Posts tagged Special_Occasions

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

8/13/23 :: Trusting in Faithful God


The sermon emphasizes the importance of deepening our faith in God, trusting in His guidance for the church, and seeking His peace in the tumultuous areas of our world. It calls for prayers for global conflicts, local leadership, and personal struggles, while also remembering the sick and those who have passed on in faith.

8/6/23 :: Journey of Faith


Kevin reflects on life as a journey, with Jesus as our companion who encourages and guides us. He draws from the Bible's narratives of physical and spiritual journeys, emphasizing the importance of keeping our focus on Jesus. The sermon also touches on the challenges we face when we lose sight of Jesus and the call to be Christ's presence in the world for others.

6/11/23 :: Beyond Labels to Love


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the story of Jesus calling Matthew, a tax collector, to follow him, challenging societal norms and Pharisees' prejudices. He emphasizes the importance of seeing beyond labels and categories to recognize the individuality and common humanity in others. Kevin urges us to engage with people as individuals, embodying Christ's love and service, and to seek understanding rather than judgment.

11/20/22 :: The Kingship of Christ


Kevin reflects on the Kingship of Christ on the Sunday before Advent, contrasting worldly expectations of power with the humility and self-giving love of Jesus. He draws from the Gospel and the example of Jesus' crucifixion to illustrate the nature of true kingship. The sermon calls us to embody the values of Christ's kingdom in our daily lives, embracing forgiveness, redemption, and discipleship.

11/20/22 :: Prayers for Loughile


This sermon is a series of prayers offered for various causes and people. It includes prayers for the Church, the world, the leaders of nations, and those affected by global issues such as climate change and economic hardships. It also includes prayers for the sick, the dying, the mourners, and refugees. The sermon emphasizes the importance of reaching out to one another with love and understanding.

8/22/21 :: Liberation and Redemption


Kevin explores the story of the Israelites' slavery in Egypt and their subsequent liberation, as told in the Book of Exodus. He highlights the central role of Moses as an instrument of God and draws parallels between the Jewish people's historical suffering and their enduring faith. The sermon encourages reflection on God's presence in times of hardship and the importance of faith and obedience in overcoming adversity.

7/18/21 :: Farewell and Gratitude


In his retirement speech, Kevin expresses heartfelt thanks for the support received over his 43-year ministry. He reflects on the diversity and unity within the Church of Ireland, his journey through different parishes, and the significance of ending his ministry in Howth. He acknowledges the contributions of various individuals and the importance of family, ending his speech with a hopeful look towards the future.

6/20/21 :: Farewell to Howth


Kevin reflects on the resilience of faith through personal experiences and historical challenges faced by the Church of Ireland. He recounts his visit to Budapest and the emotional service at Kalvin Ter Presbyterian Church. The sermon emphasizes the importance of resilience in the face of adversity, drawing parallels between the early Church's endurance and the parish's recent efforts during the pandemic and church restoration.

6/13/21 :: The Essence of Church


Kevin reflects on the challenging times faced by the Confirmation Group due to Covid-19 and the innovative ways they adapted, including virtual classes. He emphasizes that the Church is not just a building but a community of people, each with their own importance. The sermon also serves as a farewell to Elke, who has been instrumental in fostering 'Fun, Fellowship, Faith' within the community.

6/6/21 :: Embracing Openness in Faith


Kevin discusses the joy and significance of baptism, using the occasion to explore the theme of radical openness in faith. He reflects on Jesus' teaching that receiving the kingdom of God requires a child-like trust and openness. Kevin shares a personal anecdote from his own journey of faith, highlighting the impact of a welcoming church community on spiritual growth and evangelism.

5/30/21 :: The Unpredictable Gift


Kevin reflects on the unpredictability of life and God's presence, drawing parallels between his gardening experiences and spiritual insights. He discusses the doctrine of the Trinity, the otherness of God, and the varied ways God reveals Himself, as seen through biblical testimonies. The sermon encourages openness to God's unique work in our lives and a dedication to His service.

