Posts tagged Easter

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/28/23 :: The Ascension and Openness to God


This sermon reflects on the Ascension of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the interconnectedness of Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. It highlights the transformation of the disciples from guilt-ridden followers into evangelists. The sermon underscores the importance of being open to God's will, setting aside personal agendas, and viewing situations and people through God's eyes.

5/21/23 :: Prayers of Faith


This sermon is a prayer session held on Sunday 21st May 2023. The prayers are directed towards the church, states, children, the elderly, and the sick. It also includes prayers for world peace, especially for Ukraine and Sudan, and for world leaders. The sermon ends with a plea for God's healing and comfort for those in need.

5/21/23 :: Intertwining of Love and Obedience


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of love and obedience, drawing parallels between our relationships with pets and our relationship with God. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in inspiring goodness and enabling us to become more like Christ. The sermon encourages us to spend more time with Christ, seek His presence, and respond to His self-giving love.

5/21/23 :: Prayers of Life


This sermon is a series of prayers focusing on the theme of life, drawing from the Christian belief in the resurrection. It includes prayers for the church, for political and community leaders, for places of work and for those who are suffering. It ends with a prayer of thanksgiving and a call for deeper love for God.

4/30/23 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Easter in 2023, reflects on the journey from doubt to faith, mirroring the journey of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. The speaker, Kevin, emphasizes the importance of being 'Christ for each other', listening, sharing, and acknowledging each other's pain. He also highlights the presence of the Risen Christ in the world today, even amidst our doubts and fears.

4/23/23 :: Unlocking Doors


This sermon discusses the concept of forgiveness and reconciliation, using the play 'Quietly' as a metaphor. The sermon emphasizes the debilitating nature of unresolved conflict and the power of forgiveness in unlocking doors of resentment, regret, and prejudice. It highlights Jesus's words about forgiveness, interpreting them not as an authority to grant or withhold forgiveness, but as an invitation to break cycles of hurt and resentment.

4/23/23 :: Doubt and Faith


This sermon discusses the struggle between doubt and faith, using the story of Thomas and his doubts about Jesus' resurrection as a focal point. It emphasizes the importance of relationship in faith, the humility at the heart of faith, and the provisional nature of faith. The sermon concludes with the assurance of Jesus' presence and peace, even in our doubts and uncertainties.

4/9/23 :: Easter Day 2023


This sermon from Easter Day 2023 reflects on the despair and confusion Mary felt when she found Jesus' tomb empty, and her joy when she realized He had risen. It draws parallels between her journey and our own journeys through doubt, fear, and ultimately faith. The sermon emphasizes the living presence of Christ in our lives, who knows our human experiences and offers hope and purpose.

4/9/23 :: Doubting Thomas


This sermon revolves around the story of 'Doubting Thomas' and the struggle between doubt and faith. It discusses how people may question their beliefs due to various reasons, such as trauma, bereavement, or illness. The sermon emphasizes that doubt is a common part of faith, as even some of Jesus' disciples doubted him.

5/23/21 :: Pentecost 2021: Opening Up


The sermon discusses the contrast between the Tower of Babel and Pentecost, representing the closing down and opening up of communication respectively. It reflects on the societal changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges faced by the Church in adapting to these changes. The sermon emphasizes the need to continue engaging with the wider community, both in-person and online, and not simply revert to pre-pandemic practices.

5/16/21 :: Community and Change


This sermon discusses the changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of community and adaptability. It highlights the lessons learned from the pandemic and the need to apply them as we move forward. The sermon also stresses the importance of waiting upon God and being open to His guidance.

5/9/21 :: Love One Another


The sermon delivered on the 6th Sunday of Easter in 2021, emphasizes the importance of love and fellowship in Christian faith. It highlights the teachings of John, the beloved disciple, and his simple command, 'Little children, love one another.' The sermon also explores the concept of communion and the significance of worship in Christian life.

5/9/21 :: Chosen to Bear Fruit


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of being chosen by God, drawing from his personal experience of confirmation. He emphasizes that everyone is special in God's eyes, not because of their abilities or appearance, but because God has chosen them. He also highlights that we are put in this world to make a difference and bear fruit, using examples of influential figures who have made significant changes rooted in their Christian faith.

4/25/21 :: The Good Shepherd


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of Jesus as the 'Good Shepherd', drawing parallels between the shepherd's intimate relationship with his flock and God's love for humanity. He emphasizes that God's love is not just an action, but a fundamental part of His nature. This sermon encourages us to reflect God's love in our own lives, showing kindness and compassion even to those who may seem undeserving.

4/18/21 :: Children of God


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of identity, emphasizing the fundamental identity we all share as children of God. He explores the idea that our Christian life is a response to what God has done for us in Christ. He encourages us to live out our identity as God's children by being living signs of reconciliation, integrity, truth, love, and hope.

