Posts tagged Holy_Week

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

4/10/20 :: The Crucifixion


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, drawing parallels between the clarity that glasses bring to vision and the clarity that faith brings to understanding the significance of the crucifixion. He emphasizes that while the world may see the crucifixion as a victory of hate and ugliness over love, through the lens of faith, it is seen as God acting in power.

4/9/20 :: The Act of Self-Emptying Service


This sermon reflects on the Gospel reading for Maundy Thursday 2020, which emphasizes Jesus' act of washing his disciples' feet. It discusses the significance of this act as a symbol of self-emptying service and humility. The sermon encourages us to emulate this act in our lives, to empty ourselves of pride and self-centeredness, and to love one another as Jesus loved us.

4/19/19 :: Good Friday - The Two Mary's


This sermon, delivered on Good Friday 2019, takes us to the foot of the Cross, focusing on the two Mary's - Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The sermon explores the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the boundless love of God. It emphasizes that Jesus' death is a triumph of God's loving purposes, not a desolation.

4/18/19 :: The Servant King


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and his sacrifice on the cross. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the grace of Jesus, and following his example of service and humility. The sermon encourages listeners to not only admire Jesus' actions but to embody them in their own lives.

4/14/17 :: Suffering and God's Love


This sermon explores the question of where God is in the midst of suffering. Drawing from the experiences of the world and personal stories, it emphasizes the deep love of God that is present even in times of great pain and loss. The sermon also highlights the power of faith and hope in overcoming despair.

4/13/17 :: Holy Week Reflection


This sermon reflects on the significance of Jesus washing the disciples' feet during Holy Week. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the grace of Jesus' actions, and the call to follow his example of selfless service. The sermon also highlights the eternal significance of these events, not just as historical occurrences, but as cornerstones of Christian faith.

4/3/15 :: Good Friday 2015


This sermon reflects on the significance of Good Friday, the day Jesus Christ was crucified. It explores the eternal significance of the Cross, the pain and loneliness Jesus experienced, and the ultimate triumph of his sacrifice. It emphasizes the personal relevance of the Cross, urging believers to see Jesus' sacrifice as not just a general act, but one that was done for each individual.

4/2/15 :: Servant Love


This sermon, delivered on Maundy Thursday, 2015, explores the concept of 'Servant Love' as exemplified by Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. It emphasizes the importance of humility, service, and love in the Christian life. The sermon also underscores the importance of receiving God's love before being able to effectively show it to others.

4/18/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon, delivered on Good Friday, explores the transition from the cheers of Palm Sunday to the jeers of Good Friday. It delves into the raw pain of the Passion, the manipulation, the cynicism, the fear, and the panic, with Jesus at the center of it all. It emphasizes that while the events of Good Friday were unfolding, those watching could only see and feel the pain, but later, they would understand the full significance of Jesus' sacrifice.

4/16/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon reflects on the betrayal of Jesus by Judas during Holy Week. It explores the motivations behind Judas' actions and the concept of personal agendas. It emphasizes that God's purposes are not limited by our own narrow visions and that He works through us despite our imperfections.

4/15/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon focuses on the concept of crisis and judgement, using the metaphor of a seed that must be buried before it can come to life. It emphasizes the importance of self-surrender to find our true selves and God. The sermon also highlights the impending crisis that Jesus faces and the judgement that comes with it.

4/14/14 :: From Cheers to Jeers


This sermon reflects on the change in mood during the week before Passover, from Jesus' enthusiastic entry into Jerusalem to his death on Calvary. It follows the journey through the eyes of St John, beginning six days before the Passover in the house of Lazarus. The sermon highlights the extravagant expressions of gratitude and love shown by Mary and the acceptance of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of sincerity, gratitude, and love in our offerings of worship and service.

3/29/13 :: The Victim


This sermon reflects on the different characters who participated in the first Holy Week, their hopes, ideas, and how Jesus related to them. It particularly focuses on Jesus' crucifixion, seen through the eyes of faith as God acting in power. The sermon emphasizes that 'It is finished' is not a cry of despair but a shout of triumph, signifying the completion of God's intended task.

3/28/13 :: Truth and Kingdoms


This sermon, given during Holy Week 2013, reflects on the character of Pilate and his interaction with Jesus. It explores the concept of truth as presented in the Gospel of John and how it relates to our understanding of Jesus. The sermon also discusses the intersection of the Kingdom of God and the world, and how the values of the world can impact the Church and individual Christians.

3/26/13 :: Were You There: Caiaphas


This sermon, part of the Holy Week series, focuses on the character of Caiaphas, the High Priest, during the crucifixion of Jesus. It explores the religious establishment's reaction to Jesus and the tragic inability of Caiaphas to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. The sermon emphasizes the importance of taking the claims of Jesus seriously and warns against indifference.

4/6/12 :: Good Friday 2012 - Beatitudes


This sermon reflects on the Beatitudes, simple affirmations and promises from the Sermon on the Mount. The speaker discusses the true meanings of being 'blessed', suggesting it carries the meaning of being happy or joyful. The sermon emphasizes the importance of humility, service, and self-sacrifice, and the peace and contentment that comes from being one with Christ.