11/29/20 :: Virtual Assembly - November 2020


Kevin addresses the Burrow School community in a virtual assembly, acknowledging the challenges faced during the pandemic and the things they've missed out on. He expresses his anticipation for the new classrooms to replace the prefabs next year. Despite the changes to the usual Christmas celebrations, he reminds everyone of the true meaning of Christmas and encourages them to enjoy the lead up to the holiday.

11/15/20 :: The Eagle's True Potential


Kevin's sermon, based on the Parable of the Talents, encourages us to recognize and celebrate our God-given talents. He uses the story of an eagle raised among chickens to illustrate the importance of understanding our true potential. By embracing and using our gifts, we can serve others and honor God's gifts to us, including the ultimate gift of His Son.

11/15/20 :: Treasures of the Church


Kevin's sermon reflects on the true treasures of the Church, drawing parallels between the story of St. Lawrence and the Parable of the Talents. He emphasizes the importance of community, interdependence, and using our gifts in service to God. The sermon encourages us to see each other as treasures of the Church, to support and uplift one another, and to live out the Gospel in our daily lives.

10/25/20 :: Love and Service


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between political campaigns and the challenges Jesus faced from authorities. He emphasizes the greatest commandments: to love God and love our neighbor, as reflected in Jesus' teachings and actions. The sermon concludes with a call to embody these commandments through loving, self-giving service, inspired by Jesus washing the disciples' feet.

10/18/20 :: Christian Citizenship


The sermon discusses the balance between Christian citizenship and secular authority, referencing Jesus' teaching on paying taxes to Caesar and the apostle Paul's guidance on respecting governing authorities. It emphasizes the Christian's duty to contribute to societal wellbeing while maintaining allegiance to God's kingdom, and the unique identity as God's image bearers.

10/11/20 :: The Great Banquet


Kevin reflects on the Parable of the Great Banquet, emphasizing the themes of thankfulness and the pain of ingratitude. He draws parallels between the parable and our own experiences of being taken for granted. The sermon concludes with a call to respond to God's invitation to be part of His kingdom, to offer ourselves in love and service, and to live to His praise and glory.

10/11/20 :: Finding Peace in Troubles


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the passages from Paul's Letter to the Philippians, emphasizing the message of rejoicing and finding peace amidst life's difficulties. He discusses the challenges faced by individuals and businesses during the pandemic and relates personal stories of struggle and the realization that it is okay to express one's feelings of anger and loneliness. Kevin assures us that we are heard, not alone, and that God walks with us, offering peace that surpasses all understanding.

9/27/20 :: Imitation Beyond Externals


Kevin's sermon on Proper 21 of Year A emphasizes the call to embody the mindset of Christ Jesus, as stated in Philippians 2:5. He draws parallels between fans emulating their favorite characters and Christians imitating Christ, highlighting that true imitation involves a deep conversion of heart and mind. In times of pandemic and societal division, Kevin urges solidarity and service, inspired by the example of Christ and the teachings of St. Francis.

9/20/20 :: The Injustice of Grace


Kevin's sermon explores the radical nature of forgiveness and the concept of grace as an unearned gift from God. Reflecting on the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard, he challenges the idea of merit and the human tendency to judge others. The core message is that grace is not a reward for good behavior but a divine gift, and as a community, we should honor and build each other up without passing judgment.

9/13/20 :: The Heart of Forgiveness


Kevin's sermon on Proper 19, Year A, reflects on the complexities of forgiveness, using examples from Northern Ireland's reconciliation efforts and the biblical story of the Unmerciful Servant. He emphasizes that forgiveness is not about keeping score but a matter of the heart, requiring inner healing and a recognition of our own forgiven status through Jesus.