4/4/21 :: Easter Day 2021


This sermon reflects on the meaning of Easter and the concept of resurrection. It emphasizes that resurrection is not just an event that happened to Jesus, but also an event that happened to his disciples. The sermon also discusses the sacrament of Baptism and its close relation to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

4/4/21 :: Easter 2021 - Year B


The sermon reflects on the Easter story, focusing on the movement between the Upper Room and the tomb. It highlights the journey from despair to faith, emphasizing the living presence of Christ who knows human suffering. The sermon ends with a message of hope and resilience, urging us to cast our nets into the resources of Christ's plenty.

4/4/21 :: Easter Vestry 2021


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the challenges and resilience of the Parish during the pandemic. He acknowledges the hardships faced by all sectors of society and the impact on the Church's activities. Despite the difficulties, he highlights the care and engagement shown by the Parish members. As he prepares to move on, he expresses optimism for the future under new leadership.

5/31/20 :: Power of Pentecost


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost Sunday, explores the concept of power in the context of the Holy Spirit. It contrasts power as control and coercion with power as enabling and healing. The sermon emphasizes the role of forgiveness and reconciliation in the Christian community, facilitated by the Holy Spirit. It ends with a story about a tribal custom in Kenya that symbolizes reconciliation.

5/24/20 :: Transition and Control


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the feelings of losing control and transitioning from the old normal to the new normal during the COVID-19 lockdown. He draws parallels between the Apostles' transition period after Jesus' Ascension and the current situation. Kevin encourages embracing the new normal not only as a challenge but also as a stimulus to explore new ways of worship and community.

5/17/20 :: 6th Sunday of Easter - Year A


In this sermon, the speaker talks about the intertwining of love and obedience. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in inspiring all that is good in mankind and enabling us to become more like Christ. He also reflects on the importance of selfless acts of love and service, and how our love for one another should mirror Jesus' love for us.

5/17/20 :: Becoming Like Jesus


In this family service sermon, Kevin draws parallels between pet owners starting to resemble their pets and Christians becoming more like Jesus. He emphasizes the importance of spending time with Jesus, seeking His presence, and understanding His will. Kevin reminds us that Jesus' commandments are not just rules but a part of our response to His love and sacrifice.

5/10/20 :: Guided Journey


This sermon is about finding directions in life with Jesus as our guide. It draws parallels between our spiritual journey and a physical journey, with Jesus as our spiritual 'dragoman' who goes ahead of us to prepare the way. The sermon encourages us to press on towards our ultimate goal of union with Christ, with the understanding that we are all learners on this path of faith.

4/26/20 :: The Good Shepherd


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, drawing parallels between the relationship of a shepherd and his flock to God's relationship with humanity. He emphasizes the unconditional love and care that a shepherd provides, mirroring God's unwavering love for us. The sermon also touches on the story of the Prodigal Son, further illustrating God's boundless love and forgiveness.

4/26/20 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon reflects on the journey from doubt to faith, using the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus as an example. It highlights the importance of being Christ for each other, listening and sharing in each other's pain, and being channels of his healing and peace. The sermon concludes with a call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

4/19/20 :: Doubt and Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of doubt and faith, using the story of Thomas from the Bible as a reference. He highlights the importance of community and understanding each other's struggles, especially in the face of a global crisis. He encourages his congregation to support each other and stay strong in their faith.

4/12/20 :: Easter 2020 - Year A


This sermon reflects on the unique circumstances of Easter 2020, during which the congregation is unable to gather due to lockdown measures. Drawing parallels between the disciples' fear and isolation on the first Easter and the current situation, the sermon emphasizes the transformative power of the Resurrection and the enduring presence of Jesus in times of crisis.

4/12/20 :: Easter Vestry 2020


The sermon discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the church and the community. It highlights the changes in worship, education, social development, and business. The sermon also pays tribute to individuals who have served the Parish over the last year and discusses the future of the church in these challenging times.

4/12/20 :: Easter Vestry 2020


This sermon is a powerful reminder of the blessings that come with being humble, merciful, and peace-loving. It emphasizes the importance of being pure in heart, hungering for righteousness, and enduring persecution for the sake of righteousness. The sermon concludes with a prayer for the church to be a welcoming place for all, yet strong against temptation.

6/9/19 :: Pentecost 2019 - Family Service


This sermon discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling and empowering individuals, drawing parallels with how mentors and teachers help to bring out the best in their students. It uses the story of a young boy's musical journey to illustrate how God works within us, drawing out our potential and helping us to reflect His glory. The sermon concludes with a reminder of our ultimate goal to become more like Jesus Christ.

6/9/19 :: Pentecost 2019


In this sermon, Kevin explores the different perceptions of the Holy Spirit and its role in our lives. He emphasizes the Spirit's enabling power to help us grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. Through the story of a young boy and a master musician, Kevin illustrates how the Holy Spirit, like the master musician, draws out the best in us.

