ultimate healing and restoration that follows.

2/24/19 :: Standing on Holy Ground


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of standing on 'holy ground', using the Transfiguration of Jesus as a reference point. He discusses the importance of acknowledging the mystery of Christ and the need for reflection, especially during the Lent season. The sermon also includes the celebration of a baptism, marking the beginning of a spiritual journey.

2/17/19 :: The Call of Peter


This sermon reflects on the story of Peter's call by Jesus, as told by St Luke. It explores the stages of Peter's call, from Jesus meeting him in his own territory to the transformation of a place of failure into a place of success with Jesus's presence. The sermon encourages us to venture into our 'deep places' of fear and failure, not alone, but with the presence of Christ.

4/14/17 :: Suffering and God's Love


This sermon explores the question of where God is in the midst of suffering. Drawing from the experiences of the world and personal stories, it emphasizes the deep love of God that is present even in times of great pain and loss. The sermon also highlights the power of faith and hope in overcoming despair.

4/13/17 :: Holy Week Reflection


This sermon reflects on the significance of Jesus washing the disciples' feet during Holy Week. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the grace of Jesus' actions, and the call to follow his example of selfless service. The sermon also highlights the eternal significance of these events, not just as historical occurrences, but as cornerstones of Christian faith.

4/2/17 :: Raising of Lazarus


This sermon is about the story of Lazarus, a man who was raised from the dead by Jesus. The sermon explores the themes of love, death, and resurrection, and how these themes relate to our own lives. It suggests that Jesus' love for Lazarus, and his power to bring him back to life, is a metaphor for the spiritual resurrection that we can all experience.

3/19/17 :: Exiles and the Gospel


This sermon, delivered on the Sunday closest to St Patrick's Day in 2017, reflects on the theme of exile, drawing parallels between St Patrick's life and the story of the woman at the well. It also touches on contemporary issues such as human trafficking, societal ostracization, and the treatment of refugees.

3/12/17 :: Born of the Spirit


In this family service for the second Sunday of Lent, Kevin explores the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, emphasizing the concept of being 'born again' and the significance of the Holy Spirit. He reflects on the importance of personal relationships with God, symbolized by the prayer of Confirmation. The sermon also touches on understanding Jesus as a teacher, friend, and healer, and the transformative power of the cross.

3/5/17 :: Temptation and Relationship with God


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Lent in 2017, discusses the theme of temptation and its role in undermining our relationship with God. Drawing from the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness and the temptation in the Garden of Eden, the sermon emphasizes that sin, at its heart, is about a breakdown of a relationship. It also reassures that Jesus, our great high priest, truly understands our struggles and temptations.

2/26/17 :: Transfigured and Transformed


This sermon focuses on the concept of transformation, using biblical references from Matthew 17:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, and Romans 12:2. It discusses the transfiguration of Jesus and how we, as believers, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. The sermon emphasizes the importance of not conforming to the world but being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

2/26/17 :: Transfiguration: A Journey of Transformation


This sermon discusses the story of Transfiguration, emphasizing the importance of not clinging to spiritual experiences but focusing on the person of Jesus. It encourages the congregation to allow their encounters with Christ to transform them, rather than seeking to perpetuate the experience. The sermon concludes with a reminder of God's intention for us to be living expressions of his blessing.

2/12/17 :: Understanding Identity and Purpose


This sermon by Kevin Brew, delivered on the 4th Sunday before Lent in 2017, explores the concept of identity and purpose. He encourages the congregation to understand themselves in terms of relationships and love, and to reflect on the fundamental questions of 'Who am I?', 'Why am I here?' and 'What is my purpose?'. He emphasizes the importance of love for God and neighbor, and the need for justice, righteousness, and care for the marginalized in a Christian society.

2/12/17 :: God, the Creator


This sermon explores the theme of God as the creator, who is not indifferent to us but knows, loves, and cares. It emphasizes the importance of seeking to understand God's thoughts and intentions, rather than focusing on individual phenomena or details. The sermon encourages listening and watching to know God better, highlighting the importance of prayer as a means of communication with God.

3/20/16 :: Palm Sunday - Family Service 2016


This sermon reflects on the events of Palm Sunday and Holy Week, drawing parallels between the historical events and our modern lives. It emphasizes the importance of selflessness and love, as exemplified by Jesus. The sermon also discusses the power of the word 'I' and how it can be used both positively and negatively, urging us to 'cross out' the 'I' in our lives, symbolizing selflessness and humility.