9/1/20 :: New Beginnings


In this sermon, Kevin welcomes everyone to the new school year at Burrow School, especially the new Junior Infant Class. He acknowledges the fear and excitement that come with new experiences and assures the students that they are not alone. He uses a personal anecdote about a parachute jump to illustrate this point. Kevin also acknowledges the challenges posed by Covid-19 and emphasizes the importance of taking care of each other.

8/2/20 :: Grace in Small Offerings


Kevin reflects on the transformative power of small, seemingly inconsequential acts of faith, using the story of a New York parish revitalized by a simple offer of tasty, affordable lunches. He draws parallels to the biblical feeding of the five thousand, emphasizing that Jesus used what little resources were available to meet the needs of many. The sermon encourages us to offer our own small acts of service and love, trusting in God's grace to magnify their impact.

7/26/20 :: Lessons Amidst Adversity


Kevin reflects on the notion that 'all things work together for good for those who love God' from Romans 8:28, sharing a personal anecdote to illustrate the point. He challenges the idea of a God who inflicts suffering, instead emphasizing a God who is present in our struggles. The sermon also draws lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic, urging us to appreciate the value of time, presence, and gratitude.

7/12/20 :: The Parable of the Sower


Kevin reflects on the Parable of the Sower, drawing parallels between gardening and nurturing one's faith. He emphasizes the importance of preparing oneself as fertile soil for God's teachings, finding stillness, and embracing the scriptures. The sermon encourages confidence in God's purposes, highlighting the potential for a bountiful spiritual harvest despite challenges.

7/12/20 :: Cultivating Faith


Kevin reflects on the importance of preparing oneself for spiritual growth, likening it to cultivating a vegetable patch. He emphasizes the need for personal effort in nurturing one's faith, drawing parallels between gardening and spiritual practices. The sermon encourages listeners to be receptive to God's teachings and to invest time in prayer and reflection to foster a deeper connection with the divine.

6/21/20 :: Navigating Life's Mists


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the challenges of navigating through life's uncertainties, likening it to walking in a misty bogland without landmarks. He emphasizes the importance of faith in Christ as a compass in a disoriented world, drawing from the teachings of John Stott and the example of the cross. The sermon encourages the community to live by the cross, bearing witness to Christ's love and discipline in a confusing world.

6/21/20 :: Radical Loyalty to Jesus


Kevin's sermon explores the radical loyalty to Jesus that should inform and underline our other commitments. He discusses the challenges of living in accordance with Jesus' teachings, especially when they conflict with familial and societal expectations. The sermon emphasizes the support and companionship Jesus offers on our spiritual journey, encouraging us to approach the throne of grace with boldness.

6/14/20 :: Kingdom of Heaven's Call


Kevin reflects on the process of learning to ride a bicycle as a metaphor for discipleship and following Jesus. He draws parallels between the disciples' journey and our own, emphasizing the call to be agents of God's healing and reconciliation in a world marked by racial injustice and division. The sermon encourages us to be witnesses to truth, justice, love, and reconciliation, following the example set by Jesus.

6/7/20 :: Understanding the Trinity


Kevin's sermon on Trinity Sunday explores the vastness of the universe and the intimate care of God. He uses the scale of the solar system to illustrate God's greatness and the variety of creation. He emphasizes that God, who created everything, also understands and cares for each individual, as seen in the life of Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit.

12/8/19 :: Truth in Scripture


This sermon focuses on the theme of 'Truth' as depicted in various verses of the Bible. It explores the concept of truth in relation to God, salvation, wisdom, and the Spirit of truth. The sermon also addresses the distortion of truth and the importance of speaking the truth in love for spiritual growth.

11/24/19 :: Identity in Christ


Kevin's sermon focuses on the theme of identity, as marked by the sign of the cross in baptism, and how it shapes our lives and responsibilities. He draws parallels between the identity given to us through Christ and the identity markers in our world, such as a dog's microchip. Kevin emphasizes the importance of embodying Christ in the world, serving others, and being Christ's hands, feet, and eyes on Earth, as inspired by Teresa of Avila.