6/2/19 :: Unified in Christ


In this sermon, Kevin explores the deep unity and oneness that Jesus prayed for in John 17.20-26. He emphasizes the unity and love that should exist among believers, reflecting the unity and love between the Father and the Son. Kevin also highlights the importance of the world knowing that the Father sent Jesus, and the transformative power of His love.

6/2/19 :: Unity for a Purpose


This sermon emphasizes the importance of unity in the church community, not for its own sake, but for the sake of the world beyond the church doors. It draws on the teachings of William Temple and the words of Jesus, stressing that the church exists for the benefit of those who are not its members. The sermon also highlights the need for a unity of purpose as the church navigates a rapidly changing society.

5/26/19 :: House of Grace


This sermon discusses the concept of suffering and the desire for healing. It uses the story of a man who had been sick for 38 years and his encounter with Jesus at the Pool of Bethesda as a metaphor for those who feel trapped in their situations, emphasizing the importance of presence and empathy in bringing grace into others' lives.

5/26/19 :: Facing the Future


The sermon discusses the challenges and changes faced by the church and its community, emphasizing the need for faith and adaptability. It reflects on the declining attendance, societal shifts, and the upcoming population increase in the local area. The sermon encourages the congregation to view these challenges as opportunities for growth and renewal, rather than threats.

5/26/19 :: The Healing of Easter


This sermon from Easter Sunday in 2019 focuses on the theme of healing and health. It explores the question of whether anyone would prefer sickness to health, and uses the story of Jesus healing a man at the Pool of Beth-zatha as a central narrative. The sermon emphasizes the importance of faith and the desire for healing.

5/19/19 :: Embracing Change and Love


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of embracing change and loving one another. He uses the story of Peter's vision and the inclusion of Gentiles into the Christian Church as an example of how change can lead to growth and inclusivity. He emphasizes that love, particularly Christ-like love, should be the guiding principle in our interactions with others.

5/12/19 :: Baptism and Faith Journey


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2019, discusses the baptism of two children, Frederick and Sebastian Black. The sermon reflects on the journey of faith, the role of parents and the church in nurturing and guiding the children in their spiritual growth. It emphasizes the importance of living out the teachings of Christ in everyday life.

4/28/19 :: Scars of Sacrifice


This sermon reflects on the scars of Christ and the scars we bear in our own lives. It discusses the anger and pain caused by tragic events in Sri Lanka and the death of journalist Lyra McKee in Derry. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation, and the role of the Church in facilitating these processes.

4/21/19 :: Easter Day 2019


This sermon reflects on the profound transformation that Mary and the disciples experienced upon encountering the risen Jesus. It emphasizes the unexpected ways in which Christ comes to us, offering hope, forgiveness, and peace in our moments of sorrow, weakness, and confusion. The sermon encourages us to be open to seeing Christ's presence in others and to serve as channels of His presence.

4/21/19 :: Easter Day 2019


On Easter Day 2019, Kevin reflects on the profound transformation of Mary and the disciples after encountering the risen Jesus. He emphasizes that the risen Christ comes to us in unexpected ways, offering hope, forgiveness, and peace in our moments of sorrow, weakness, and confusion. He encourages us to be open to Christ's presence in others and to serve as channels of His presence.

4/21/19 :: Reflecting on Change and Faith


In the Easter General Vestry of 2019, Kevin reflects on the past achievements and challenges faced by the church, emphasizing the need for a forward-looking approach. He discusses the decline in church attendance and the rapid societal changes, urging the community to embrace faith and adapt to serve the evolving needs of the parish. Kevin highlights the importance of engaging with the youth, reevaluating worship practices, and being open to change while maintaining the core values of faith and community.

6/4/17 :: Pentecost 2017


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the different perceptions of the gift of the Spirit and how it empowers and inspires the life of the Church. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in enabling us to grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. The sermon also includes a touching story of a young boy and a master musician, illustrating how God works with us to draw out the best in us.

6/4/17 :: Pentecost 2017


This sermon discusses the different perceptions of the gift of the Spirit and its role in enabling us to grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. Through the story of a young boy and a master musician, it illustrates how God draws out the best in us by accompanying us. It emphasizes the importance of being open to the workings of the Spirit in our lives.

5/28/17 :: Facing Evil with Faith


In the wake of the 2017 Manchester bombing, this sermon explores the question of where God is in the face of such evil. It asserts that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those who are facing it, offering comfort and strength. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of not letting acts of terror divide us or erode our values, and highlights the power of love and light to drive out hate and darkness.

5/21/17 :: Easter Sunday 2017


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the transition from Easter to the coming of the Holy Spirit. He uses a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins to illustrate the journey into the unknown, and how God's presence accompanies us. He addresses the anxieties and uncertainties we face, and reassures us of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives.

5/14/17 :: Journey Towards God


This sermon reflects on the 5th Sunday of Easter, Year A, 2017. It discusses the fortitude of Christians in the face of suffering, drawing on the example of Stephen's calmness and prayer in the face of death. The sermon also explores the intimate relationship between Jesus and the Father, and how Jesus is the 'Way' that enables believers to draw close to the Father.