3/20/16 :: Journey of Covenant


This sermon discusses the theme of 'Covenant' that has been followed throughout the Lent season. It explores the relationship between God and man, the promises and commitments made, and the recurring theme of failure and reconciliation. The sermon also highlights the journey of the people in and out of promise, and the enduring hope rooted in the belief that God is with his people, even in his apparent absence.

3/6/16 :: Mothering Sunday


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Lent, also known as Mothering Sunday, explores the feminine aspects of God's love. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical references, the sermon emphasizes the nurturing, understanding, and unending love of God, likened to a mother's love for her child.

2/28/16 :: The God of Second Chances


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of a gardener and a fig tree to illustrate God's patience and willingness to give second chances. He emphasizes that God sees potential in us, even when we fail to see it in ourselves. He also highlights the importance of the concept of Covenant in the Old Testament, and how it signifies God's enduring invitation for us to return to Him, despite our repeated failures.

2/21/16 :: Covenant and Community


Kevin explores the theme of Covenant within the community during Lent, emphasizing the importance of relationships and reconciliation. He reflects on the Old Testament stories of sibling rivalries and their resolutions, drawing parallels to the need for reconciliation within the Christian community. The sermon concludes with a call to embody the peace and love of Christ in our daily lives, inspired by the prayer of St. Francis.

2/14/16 :: Community Covenant


This sermon explores the theme of sibling rivalry and reconciliation in the Bible, drawing from the stories of Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, and Joseph and his brothers. It also discusses the relationships between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

2/14/16 :: Love and Lent


On Valentine's Day, which also marks the first day of Lent, the sermon explores the concept of love. It emphasizes the importance of showing love through actions, not just words. It also highlights the need to show love for God by caring for the world He has given us.

2/7/16 :: The Music of Eternity


This sermon discusses the importance of finding a quiet place to worship and connect with God. It emphasizes the transformative power of God's presence and how it can help us to both see and reflect the Lord's glory. The sermon also encourages us to step back from the noise of the world and tune into the music of eternity.

4/3/15 :: Good Friday 2015


This sermon reflects on the significance of Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified. It explores the eternal significance of the Cross, the pain and loneliness Jesus experienced, and the ultimate triumph of his sacrifice. It emphasizes the personal relevance of the Cross, urging believers to see Jesus' sacrifice as not just a general act, but one that was done for each individual.

4/2/15 :: Servant Love


This sermon, delivered on Maundy Thursday, 2015, explores the concept of 'Servant Love' as exemplified by Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. It emphasizes the importance of humility, service, and love in the Christian life. The sermon also underscores the importance of receiving God's love before being able to effectively show it to others.

3/22/15 :: Anticipation and Significance


This sermon discusses the themes of anticipation and significance, drawing parallels between events like a solar eclipse and the Six Nations matches to the anticipation and significance of the coming of Jesus Christ. It explores the prophetic words of hope and new beginnings from Jeremiah, and the expectation of a messianic figure who would restore the Kingdom of Israel. The sermon ends with a powerful quote from C.S. Lewis about the divinity of Jesus.

3/15/15 :: Love and Forgiveness


The sermon discusses the importance of love, forgiveness, and patience in relationships, particularly in marriage. It emphasizes the need for understanding, forbearance, and charity towards each other. The sermon also highlights the role of Christ in our everyday lives and the healing power of reconciliation.

3/8/15 :: The Power of God's Foolishness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of human power versus divine power, using historical and contemporary examples. He discusses the fall of the Roman Empire, the Cold War, and the financial crisis, contrasting these with the enduring power of God's 'foolishness' and 'weakness'. He emphasizes the need for each generation to make faith their own, and challenges listeners to choose their guiding light between God's 'foolishness' and man's.

3/1/15 :: The Recipe of Life


The sermon focuses on the importance of following God's 'recipe' for life. It uses the analogy of baking a cake, emphasizing that just as a cake requires the right ingredients and instructions, so does a fulfilling life require adherence to God's teachings. The sermon was part of a service involving a confirmation class, who are preparing to affirm their faith.

2/22/15 :: Breaking Through Barriers


Kevin reflects on Lent as a time not just for giving up things, but for introspection and creating space in our lives. He emphasizes the importance of meditation, generosity, and new beginnings. The sermon draws connections between the tearing of the heavens during Jesus' baptism and the tearing of the Temple veil, symbolizing the breaking down of barriers between God and humanity. Kevin encourages us to be instruments of peace and to break down barriers in our own lives, following the example of Jesus.