11/24/19 :: Journey of Honesty


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday before Advent in 2019, explores the themes of honesty, self-reflection, and new beginnings. Referencing the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing our own faults and seeking forgiveness. The sermon concludes with the hopeful message of God's unending love and mercy, and the possibility of redemption and new beginnings.

11/24/19 :: Seeking Truth Amidst Chaos


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of discerning truth amidst the chaos of political campaigns and social media. Drawing parallels between the 1st century Jerusalem and the 21st century, he emphasizes the need for critical thinking, educating our conscience, and standing firm for truth. He also highlights the role of the Church in testifying to the truth and addressing issues of justice and reconciliation.

11/10/19 :: The Mystery of God's Love


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of questioning and seeking understanding in the face of life's challenges. He discusses the importance of acknowledging our limitations in understanding God and the value of faith in the face of uncertainty. He encourages us to embrace the mystery of God's love and to open our hearts to the transformative power of faith.

11/10/19 :: Belonging and Love


Kevin's sermon on the 3rd Sunday before Advent in 2019 focuses on the themes of belonging, love, and the importance of community. He reflects on the assembly by 4th class on friendship and loneliness, and connects these ideas to Jesus' teachings on loving God and our neighbors. The sermon emphasizes the message of 'Little children, love one another,' as the core of Christian life and the expression of our belonging to God and each other.

10/27/19 :: Journey of Faith


The sermon reflects on the Christian journey from baptism to the end of life, using the metaphor of a race. It emphasizes the importance of living as a disciple of Christ, fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith. The sermon also highlights the significance of baptism as the starting point of this journey, with a special focus on baby Tadhg's baptism.

10/27/19 :: New Beginnings and Humility


Kevin reflects on the theme of new beginnings, drawing inspiration from the words of Queen Elizabeth and President McAleese, and the parables of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, and the Prodigal Son. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty, self-reflection, and the mercy of God, who welcomes us back with open arms, encouraging us to walk humbly and seek forgiveness.

10/20/19 :: New Beginnings and Redemption


Kevin's sermon on Proper 24, Year C, focuses on the theme of new beginnings, anchored in the biblical narrative of redemption. He reflects on the need for honesty about the past and a resolve to change, drawing parallels between personal and communal transformation. The sermon emphasizes the new covenant written on the heart, as prophesied by Jeremiah, and the transformative power of Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection.

10/20/19 :: Spiritual Confirmation


This sermon discusses the significance of confirmation and ordination in the Christian faith. It emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering individuals for service and spiritual growth. The message highlights the transformative power of God's Spirit in guiding believers towards wisdom, understanding, and reverence for God.

10/13/19 :: The Attitude is Gratitude


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. He discusses how we should be thankful for our world, despite its scars from pollution, and how we should appreciate our lives and uniqueness. He emphasizes the importance of seeing everyone as unique and special, as we are all made in the image of God. The sermon also touches on the theme of love and faith, and how these can lead to healing and salvation.

10/13/19 :: Gratitude with Grace


The sermon discusses the healing of ten lepers as narrated in St Luke's Gospel, emphasizing the gratitude shown by the lone Samaritan who returned to give thanks. The sermon highlights the transformative power of gratitude and the grace at the heart of true thankfulness. It encourages the practice of gratitude in daily life and a genuine concern for those less fortunate.

9/29/19 :: Wealth, Power and Responsibility


This sermon reflects on the parable of 'The Rich Man and Lazarus', exploring the themes of wealth, power, and responsibility. It challenges listeners to consider their attitudes towards wealth and power, and their responsibilities towards others. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of service over domination in leadership, and encourages individuals and society to raise a voice for inclusion, hospitality, and hope.

9/22/19 :: Hospitality in Interesting Times


In these interesting times marked by division and uncertainty, this sermon calls for the practice of hospitality. Drawing from the teachings of Jesus and the nature of God as love, it encourages openness and generosity towards all, especially those who are different or marginalized. It also highlights a community project to welcome a Syrian refugee family, embodying the sermon's message of inclusive love and hospitality.

