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Has someone learned to do something new recently – how to swim, how to ride a bike? Sometimes we get it straight away, sometimes it might take us a bit longer – while we are learning it is important people don’t make us feel foolish.

We just read the account given by St John of two meetings Jesus had with followers after resurrection. We also had a drama presented by the Sunday School. Followers and friends of Jesus came to their own understanding of what was happening in different ways and at different times. Some got it immediately, some took a bit longer – Thomas took a whole week. No one said ‘don’t be stupid’ to anyone – those who grasped what was going on helped those who didn’t understand. But they didn’t badger them, didn’t force them to say things they didn’t believe or do things they didn’t want to. They gave each other space – Thomas, a week later was still a welcome part of the group.


We are all very different – different ages, different talents, different preferences, different interests. Different stages on the path of life, different stages on the path of faith. Generations can teach each other – younger generation much quicker than mine at picking up new technology – my sons knew how to text long before I did. Older generation have experiences of life, of problems that younger generation can learn from – discussions with confirmation groups on commandment ‘Honour your parents’.

Gospels tell us of Jesus saying we should become as a little child – not childish but child-like. Young people have a freshness of expression of faith that the sophistication of adulthood can sometimes lose sight of – adults for their part have a faith that has taken them through the ups and downs of life. We can learn from each other we can also help each other express our faith in worship.

We have a range of worship formats here in St Mary’s – There is the more informal atmosphere of a service such as this then next Sunday there will be the more formal setting of the Service of Holy Communion – some of you will be more comfortable with this format while others more comfortable with a service such as next Sunday’s – I personally value the variety.