2/8/15 :: Wonderful World


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the beauty of the world we live in and how we often overlook it due to our busy lives. He emphasizes that we are all unique creations of God and that we are all made in God's image. He encourages us to appreciate and marvel at God's creation and to understand our purpose in life as God's children.

2/8/15 :: Purpose and Providence


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of God's purpose in creation and the idea of providence. He addresses the problem of evil and suffering in the world, and how these challenges can be faced with faith. The sermon emphasizes on the power of resurrection and the peace that comes from God's solidarity in suffering.

4/18/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon, delivered on Good Friday, explores the transition from the cheers of Palm Sunday to the jeers of Good Friday. It delves into the raw pain of the Passion, the manipulation, the cynicism, the fear, and the panic, with Jesus at the center of it all. It emphasizes that while the events of Good Friday were unfolding, those watching could only see and feel the pain, but later, they would understand the full significance of Jesus' sacrifice.

4/16/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon reflects on the betrayal of Jesus by Judas during Holy Week. It explores the motivations behind Judas' actions and the concept of personal agendas. It emphasizes that God's purposes are not limited by our own narrow visions and that He works through us despite our imperfections.

4/15/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon focuses on the concept of crisis and judgement, using the metaphor of a seed that must be buried before it can come to life. It emphasizes the importance of self-surrender to find our true selves and God. The sermon also highlights the impending crisis that Jesus faces and the judgement that comes with it.

4/14/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon reflects on the change in mood during the week before Passover, from Jesus' enthusiastic entry into Jerusalem to his death on Calvary. It follows the journey through the eyes of St John, beginning six days before the Passover in the house of Lazarus. The sermon highlights the extravagant expressions of gratitude and love shown by Mary and the acceptance of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of sincerity, gratitude, and love in our offerings of worship and service.

4/13/14 :: Journey to the Cross


This sermon, delivered on Palm Sunday 2014, discusses life as a journey to God, with Holy Week being a time for refocusing on that journey. It emphasizes the need for each believer to make their own journey to the foot of the Cross of Christ. The sermon also explores the different perspectives of those present at Jesus' crucifixion, and challenges listeners to consider their own response to Jesus.

4/6/14 :: Journey Towards God


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of life as a journey towards God, and how each person's journey is a personal pilgrimage. He explores the distractions and negative feelings that can lead us astray, such as fear, despair, and guilt. Despite these challenges, Kevin emphasizes that God is always with us, even in our moments of pain and despair.

3/30/14 :: Mothering Sunday Reflection


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2014, reflects on the significance of the day beyond the commercialized 'Mother's Day'. It emphasizes the importance of gratitude for those who nurtured us, as well as the spiritual significance of returning to our 'mother church'. The sermon also includes a baptism and a reflection on the Christian journey, reminding us of the promises made at baptism and the importance of living in response to these promises.

3/23/14 :: Unity in Diversity


This sermon, delivered on the third Sunday of Lent in 2014, discusses the importance of unity in the Church, despite differences in race, culture, class, and gender. It emphasizes the teachings of Jesus, who broke down barriers and promoted inclusion. The sermon also touches on the future of the Parish, stressing the need for mutual understanding, respect, and willingness to defer to one another.

3/16/14 :: Lent 2 - St Patrick's Day 2014


This sermon reflects on the spirituality of the Celtic Church and its rediscovery in the life of the Iona community. It draws upon the image of the beloved disciple, leaning on Jesus' breast at the last supper, listening to the heart beat of God. It also discusses the Synod of Whitby in 664, the meeting between the Celtic and Roman Christian missions, and the influence of St John and St Peter on these missions.

3/9/14 :: Temptation and Grace


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of temptation, using the story of Jesus's temptation in the wilderness as a basis. He discusses the inner turmoil of temptation and the loneliness that can accompany it. However, he also highlights the solidarity and understanding we can find in Jesus, who experienced the same temptations yet remained without sin. This sermon encourages us to approach God's throne of grace with boldness, seeking mercy and grace in times of need.

3/5/14 :: Ash Wednesday 2014


This sermon discusses the human emotion of guilt and its potential to be a positive influence in challenging behaviors and attitudes. It also talks about the debilitating effects of unresolved guilt. The sermon uses Psalm 51, associated with David's guilt over his affair with Bathsheba, to illustrate the idea of new beginnings built on honesty before God.