8/11/19 :: Encounters with Christ


This sermon discusses the various ways in which we encounter Christ in our daily lives. It emphasizes that Christ is present in our midst, in our gatherings, in those who are different from us, and in our strengths and weaknesses. The sermon also explores the theme of service, urging us to make Christ present in the lives of others.

8/4/19 :: The Extravagance of Mercy


Kevin's sermon reflects on the concept of mercy as an extravagant, gracious act that goes beyond justice, drawing from the story of a mother's plea to Napoleon for her son and the biblical texts from Hosea and the Psalms. It emphasizes God's enduring love and mercy, the steadfast love (chesed) that persists despite human disobedience. The sermon connects this Old Testament theme to the New Covenant through Jesus' incarnation, highlighting the transformative power of God's love and the call for believers to embody this love in the world.

7/28/19 :: The Essence of Prayer


Kevin explores the concept of prayer as more than just talking to oneself. He delves into the expectations and feelings associated with unanswered prayers and the idea of 'thinking things through before God.' He discusses the different levels of thinking in prayer—passionate, compassionate, and responsible—and how these lead to action and a life aligned with God's purposes.

7/28/19 :: The Image of the Invisible


Kevin delves into the profound relationship between Jesus and God, as expressed in the Letter to the Colossians. He explores the concepts of visibility and invisibility in the divine context, illustrating how Jesus serves as the 'image of the invisible God' and a window to the heavenly world. The sermon emphasizes the mystery of God revealed in Christ and the calling for believers to be windows through which others can experience Christ.

7/14/19 :: The First Step of Faith


Kevin's sermon explores the challenge of taking the first step in faith, drawing parallels with everyday life's hesitations. He reflects on St. Augustine's struggle for chastity and the universal fear of change, emphasizing the Christian belief that we are not meant to face life's trials alone. The sermon reassures us that God's presence and the guidance of the Holy Spirit empower us to embark on our faith journey, despite our fears and failures.

7/14/19 :: The Good Samaritan


Kevin explores the question 'Who is my neighbour?' through the lens of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. He challenges us to extend our understanding of neighbor beyond family and community to all humanity. The sermon calls for an embrace of a common humanity that transcends differences, urging us to act in love and concern, reflecting Christ's teachings in our lives.

7/7/19 :: Telling the Timeless Tale


Kevin reflects on the importance of storytelling within the church and society, particularly in the context of baptism and the changing landscape of journalism. He draws parallels between the early Church adapting to new cultures and the modern Church's need to engage with contemporary forms of communication. The sermon emphasizes the enduring story of God's love and the Church's role in sharing this narrative in a world of isolation and fear.

6/30/19 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon discusses the concept of life as a journey, whether it be for pleasure, work, or desperation. It emphasizes the importance of having a plan, trustworthy companions, and faith in God. The sermon also highlights the baptism of two children, marking the beginning of their spiritual journey.

6/23/19 :: When God Seems Absent


This sermon discusses the feeling of abandonment by God, especially during times of hardship and suffering. It draws from the experiences of Elijah and a Jewish Rabbi, Harold Kushner, to illustrate that God's presence is often felt not in the spectacular, but in the quiet and in the midst of trauma. The sermon encourages believers to be instruments of God's presence in the lives of others, especially during their darkest times.

6/16/19 :: Trinity Sunday 2019


On Trinity Sunday 2019, Kevin discusses the concept of God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the importance of understanding God not just as a creator, but as a being in a relationship with us. He also highlights the importance of living in harmony with our creator and the world he created.

11/25/18 :: Stir Up Sunday Reflection


Kevin's sermon on the Sunday before Advent in 2018 emphasizes the significance of preparing for the coming of Christ. It reflects on the end of the Church's year and the anticipation of Advent, focusing on the incarnation of God's love through Jesus. The sermon calls the faithful to recognize the gift of redemption and to live out their priestly vocation, becoming more like Christ and serving as a holy priesthood.