5/14/17 :: Family and Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday of Easter in 2017, discusses the importance of family and community in the Church. It emphasizes the role of the Church as a family, providing spiritual nutrition and guidance, and the responsibility of the congregation in nurturing new members. The sermon also highlights the significance of the physical space of the Church, as it moves into a new location.

5/7/17 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon, given on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2017, discusses the theme of journey. It marks the last service in St Mary’s before moving into the Parish Centre for nearly five months due to roof work. The sermon also celebrates the baptism of Zoe Groarke, symbolising the start of a lifelong journey of faith. The sermon draws parallels between the congregation's temporary displacement and the biblical stories of wandering and journeying, emphasizing that the church is not a building, but a people.

4/30/17 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon discusses the journey from doubt to faith, using the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus as an example. It emphasizes the importance of being Christ for each other, listening to and acknowledging each other's pain, and providing encouragement and hope. The sermon concludes with the realization that Christ is always with us, even in our doubts and fears, and encourages us to be channels of his healing and peace.

4/23/17 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Easter in 2017, explores the journey from doubt to faith, using the account of Jesus' appearance on the Road to Emmaus as a metaphor. It emphasizes the importance of honesty, listening, and understanding in our relationships with each other, and the role we can play in being 'Christ for one another' along the journey of life.

4/23/17 :: Power of Forgiveness


The sermon discusses the power of forgiveness and the ability to let go of resentments. It emphasizes the teachings of Jesus, who encouraged forgiveness and discouraged holding onto grievances. The sermon also touches on the importance of self-forgiveness and the healing power of Christ's love.

4/16/17 :: The Road to Emmaus


This sermon explores the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus on the first Easter Day. It discusses their initial confusion and despair, and how their encounter with the risen Jesus, initially unrecognized, brings them comfort and understanding. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty with God in times of pain and confusion.

10/13/16 :: Reflections on Parish Anniversaries


Kevin reflects on the dual anniversary of the Parish of Howth, marking 200 years since the old church and 150 years of the new church. He emphasizes the importance of embracing change while honoring the past, and addresses the challenges of declining attendance and financial contributions. He calls for unity and innovation in the face of necessary maintenance and the intimate nature of upcoming worship during church repairs.

5/15/16 :: Pentecost 2016: A New Beginning


This sermon celebrates the baptism of a child named Cass on the Feast of Pentecost, which is also considered the birthday of the Church. The sermon emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us become more like Jesus, embodying his qualities of wisdom, compassion, love, and forgiveness. It encourages us to reveal the 'lovely person' within us, guided by the Holy Spirit.

5/1/16 :: Never Alone


This sermon, delivered on the Sixth Sunday of Easter in 2016, explores the theme of loneliness and the promise of Jesus' presence. It reflects on the disciples' distress at Jesus' impending departure and the assurance of His return. The sermon emphasizes the promise of God's enduring presence and love, which eliminates the feeling of loneliness.

4/24/16 :: Love at Full Stretch


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'love at full stretch', drawing from the Gospel reading where Jesus commands his disciples to love one another. He emphasizes that love is not just an experience, but a vocation, and that it has the power to transform both the beloved and the lover. He uses the story of Jean Valjean from 'Les Miserables' to illustrate the transformative power of love.

4/24/16 :: Seize the Day


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2016, uses the film 'Dead Poets Society' as a metaphor to discuss the importance of attentiveness and discernment in life. It emphasizes the need to listen to God's voice amidst the various voices in the world, and to find peace, purpose, and contentment through God.

3/27/16 :: Invitation to Journey


The sermon discusses the concept of invitation and welcome, relating it to the journey of faith. It draws on passages from the Book of Revelation, highlighting the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The sermon emphasizes the importance of embarking on this journey with God, which begins with the sacrament of Baptism.

3/27/16 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of faith as a journey, emphasizing that it is not an isolated experience but one that is shared in fellowship with others. He explores the different stages of this journey, acknowledging the presence of doubt and uncertainty. The sermon highlights the story of Thomas, who despite his doubts and uncertainties, remained part of the group, illustrating the importance of support and acceptance in the faith community.

3/27/16 :: Easter Day 2016


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the Easter story, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and its significance in the world today. He emphasizes the triumph of life and light over death and darkness, drawing parallels with current events such as the centenary of the Easter Rising and the attacks in Brussels. He encourages listeners to shine as lights in their communities and to reach out in compassion and understanding.

5/10/15 :: Chosen to Bear Fruit


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the importance of remembering key events and personal milestones, tying it to the act of Confirmation. He emphasizes that each person is special and chosen by God to make a difference in the world. The sermon also highlights the role of faith in promoting justice, peace, and reconciliation.