2/23/14 :: Journey of Faith and Transfiguration


The sermon explores the speaker's journey from agnosticism to faith, driven by a fascination with the natural world and science. It discusses the concept of 'transfiguration', using the biblical story of Jesus' transfiguration as a metaphor for personal spiritual transformation. The sermon emphasizes the Christian life as a process of becoming more like Jesus, of growing into Christ.

2/16/14 :: Who Am I?


In this sermon, Kevin Brew explores the fundamental questions of identity, purpose, and our relationship with God. He emphasizes the importance of understanding ourselves in relation to God and others, and the need for our spirituality to inspire and transform our daily lives. The sermon calls for justice, love, and mercy, and the need to live out our dignity and vocation as ones made in the image of God.

2/16/14 :: How Big Is Your God?


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of 'How big is our God?' He reflects on the biblical stories of creation, covenant, and redemption, and how they reveal God's greatness and relevance in our lives. He encourages us to recognize God's presence in our daily lives and challenges, and to allow our faith to impact our decisions, attitudes, and relationships.

3/29/13 :: The Victim


This sermon reflects on the different characters who participated in the first Holy Week, their hopes, ideas, and how Jesus related to them. It particularly focuses on Jesus' crucifixion, seen through the eyes of faith as God acting in power. The sermon emphasizes that 'It is finished' is not a cry of despair but a shout of triumph, signifying the completion of God's intended task.

3/28/13 :: Truth and Kingdoms


This sermon, given during Holy Week 2013, reflects on the character of Pilate and his interaction with Jesus. It explores the concept of truth as presented in the Gospel of John and how it relates to our understanding of Jesus. The sermon also discusses the intersection of the Kingdom of God and the world, and how the values of the world can impact the Church and individual Christians.

3/26/13 :: Were You There: Caiaphas


This sermon, part of the Holy Week series, focuses on the character of Caiaphas, the High Priest, during the crucifixion of Jesus. It explores the religious establishment's reaction to Jesus and the tragic inability of Caiaphas to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. The sermon emphasizes the importance of taking the claims of Jesus seriously and warns against indifference.

3/24/13 :: Palm Sunday 2013 - Baptism


The sermon discusses the concept of life and faith as a journey, using the framework of the Church of Ireland Service of Baptism. It emphasizes the continuous learning and discovery in life, faith, and understanding God. The sermon also highlights the importance of the promises of Baptism and the journey of Jesus from Galilee to Jerusalem, culminating in his death and resurrection.

3/17/13 :: Shine as a Light in the World


On St Patrick's Day, this sermon reflects on the life of St Patrick, his journey of faith, and his mission to spread the Gospel in Ireland. The sermon draws parallels between Patrick's mission and the call for all Christians to be 'a letter of Christ', shining as a light in the world. It emphasizes the importance of community, support, and encouragement in the Christian journey.

3/10/13 :: The Special Pet


This sermon uses the metaphor of a pet to explore the challenges and rewards of parenthood. It highlights the responsibilities and dedication required in raising a child, from constant care and attention to dealing with mess and mischief. The sermon concludes with a surprise reveal, using a mirror to show that the 'special pet' is in fact the listener themselves, prompting reflection on self-care and personal growth.

3/3/13 :: Baptism: The Journey of Faith


This sermon, delivered during Lent in 2013, focuses on the sacrament of Baptism. It explores the significance of Baptism as a sacrament of beginning and inclusion, rooted in the death and resurrection of Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the journey of faith that begins with Baptism and continues throughout a Christian's life, highlighting the importance of community and the promises made during the Baptismal service.

2/24/13 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon, delivered during the second week of Lent in 2013, explores the concept of life and faith as a journey. It emphasizes the importance of the promises made during Baptism and how these set the stage for a lifelong journey of discovery and growth in faith. The sermon also highlights the communal aspect of this journey, urging the congregation to support and accompany each other.

2/17/13 :: Reflections on Baptism


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the meaning and significance of baptism. He explores the concept of spiritual birth and growth, emphasizing that faith is a journey that must be nurtured and developed. Kevin also discusses the importance of understanding our identity as members of the Body of Christ and the continual learning process involved in living a Christian life.

