Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

9/24/23 :: Obedience and Discipleship


This sermon, delivered on the 17th Sunday of Trinity in 2023, discusses the parable of the two sons. It explores themes of obedience, discipleship, and the importance of actions over words. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on their own attitudes towards God's call and emphasizes the importance of being prepared to re-evaluate one's faith journey.

9/24/23 :: Who are our heroes?


This sermon discusses the concept of heroes and admiration. It mentions figures from sports like Rory McIlroy and Mary Earps, and how they inspire us not just because of their achievements, but also because of their character. The sermon also touches on the integration of faith and science.

8/29/23 :: Remembering Ethel Morrison


This sermon is a tribute to Ethel Morrison, a woman of faith and service. It highlights her love for her family, her dedication to nursing, and her active participation in church activities. The sermon draws parallels between Ethel's life and the Apostle's advice to Timothy, emphasizing her pursuit of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.

8/29/23 :: Funeral of Ethel Morrison


This sermon is a heartfelt tribute to Ethel Morrison, a dear sister in faith. It reflects on the eternal nature of life and the unending love of God, as expressed through the life and death of Ethel. The sermon also includes prayers for those who mourn and for all who are called to care, in our hospitals, in the community, and in our nursing homes.

8/13/23 :: Trusting in Faithful God


The sermon emphasizes the importance of deepening our faith in God, trusting in His guidance for the church, and seeking His peace in the tumultuous areas of our world. It calls for prayers for global conflicts, local leadership, and personal struggles, while also remembering the sick and those who have passed on in faith.

8/6/23 :: Journey of Faith


Kevin reflects on life as a journey, with Jesus as our companion who encourages and guides us. He draws from the Bible's narratives of physical and spiritual journeys, emphasizing the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus. The sermon also touches on the challenges we face when we lose sight of Jesus and the call to be Christ's presence in the world for others.

8/6/23 :: The Power of Small Gifts


In this sermon, Kevin shares the story of a dwindling parish near Wall Street that was revitalized through a simple act of service: providing affordable lunches to office workers. He draws parallels between this story and the biblical account of Jesus feeding the five thousand, emphasizing the power of small, seemingly insignificant gifts offered in faith. He encourages his congregation to recognize and offer their own gifts, however small, for the building up of God's Kingdom.

8/6/23 :: Prayers for Proper 13


This sermon emphasizes the importance of seeking God, serving His love to the world, and praying for the world's leaders, the sick, and those in despair. It ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for spiritual nourishment and a plea for acceptance of these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.