5/3/15 :: Breaking Barriers


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of breaking down barriers and accepting each other in our differences. He uses stories from the Bible to illustrate how barriers of race, prejudice, and hostility were broken down through the teachings of Christ. He emphasizes that nothing in our past excludes us from the invitation of the crucified and risen Christ, and encourages us to leave our prejudices and past mistakes at the foot of the cross.

4/26/15 :: The Good Shepherd


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. He discusses the relationship between a shepherd and his flock, drawing parallels to Jesus' relationship with his followers. Kevin also touches on the themes of love, forgiveness, and God's constant vigilance over his flock, using the parable of the Prodigal Son as an illustration.

4/19/15 :: Children of God


In this sermon, Kevin Brew discusses the concept of identity, particularly as it relates to being a child of God. He emphasizes that our fundamental identity as God's children is unchangeable and pre-dates all other identities we may have. He also highlights that our Christian life is a continual response to this identity.

4/5/15 :: Easter Day 2015


In this sermon, Kevin recounts a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and relates it to the experience of Mary Magdalene on the first Easter Day. He emphasizes the transformative power of Jesus, as seen in Mary's life. The sermon also discusses the disciples' failures and Jesus' forgiveness, leading to the spread of the Gospel.

4/5/15 :: Reflections and Transitions


Kevin reflects on his ten years as Rector, noting societal changes and the impact of the economic collapse on the parish community. He discusses the development of youth projects, family services, and the challenges of transitioning to new leadership. The sermon emphasizes embracing change while honoring the past, and the importance of a strong, confident community in worship and service.

4/5/15 :: Transition and Engagement


The Rector's address at the Easter Vestry 2015 reflected on the Parish's period of transition as it approached its 150th anniversary. He acknowledged the loss of faithful members and a decline in attendance and income. However, he highlighted the strength of the Youth Worker Programme and the reintroduction of the Sunday School. He emphasized the importance of younger families engaging in parish roles and concluded by appointing new wardens for the year.

6/8/14 :: Pentecost 2014


On this Pentecost Sunday, Kevin discusses the different perceptions of the gift of the Spirit and its role in enabling us to grow in likeness to Jesus Christ. He uses the story of a young boy and a master musician to illustrate how God, like the musician, draws out the best in us by accompanying us. He emphasizes the importance of being open to the Spirit's work in our lives.

6/1/14 :: The Final Takeoff


This sermon reflects on the Ascension of Jesus, drawing parallels between an airplane taking off and the irrevocable change in the relationship between Jesus and his disciples. It encourages listeners to focus on the future and prepare for a life of service and faithfulness in different places and circumstances.

6/1/14 :: The Ascension and Openness to God


This sermon reflects on the interconnectedness of Good Friday, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. It emphasizes the need for an attentive passivity and a radical openness to God, setting aside our own agendas and preferences. It also highlights the importance of seeing situations, people, and problems through the eyes of God.

5/25/14 :: Looking Back and Forward


This sermon discusses the shift in focus from the resurrection of Jesus to the coming of the Holy Spirit during the Easter season. It explores the concept of looking back and forward, using a poem by Minnie Louise Haskins as a metaphor for stepping into the unknown with faith in God. The sermon also addresses the anxieties and uncertainties of the future, assuring that the Holy Spirit is always with us.

5/11/14 :: The Good Shepherd


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2014, explores the concept of Jesus as the 'Good Shepherd'. It draws parallels between the challenges faced by cyclists and the role of a shepherd, emphasizing the need for the right equipment, perseverance through tough times, and the rewards that make it all worthwhile. The sermon also highlights the intimate relationship between a shepherd and his sheep, symbolizing the relationship between Jesus and his followers.

5/4/14 :: Journey with God


The sermon discusses the journey of life with God, using the metaphor of planning a holiday. It emphasizes that God is always with us, listening to us in gentle understanding, and speaking to us in the quiet places of our hearts. The sermon is given in the context of a baptism, marking the beginning of a lifelong journey with God.

4/27/14 :: Unlocking Doors


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between a play about the Northern Ireland conflict and the Gospel story of Jesus' resurrection. He emphasizes the power of forgiveness to unlock doors of resentment, regret, and prejudice, and to initiate new beginnings. He encourages us to be agents of God's healing, reconciling, and door-opening love in our world.

4/20/14 :: Reflecting on Church's Future


Kevin discusses the initiatives by Archbishop Dr. Jackson to encourage reflection on the Church's mission and fellowship. He addresses the decline in church attendance and the importance of engaging younger generations. Kevin highlights the need for embracing opportunities and incorporating new patterns of worship to ensure a vibrant future for the church community.

5/19/13 :: Identity in Christ


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost 2013, explores the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us discover our true identity as children of God. It emphasizes that our ultimate identity lies not in our social status, nationality, or wealth, but in Christ. The sermon encourages us to reflect Christ in our lives, bearing witness to His death and resurrection.