2/13/13 :: Ash Wednesday 2013


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of Ash Wednesday and the journey of Lent. He explores the challenges and temptations that Jesus faced in the desert and relates them to the struggles we face in our own lives. He encourages us to follow Jesus' example of humility, service, and love.

2/10/13 :: Sunday before Lent 2013


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the time Jesus went off with his disciples, Peter, James, and John. He emphasizes the importance of seeing God in Jesus and how others might see Jesus in us. He also prepares the congregation for the upcoming season of Lent, a time for self-reflection and getting closer to Jesus.

2/10/13 :: Transfiguration of Our Lord


This sermon reflects on the Transfiguration of Jesus, a crucial point in the Gospel story. It emphasizes the importance of listening, reflecting, and learning from the Gospel stories. The sermon also discusses the disciples' struggle to understand Jesus' identity and mission, and encourages believers to continue seeking understanding in the midst of life's struggles, with the assurance of Jesus' presence and power.

4/6/12 :: Good Friday 2012 - Beatitudes


This sermon reflects on the Beatitudes, simple affirmations and promises from the Sermon on the Mount. The speaker discusses the true meanings of being 'blessed', suggesting it carries the meaning of being happy or joyful. The sermon emphasizes the importance of humility, service, and self-sacrifice, and the peace and contentment that comes from being one with Christ.

4/4/12 :: Blessed are the Meek


This sermon explores the meaning of the Beatitude 'Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.' It challenges the common misconception of meekness as weakness, and instead presents it as a virtue of humility, forgiveness, and non-violence. The sermon draws on various biblical texts, including the Servant Songs from Isaiah and the parable of the guests at the banquet from Luke, to illustrate the concept of meekness.

4/1/12 :: Fools for Christ's Sake


This sermon reflects on the Beatitudes, particularly focusing on the phrase 'Blessed are the poor in spirit'. It discusses the contrast between God's foolishness and human wisdom, and the radical nature of the Beatitudes' message. The sermon also explores the concept of grace, and the joy and peace that comes from recognizing our total dependence on God.

3/18/12 :: Unconditional Love


Kevin explores the concept of unconditional love in the context of Mothering Sunday, relating it to the love of God and the love within a community of faith. He emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, graciousness, and positive parenting, drawing parallels between our relationships with each other and our relationship with God.

3/11/12 :: Follow the Maker's Instructions


This sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing our unique talents and using them to serve God and others. It highlights the significance of the commandments as the 'maker's instructions' for leading a righteous life. The sermon also reminds us that we are all made in God's image and should strive to reflect His light in our daily lives.

3/11/12 :: Letter of Christ


This sermon reflects on the life of St. Patrick and his spiritual awakening during his time as a slave. It emphasizes the concept of self-surrender and humility, drawing parallels to the teachings of Christ. The sermon concludes with a powerful prayer from the Methodist Covenant Service, expressing a commitment to selfless service and surrender to God's will.

3/4/12 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon is about the journey of faith, likening it to a physical journey through the city of Kathmandu. It discusses the challenges and uncertainties faced, but also the unexpected help and guidance received. The sermon emphasizes the importance of trust and perseverance, even when the path seems unclear.

2/26/12 :: The Image of Faith


Kevin reflects on the importance of engaging with the Scriptures, not just as stories to be heard, but as transformative teachings that shape our lives. He uses the analogy of becoming 'illustrators' of the stories we hear, embodying the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives. The sermon encourages us to be 'people of the Beatitudes', living expressions of Jesus' teachings, and to allow the Bible to resonate with and challenge our daily living.

2/22/12 :: Embracing Everlasting Life


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of engaging with the Scriptures, not just reading them, but allowing them to read us. He emphasizes the significance of the Bible in our daily lives and how it can provide both encouragement and challenge. He invites the congregation to join him in shared reflection on the Scriptures during Lent.

2/19/12 :: Creation and Providence


This sermon discusses the religious perspective on creation and the purpose of mankind. It explores the idea of providence, God's continuing interest in the world, and how this is seen through the history of the Hebrew people. The sermon also addresses the problem of evil and suffering in the world, and how faith can be challenged and reaffirmed through these experiences.

2/19/12 :: Insight and Blindness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'Transfiguration', drawing parallels between the biblical account and our own experiences of insight and blindness. He encourages the congregation to be beacons of hope and light in times of darkness and uncertainty, and calls on the Church to play a major role in society, particularly in challenging times.