4/4/12 :: Blessed are the Meek


This sermon explores the meaning of the Beatitude 'Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.' It challenges the common misconception of meekness as weakness, and instead presents it as a virtue of humility, forgiveness, and non-violence. The sermon draws on various biblical texts, including the Servant Songs from Isaiah and the parable of the guests at the banquet from Luke, to illustrate the concept of meekness.

4/1/12 :: Fools for Christ's Sake


This sermon reflects on the Beatitudes, particularly focusing on the phrase 'Blessed are the poor in spirit'. It discusses the contrast between God's foolishness and human wisdom, and the radical nature of the Beatitudes' message. The sermon also explores the concept of grace, and the joy and peace that comes from recognizing our total dependence on God.

4/24/11 :: The Essence of Truth


Kevin's sermon explores the concept of truth as revealed in the scriptures, particularly focusing on the teachings of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes the importance of living in truth, not just in words but through actions, and how truth is integral to the Christian faith. The sermon underscores the transformative power of truth and its role in guiding believers to live authentically and faithfully.

4/22/11 :: Pilate's Questions


In this sermon, Kevin explores the conflict between Pilate and Jesus, and the different concepts of Kingship they represent. He highlights the short-term considerations that often govern our actions and the importance of recognizing Jesus as a King. He emphasizes the Kingdom Jesus represents, based on service, righteousness, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, and the offer of forgiveness and reconciliation even in the midst of condemnation.

4/21/11 :: Here is your King!


This sermon, delivered during Holy Week in 2011, focuses on the trial of Jesus before Pilate as told by St John. It explores the contrasting world views and kingdoms represented by Jesus and Pilate. The sermon delves into the concept of the Kingdom of God, as represented by Jesus, and the Kingdom of the world, as represented by the Emperor and Pilate. It challenges listeners to consider who their King is and to whom they owe their ultimate spiritual allegiance.

4/19/11 :: What is Truth?


This sermon, delivered during Holy Week in 2011, explores the question posed by Pilate to Jesus: 'What is truth?'. It delves into the contrasting worldviews represented by Jesus and Pilate, and the implications of these differing perspectives for the followers of Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the importance of truth in understanding the character of Jesus and the essence of Christian life.

4/17/11 :: Kingdom in Matthew


This sermon explores the use of the word 'Kingdom' in the book of Matthew. It highlights various verses where the term is used, offering a comprehensive understanding of its meaning and significance. The sermon also touches on barriers to the kingdom and who the inheritors of the kingdom are.

4/17/11 :: Here is your King


This sermon explores the use of the word 'King' in John's Gospel, examining various passages where it is mentioned. It delves into the concept of Jesus as the 'King of the Jews' and the implications of this title in the context of the Gospel. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on the nature of Jesus' kingship and its significance in their faith journey.

4/2/10 :: Holy Week 2010 - Good Friday


This sermon is centered around the hymn 'There is a green hill far away' and the events of Good Friday. It explores the deep pain experienced by Jesus on the cross and the profound love of God that led to the ultimate sacrifice. The sermon emphasizes the personal, relational aspect of God's love and encourages us to respond to this love by living out our faith.

4/2/10 :: The Pain of the Cross


This sermon reflects on the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, and the profound impact this event has on the believer's faith. The sermon emphasizes the personal and relational aspect of God's love, and how it calls for a response from the believer. It also highlights the transformative power of Christ's death and resurrection, which brings new life and hope to believers.

4/1/10 :: The Green Hill Far Away


This sermon reflects on the hymn 'There is a green hill far away' during Holy Week 2010. It explores the themes of divine love, sacrifice, redemption and our response to these. The sermon emphasizes the cost of Christ's love, the vulnerability in God's love for us, and the power of love to redeem and change lives.

3/30/10 :: The Green Hill Far Away


This sermon reflects on the power of hymns in spiritual formation, specifically focusing on the hymn 'There is a green hill far away'. It explores the mystery of the Cross, the pain Jesus had to bear, and the extravagant, unconditional love of God. The sermon encourages listeners to not only use their intellect but also their heart and soul to comprehend the depth of Christ's love.

3/28/10 :: Holy Week 2010


This sermon, delivered during Holy Week 2010, explores the themes of divine love, sacrifice, redemption, and our response to these. It reflects on the pain and loneliness experienced by Jesus, the vulnerability of God's love, and the power of love to bring about redemption and change. The sermon encourages us to respond to God's love by embodying it in our own lives.

3/28/10 :: Holy Week 2010


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the events of the Cross through the words of Mrs Alexander’s hymn, 'There is a green hill far away'. He emphasizes the power of hymns in spiritual formation and the importance of understanding the Cross beyond an intellectual exercise. The sermon also explores the pain and sacrifice of Jesus, the vulnerability of God's love, and the call for everyone to show that love.