5/12/13 :: The Ascension and Unity


This sermon discusses the concept of Ascension and the unity of the Church. It emphasizes the presence of Christ with us, not limited by time and space but present with us always and everywhere. The sermon also explores the relationships between Jesus, the Father, the disciples, and the world. It concludes with a call for unity in the Church and the importance of love, service, and reconciliation.

5/5/13 :: Unity in Christ


The sermon emphasizes the importance of unity and teamwork, drawing parallels between a football team and an orchestra. The message is about the relationship between Jesus and his disciples, and how this relationship should be mirrored in our interactions with each other. The sermon also highlights the importance of love, obedience, and mutual indwelling in our relationships.

4/28/13 :: Embracing Change


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday of Easter in 2013, discusses the need for change and adaptation within the Church. It emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and love, drawing on the story of Peter's acceptance of Gentiles into the Church. The sermon also highlights the commandment of Jesus to love one another, urging the congregation to extend this love to all, including those on the fringes of society.

4/7/13 :: Belonging and Service


In this sermon, the Rector reflects on his time in Howth and the importance of a sense of belonging in Parish life. He discusses the development of youth work and the contributions of various youth workers. He concludes by announcing new appointments within the Parish.

3/31/13 :: Belonging and Fellowship


Kevin reflects on his 7th year at the Parish of Howth, emphasizing the sense of belonging and care within the community. He discusses the personal and parish developments, including family milestones, the building of a new Rectory, and the establishment of a Youth Worker post. Kevin also highlights the parish's social initiatives and expresses gratitude to various individuals for their contributions to the parish life.

5/27/12 :: Pentecost 2012


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost 2012, discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian faith. It emphasizes the Spirit's presence and activity in the world, enabling believers to become more like Jesus. The sermon also highlights the Spirit's role in inspiring and empowering dreamers and visionaries who challenge societal complacency and work towards change.

5/13/12 :: Remembering and Mission


The sermon reflects on the importance of remembering key moments in our lives, such as baptism and confirmation, as these are the moments when we choose to belong to Christ. It emphasizes that as followers of Christ, we are his body on earth, and it is our mission to act as his hands, feet, and eyes, showing compassion and doing good in the world.

4/29/12 :: Authority and Love


The sermon discusses the authority of Jesus and his disciples, and how it was challenged by the temple authorities. It highlights the importance of faith and love in the Christian life, and how these should be expressed not just in words, but in truth and action. The sermon ends with a call to be faithful instruments of God's love in the world.

4/22/12 :: Identity and Witness


In this sermon, Kevin Brew discusses the concept of identity and how it relates to our faith. He uses the story of Jesus appearing to his disciples after the resurrection to illustrate how our identity in Christ is not just about our physical characteristics, but also about our values and priorities. He emphasizes the importance of being witnesses of Christ's love and peace, and challenges us to shine as lights in the world.

4/15/12 :: Tradition and Change


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the evolving nature of tradition within the church, emphasizing that change is not for its own sake but to adapt to the times while upholding the Gospel's timeless truths. He discusses initiatives to engage youth and maintain church traditions, acknowledging the contributions of various community members in supporting the church's growth and fellowship.

4/8/12 :: Growth and Development in Parishes


The sermon discusses a conference on Growth and Development in Parishes, organized by the Archbishop of Dublin. The Rector emphasizes the importance of evolving traditions and addressing the absence of younger demographics in the Church. He also talks about developments in worship, the progress of the Youth Worker Project, and the need for financial decisions regarding the project's future.

4/8/12 :: Easter Resurrection


This sermon reflects on the Easter story, focusing on the theme of movement between the Upper Room and the tomb. It explores the journey from despair, through confusion, to faith. The sermon emphasizes that the resurrection is about more than just the resuscitation of a corpse, it's about the living presence of Christ who understands human suffering.

6/12/11 :: Feast of Pentecost 2011


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of the Holy Spirit and its role in inspiring all that is good in mankind. He discusses how the Holy Spirit enables us to become more like Christ and how our love, concern, and service for one another should mirror Christ's love for us. He emphasizes the intertwining of love and obedience, and how our adherence to what is right should be rooted in love.

5/22/11 :: Healing and History


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the historical events of the Queen's visit to Ireland and the Belfast Agreement, drawing parallels to the spiritual healing process. He emphasizes that healing is more than dealing with external symptoms, and it often involves faith, forgiveness, and dealing with deeper issues. He concludes with a prayer for healing of the nations, our land, and individuals.

5/15/11 :: Seeking Things Above


The sermon discusses the importance of focusing on 'things that are above' and not just on the benefits we receive from our spiritual life. It emphasizes the role of ordinary people in advancing God's Kingdom and the need for a community that reflects the values of Christ. The sermon also highlights the attractiveness of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and the early Church's commitment to mutual care and worship.

5/8/11 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon discusses the journey of faith, from doubt to belief, using the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus as a metaphor. The sermon emphasizes the importance of being Christ for each other, listening and sharing in each other's pain, and the realization of Christ's presence in our lives.