2/12/12 :: Beyond Our Comfort Zones


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and recognizing that our understanding of God is always partial. He emphasizes the need for openness, inclusiveness, and humility in our faith journey. He also explores the concept of the Church as the Body of Christ, where every part is valued and contributes to the whole.

2/12/12 :: The Universe and Us


This sermon focuses on our place in the universe and God's care for us. It explores the vastness of the universe, the beauty of life on Earth, and the intricate details of our own bodies. It emphasizes that not only does God create, but He also cares deeply for His creation, including us in all our goodness and badness.

4/24/11 :: The Essence of Truth


Kevin's sermon explores the concept of truth as revealed in the scriptures, particularly focusing on the teachings of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the importance of living in truth, not just in words but through actions, and how truth is integral to the Christian faith. The sermon underscores the transformative power of truth and its role in guiding believers to live authentically and faithfully.

4/22/11 :: Pilate's Questions


In this sermon, Kevin explores the conflict between Pilate and Jesus, and the different concepts of Kingship they represent. He highlights the short-term considerations that often govern our actions and the importance of recognizing Jesus as a King. He emphasizes the Kingdom Jesus represents, based on service, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and the offer of forgiveness and reconciliation even in the midst of condemnation.

4/21/11 :: Here is your King!


This sermon, delivered during Holy Week in 2011, focuses on the trial of Jesus before Pilate as told by St John. It explores the contrasting world views and kingdoms represented by Jesus and Pilate. The sermon delves into the concept of the Kingdom of God, as represented by Jesus, and the Kingdom of the world, as represented by the Emperor and Pilate. It challenges listeners to consider who their King is and to whom they owe their ultimate spiritual allegiance.

4/19/11 :: What is Truth?


This sermon, delivered during Holy Week in 2011, explores the question posed by Pilate to Jesus: 'What is truth?'. It delves into the contrasting worldviews represented by Jesus and Pilate, and the implications of these differing perspectives for the followers of Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the importance of truth in understanding the character of Jesus and the essence of Christian life.

4/17/11 :: The Crossed Out 'I'


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of the letter 'I' crossed out to describe the selfless life of Jesus. He encourages the congregation to model their attitudes and lives on Jesus, living selflessly and obediently. He also brings out the importance of being the 'aroma of Christ' and a 'letter of Christ', living lives that draw people to Christ and are written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God.

4/17/11 :: Kingdom in Matthew


This sermon explores the use of the word 'Kingdom' in the book of Matthew. It highlights various verses where the term is used, offering a comprehensive understanding of its meaning and significance. The sermon also touches on barriers to the kingdom and who the inheritors of the kingdom are.

4/17/11 :: Here is your King


This sermon explores the use of the word 'King' in John's Gospel, examining various passages where it is mentioned. It delves into the concept of Jesus as the 'King of the Jews' and the implications of this title in the context of the Gospel. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on the nature of Jesus' kingship and its significance in their faith journey.

4/14/11 :: Salt and Light


Kevin's sermon on 14th April 2011, during the Lent season, focuses on the role of the Church and its members in society. Drawing from the Acts of the Apostles and the Sermon on the Mount, he emphasizes the need for Christians to be like 'salt and light', spreading the love of Christ and serving those outside the Church. He challenges the Church to avoid becoming insular and to live out their faith in the world.

4/10/11 :: Hope in Desolation


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between the desolation of the battlefield of Solferino, the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel's vision, and the tomb of Lazarus. He emphasizes the transformative power of God's love, which can turn places of death and despair into symbols of life and hope. He also stresses the importance of being not only recipients of grace but also channels of grace.

4/10/11 :: Apollo 13 - Telling the Whole Story


This sermon uses the story of Apollo 13 to illustrate the importance of understanding the whole story of Easter. It emphasizes that to fully appreciate the wonder of resurrection, we need to know the reality of the Cross. The sermon concludes with a reminder of God's love for us, demonstrated through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

4/7/11 :: Religion and Politics


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the intersection of religion and politics, using historical examples from Northern Ireland, South Africa, and the USA. He emphasizes the importance of compassion and justice in politics, and warns against letting politics demean religion. The sermon draws on the words of Micah 6:8, urging us to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

4/3/11 :: Mothering Sunday - 2011


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday of 2011, discusses the importance and challenges of parenting. It highlights the role of love, values, and responsibility in raising a child. The sermon also reflects on the speaker's own experiences as a parent and child, and relates these to the understanding of God as a Father.