5/8/11 :: Recognizing Jesus


The sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus not by his physical appearance but by his actions. It highlights the need for followers of Jesus to emulate his actions and compassion. The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder that as followers, we are the body of Christ on earth.

5/1/11 :: Jesus of the Scars


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the distinguishing marks of Jesus, his scars, as not just identifiers but also markers of his personality and sacrifice. He discusses the impact of suffering, using the example of the First World War, and how Jesus' scars speak to a world shattered by pain. The sermon concludes with the message of peace offered by Jesus, a peace that addresses sin and shines through suffering.

4/24/11 :: Tradition and Flexibility


The sermon reflects on the importance of tradition within the Church of Ireland, emphasizing the need for flexibility to adapt to changing times. It discusses the balance between respecting inherited traditions and broadening them to remain relevant. The sermon also highlights the Church's efforts to engage with contemporary issues and maintain its relevance in modern society.

4/24/11 :: Easter Day 2011


This sermon reflects on the meaning of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that the Church is shaped by the death and resurrection of Jesus, and that the resurrection is not just an event that happened to Jesus, but also to his disciples. The sermon also discusses the sacrament of Baptism and its close relation to the death and resurrection of Jesus.

4/24/11 :: Easter Day 2011


This sermon delivered on Easter Day 2011, reflects on the meaning of resurrection not just for Jesus, but also for his disciples. It emphasizes that the Church is an 'Easter people', shaped by the death and resurrection of Jesus. The sermon also highlights the transformative power of the resurrection, which not only gave new life to Jesus but also to his disciples, releasing new life into the world.

5/23/10 :: Pentecost 2010 - Year C


In his sermon, Kevin reflects on the distinctive vocation of the Anglican Communion and the witness and worship in St George’s Cathedral. He talks about the power of lives inspired and transformed by the Gospel to impact upon, to challenge the wider community in which the Church is set. The sermon also incorporates the sacrament of Baptism and the importance of discipleship.

5/9/10 :: Embracing Change


The sermon discusses the importance of embracing change and breaking away from old traditions that no longer serve us. It emphasizes the need for Christians to show love towards one another, just as Christ loved us. This love should extend beyond our immediate circles and reach out to the marginalized and the despised in society. The sermon also highlights how the Church's willingness to change and embrace all people is integral to fulfilling God's purpose of redemption for all mankind.

5/2/10 :: Embracing Change


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday of Easter in 2010, discusses the necessity of embracing change in the face of God's evolving covenant with mankind. It emphasizes the importance of love and fellowship, even with those who were once considered 'unclean' or 'unworthy'. The sermon encourages the congregation to live as an Easter people, embodying the love of Christ in their interactions with others.

4/25/10 :: The Good Shepherd


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the deep sense of belonging that comes from following Jesus. He shares a personal story about a lost sheep that finds its way back to the flock, drawing parallels with our own spiritual journey. Kevin emphasizes the importance of listening and following Jesus, even when we don't fully understand His ways. He assures us of Jesus's protection and love, that nothing can separate us from.

4/25/10 :: The Good Shepherd


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2010, explores the theme of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. The speaker recounts a personal experience in Galilee, drawing parallels between a shepherd's relationship with his flock and Jesus' relationship with his followers. The sermon emphasizes the sense of belonging and protection that comes from following Jesus, and the importance of listening and following where he leads, even without full understanding.

4/18/10 :: Embracing Differences


In this sermon, Kevin explores the beauty of human diversity and the different ways in which people experience their faith. He uses the stories of Paul and Peter's unique faith journeys to illustrate how God speaks to each person in a way that is appropriate to them. He emphasizes the importance of honoring and learning from each other's experiences and perspectives in order to enrich our own understanding of God and our faith.

4/18/10 :: Diversity in Faith


In this sermon, Kevin explores the diversity of human beings and how this diversity enriches our understanding and experience of God. He uses the story of the blind men and the elephant to illustrate how different perspectives can provide a fuller picture of the truth. He also discusses the different faith journeys of Paul and Peter, emphasizing that God speaks to each person in a way that is appropriate to them.

4/11/10 :: Learning and Understanding


This sermon discusses the different ways and times people come to understand things, using the example of Jesus' followers understanding His resurrection. It emphasizes the importance of patience and not making others feel foolish during their learning process. The sermon also highlights the value of intergenerational learning and the different expressions of faith.

4/4/10 :: Gratitude and Parish Development


Kevin reflects on the contributions of various parish members and the progress of the parish over the past year. He expresses gratitude to those who have served in different capacities and highlights the importance of youth engagement and parish development. The sermon also touches on the economic downturn's impact on the community and the church's response to provide support.

4/4/10 :: Easter General Vestry 2010


In this sermon, Kevin thanks the members of the parish for their service over the past year. He highlights the importance of community and fellowship, and acknowledges the challenges faced by the parish in engaging with the younger generation. He also discusses the impact of the economic downturn on the parish and the wider society.

5/31/09 :: Pentecost 2009 - Truth and Reconciliation


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost 2009, discusses the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing truth, even when that truth is uncomfortable. The sermon references the Ryan Report and the Church of Ireland's self-examination for sectarianism, emphasizing the healing and liberating power of truth. It calls for openness to truth and responsiveness to it, for the betterment of society.

5/24/09 :: 7th Sunday of Easter - 2009


This sermon reflects on the interconnectedness of Good Friday, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost, and the transformation of the disciples into evangelists. It emphasizes the need for a radical openness to God and what he chooses to give. The sermon also explores the themes of the Lordship of the risen and ascended Christ and the importance of setting aside our own agendas in prayer.

5/17/09 :: Love One Another


This sermon from Easter 2009 explores the theme of love and fellowship, focusing on the teachings of John, the beloved disciple. It emphasizes the importance of love as a relational and reciprocal act, and the role of fellowship in the Christian community. The sermon calls for the congregation to embody the self-emptying, self-forgetting love that is known in Christ.

5/17/09 :: Shared Faith and Fellowship


This sermon focuses on the importance of shared faith and fellowship in the Christian community. The speaker emphasizes the importance of worship, participation in the Eucharist, identification with Christ, and charitable actions as key aspects of Christian life.

5/10/09 :: Breaking Barriers


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the early stages of the Christian Church and the remarkable growth it experienced, breaking seemingly immutable societal barriers. He discusses the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch and Saul of Tarsus, highlighting how their stories represent the breaking down of barriers of race, ceremonial purity, and hostility. Kevin emphasizes that nothing in our past excludes us from the invitation of the crucified and risen Christ.

4/19/09 :: Seeing and Believing


The sermon discusses the importance of faith and belief, using the story of Doubting Thomas as a key example. It highlights how our society is often reliant on visual evidence to believe in something, and how this can be a weakness. The sermon encourages questioning and doubt as a means to strengthen faith and belief.

4/12/09 :: Easter Resurrection Movement


Kevin reflects on the Easter story, emphasizing the theme of movement and the journeys between the Upper Room and the tomb. He highlights the transition from despair to faith, and the living presence of Christ that comforts and guides us in times of doubt and despair. The sermon reassures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

4/12/09 :: Easter Day 2009


The sermon on Easter Day 2009 focuses on the theme of resurrection and the movement between the Upper Room and the tomb. It explores the journey from despair, through confusion, to faith. The sermon emphasizes that resurrection is more than just resuscitation; it's about the living presence of Christ, who understands human suffering and offers hope and purpose.

4/12/09 :: Easter Resurrection Movement


Kevin reflects on the Easter story, emphasizing the theme of movement and the underlying journey from despair to faith. He highlights Mary Magdalene's experience at the empty tomb and the disciples' initial confusion, leading to the realization of Christ's living presence. The sermon reassures us that Christ's presence offers hope and purpose, even in times of doubt, fear, and loss.

4/9/09 :: The Journey of Faith


This sermon discusses the journey of faith, referencing the speaker's personal experiences with fellow clergy and the challenges of organizing religious tours. It also touches on the theme of competition within the clergy, using the example of John the Baptist and Jesus. The sermon ends with a story about a unique church plant in Dublin, tasked with reaching out to those disillusioned with traditional churches.

5/4/08 :: Moving Forward in Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the idea of moving on and letting go of past memories and experiences. He draws parallels from his personal life and biblical accounts of Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension. Kevin emphasizes that the Gospel is not static but has an inherent forward momentum, and our understanding of God and life should also be developing and growing.

3/23/08 :: Easter General Vestry 2008


The sermon from Easter General Vestry in 2008 is a reflection on the year's activities and achievements within the Parish. The sermon expresses gratitude towards the individuals who have served the Parish, discusses the ongoing projects, and highlights the importance of youth engagement in the Church. The sermon also addresses the challenges faced by the Church in maintaining the involvement of the younger generation.

5/28/06 :: 7th Sunday of Easter 2006


This sermon discusses the Seventh Sunday of Easter, a day that stands between two festivals of the Christian Church, Ascension Day and the Feast of Pentecost. It explores the themes of disengagement and re-engagement, the changing relationship between Jesus and his followers, and the disciples' preparation for their future work. The sermon emphasizes the importance of waiting upon God and being available for his service.

4/30/06 :: Identity and Love


The sermon discusses the concept of identity and love, drawing parallels between the physical marks on a passport and the marks of love on Jesus. It emphasizes the transformative power of love, which can change even the most frightened and despairing individuals into evangelists. The sermon also highlights the importance of witnessing and embodying Christ's love in the world.

5/17/98 :: Good Friday Referendum


Kevin discusses the upcoming referendum, encouraging members of the church to read the agreement, pray about it, and make their decision based on truth, not deceit. He emphasizes that members can vote either way with equal integrity. He also criticizes the misuse of scripture and the exploitation of victims in the debate.