3/13/11 :: Born Again


This sermon, delivered during the Lent season in 2011, explores the concept of being 'born again' in the Christian faith. The speaker uses the examples of Peter and Paul from the New Testament to illustrate the varied and individual nature of spiritual birth. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of inclusiveness, respect for different theological perspectives, and the need for ongoing attentiveness to the Spirit in the Church of Ireland.

3/9/11 :: Ash Wednesday 2011


This sermon discusses the theme of journey, as seen in the Old Testament, and relates it to our own life journey. It emphasizes the importance of community, repentance, and reflection in this journey. The sermon also draws parallels between the journey of faith and the political journey of the nation, urging the congregation to be guided by spiritual heritage and the teachings of the prophet Micah.

2/27/11 :: Sunday before Lent


This sermon reflects on the story of the Transfiguration of our Lord and the disciples' journey with Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of not just admiring Jesus, but obeying and following him. The sermon also discusses the disciples' struggle to understand who Jesus was and assures that Jesus is with us in our struggles and searches.

2/20/11 :: Choices and Consequences


In this sermon, Kevin emphasizes the importance of choices in our lives. He discusses the different levels of choices we make, from mundane daily decisions to life-altering ones. He also highlights how our choices reflect our values and faith, and how they can have far-reaching implications. Kevin calls for a rediscovery of community values and a commitment to making choices that lead to life and blessings.

2/13/11 :: Religion and Politics


The sermon discusses the role of religious conviction in political choices, emphasizing the importance of voting with integrity and considering the greater good of society. It explores the concept of covenant in politics, which implies mutual respect and consent between the governed and the governors. The sermon urges the congregation to reflect on how their Christian values influence their political decisions.

4/2/10 :: Holy Week 2010 - Good Friday


This sermon is centered around the hymn 'There is a green hill far away' and the events of Good Friday. It explores the deep pain experienced by Jesus on the cross and the profound love of God that led to the ultimate sacrifice. The sermon emphasizes the personal, relational aspect of God's love and encourages us to respond to this love by living out our faith.

4/2/10 :: The Pain of the Cross


This sermon reflects on the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, and the profound impact this event has on the believer's faith. The sermon emphasizes the personal and relational aspect of God's love, and how it calls for a response from the believer. It also highlights the transformative power of Christ's death and resurrection, which brings new life and hope to believers.

4/1/10 :: The Green Hill Far Away


This sermon reflects on the hymn 'There is a green hill far away' during Holy Week 2010. It explores the themes of divine love, sacrifice, redemption and our response to these. The sermon emphasizes the cost of Christ's love, the vulnerability in God's love for us, and the power of love to redeem and change lives.

3/30/10 :: The Green Hill Far Away


This sermon reflects on the power of hymns in spiritual formation, specifically focusing on the hymn 'There is a green hill far away'. It explores the mystery of the Cross, the pain Jesus had to bear, and the extravagant, unconditional love of God. The sermon encourages listeners to not only use their intellect but also their heart and soul to comprehend the depth of Christ's love.

3/28/10 :: Holy Week 2010


This sermon, delivered during Holy Week 2010, explores the themes of divine love, sacrifice, redemption, and our response to these. It reflects on the pain and loneliness experienced by Jesus, the vulnerability of God's love, and the power of love to bring about redemption and change. The sermon encourages us to respond to God's love by embodying it in our own lives.

3/28/10 :: Holy Week 2010


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the events of the Cross through the words of Mrs Alexander’s hymn, 'There is a green hill far away'. He emphasizes the power of hymns in spiritual formation and the importance of understanding the Cross beyond an intellectual exercise. The sermon also explores the pain and sacrifice of Jesus, the vulnerability of God's love, and the call for everyone to show that love.

3/24/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit: Gentleness


This sermon is part of a series on the Fruits of the Spirit, focusing on gentleness. It discusses how gentleness and self-control are not innate, but are fruits of the Spirit that come from allowing God's Holy Spirit to live and work within us. It emphasizes that Christian life is not always easy, and that it involves pain, sacrifice, and misunderstanding. The sermon also explores the barriers to gentleness, such as pride and wilfulness.

3/21/10 :: Letter of Christ


This sermon reflects on the life and teachings of St. Patrick, emphasizing his role as a 'letter of Christ' spreading the message of Christianity. It also discusses the journey of faith that young people embark on during their teenage years, and the importance of the church community in supporting them through this journey.

3/21/10 :: Letter of Christ


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday of Lent in 2010, reflects on the life and teachings of St. Patrick, and the concept of each believer being a 'letter of Christ'. It discusses the challenges and transitions faced by teenagers, and the importance of the church community in supporting them. The sermon emphasizes the need for believers to embody Christ's teachings and be a living testament of His love and grace.

3/14/10 :: Mothering Sunday


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2010, explores the concept of home and the role of mothers. It emphasizes the importance of living together, loving together, and learning together. It also highlights the crucial role of mothers in nurturing, understanding, and caring for their families.

3/14/10 :: Mothering Sunday


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2010, explores the concept of home and the role of mothers. It emphasizes the importance of living together, loving together, and learning together. The sermon also underscores the significance of mothers, who often go unnoticed and taken for granted, in shaping our lives.

3/10/10 :: Patience - Fruits of the Spirit


This sermon explores the concept of patience as a fruit of the Spirit. It delves into the biblical accounts of God's patience with humanity, Jesus' patience with his disciples, and how patience allows space for healing in relationships. The sermon encourages believers to show the same patience God has shown them, not seeking immediate revenge for wrongs done to them.

3/7/10 :: Thirst for God


This sermon, delivered on the third Sunday of Lent in 2010, uses the metaphor of a marathon runner's thirst to explore the deep spiritual thirst that humans have for God. It discusses the different types of thirst found in the Bible, from physical thirst to a deeper spiritual longing, and emphasizes that only God can satisfy this deep-seated hunger within us.

3/7/10 :: Thirst for God


In this sermon from Lent 3, 2010, Kevin uses the metaphor of a marathon runner's thirst to explore our spiritual thirst for God. He discusses the different ways 'thirst' is used in the Bible, from physical need to spiritual desire, and how our thirst for God is a fundamental part of our humanity. The sermon concludes with the idea that there is a God-shaped hole in our lives that only God can fill.

2/28/10 :: Faith Amidst Trials


The sermon discusses the enduring faith of individuals despite life's trials and tribulations. It emphasizes that belief in God does not insulate us from hardships but equips us with the courage and hope to face them. The sermon draws on the story of Abraham and Sophie O’Neill, demonstrating that faith is not an escape from reality but a means to engage with God amidst everyday challenges.

2/28/10 :: Faith Amidst Trials


This sermon explores the theme of maintaining faith in God during difficult times, using the story of Sophie O'Neill and Abraham's journey as examples. It emphasizes that faith in God does not insulate us from trials and tribulations, but equips us to live with courage and hope.

2/24/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit - Joy


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of joy as a fruit of the Spirit. He discusses the importance of harmony with God and our neighbours, and how joy is a deeper emotion that arises from love experienced in Christ. He also emphasizes that joy is a gift from God, not something we can manufacture ourselves.

2/21/10 :: Temptation and Faith


This sermon discusses the personal experience of temptation and how it relates to Christian faith and discipleship. It explores the inner tension faced when making moral decisions and the struggle between self-focus and aligning with God. The sermon emphasizes the importance of prayer and faith in navigating these challenges.

2/21/10 :: The Struggle with Temptation


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the personal experience of temptation and how it affects our Christian faith and discipleship. He explores the concept of free will and the inner battle between self and God. He also highlights the importance of prayer and seeking God's presence in times of trial.

2/17/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit: Love


The sermon focuses on the concept of Love as a fruit of the Spirit. It emphasizes the self-giving, self-sacrificing nature of Christian love, drawing parallels with God's unfailing mercy. The ultimate expression of love is seen in Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The sermon encourages believers to show a healing, reconciling, and redeeming love in their lives, just like Jesus.

3/15/09 :: The Foolishness of God


This sermon discusses the concept of human power versus divine power, drawing on historical and contemporary examples. It contrasts the might of the Roman Empire with the 'weakness' of the Church, and the sophistication of Graeco-Roman culture with the simplicity of Christian teachings. The sermon concludes with the assertion that God's 'foolishness' and 'weakness' are wiser and stronger than human wisdom and strength.

3/8/09 :: Choices in Lent


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of temptation and choices, emphasizing that they are part and parcel of our human condition. He encourages us to let our Christian commitment challenge our social and cultural norms. He highlights the importance of self-denial and conforming to Christ in our decision-making process, especially in times of societal challenges.