11/18/18 :: The Journey of Faith


Kevin discusses the spiritual journey from Baptism to Confirmation, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility in faith. He reflects on the presence of God in everyday life, through nature, music, and the people around us. The sermon encourages us to be living signs of Christ's presence in the world, embodying his compassion and love in our actions and interactions.

11/11/18 :: The Gift of Giving


Kevin reflects on the true essence of giving through a childhood memory and the story of the poor widow's offering at the Temple. He emphasizes that the value of a gift lies not in its size, but in the spirit of gratitude with which it is given. Whether we are givers or receivers, no act of kindness is too small, and in each, we find the presence of Jesus. Kevin urges us to honor the memory of those lost in war by being peacemakers in our daily lives.

10/28/18 :: Reflections on Lebanon


Kevin shares his experiences from a recent trip to Beirut, Lebanon, reflecting on the country's history, the impact of civil war, and the current refugee crisis. He emphasizes the unconditional love and healing presence of the Church across denominations, offering dignity to the vulnerable. The core message is about serving before preaching and showing solidarity with those who have suffered greatly.

10/21/18 :: Breaking and Remaking


Kevin discusses the concept of 'breaking and remaking' through the story of a Japanese general and the art of kintsugi, where broken pottery is repaired with silver and lacquer, embracing its history. He relates this to the Gospel's message of servanthood and the transformation through baptism, calling for a community of servants, following Christ's example of humility and service.

10/14/18 :: Harvest of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the themes of suffering and divine presence as illustrated through the story of Job. He emphasizes that while suffering can lead to feelings of isolation from God, the Christian faith offers a pathway to find meaning in God's presence. Through the death and resurrection of Christ, believers can approach God with confidence, finding grace and mercy in their time of need.

10/7/18 :: Speaking Truth to Power


Kevin reflects on the importance of speaking truth to power, drawing parallels between the brutal death of John the Baptist and the challenges Jesus faced. He recalls personal experiences with political figures during the Northern Ireland Peace process and emphasizes the church's role in proclaiming truth. The sermon reminds us of the cost of witnessing truth and the need for a clear declaration of truth in our times.

9/30/18 :: Vulnerability and Healing


Kevin explores the theme of human vulnerability and the beauty of brokenness through the story of kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. He reflects on our need for God's presence in times of weakness and the importance of acknowledging our fragility as a step towards healing. Drawing from the lessons of Esther, James, and the Gospels, Kevin encourages embracing our brokenness as part of our journey with Christ.

9/23/18 :: Flourishing Communities


Kevin's sermon at St Mary's Church of Ireland Howth celebrates Tearfund Ireland's 10th anniversary and its vision for flourishing communities free from poverty and injustice. Drawing from biblical teachings and the work of partner churches, he inspires action towards creating a world where everyone can maintain their dignity and reach their full potential.

9/16/18 :: Wisdom and Understanding


Kevin reflects on the true meaning of wisdom and understanding, contrasting it with mere knowledge. He shares the story of Lilly Leggett, a woman of profound insight and care, who exemplified wisdom in her simple yet impactful life. The sermon draws from the Letter of James and the teachings of Jesus to emphasize a life of service and humility, challenging the worldly pursuit of status and power.

8/5/18 :: Journey of Faith and Baptism


Kevin's sermon on Proper 15, Year B, focuses on the themes of baptism, dying to sin, and rising to new life in Christ. He emphasizes the ongoing process of letting go of the past and embracing a future in Christ, highlighting the trust and obedience required in the life of faith. The sermon also explores the symbolism in the Gospel of John, particularly the language of eating and drinking the body and blood of Christ, and how this relates to the intimacy of our relationship with Jesus.

8/5/18 :: Path to Repentance


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the theme of repentance, drawing parallels between King David's confession and the characters in the film 'Shawshank Redemption'. He emphasizes the importance of honesty, vulnerability, and the transformative power of God's forgiveness. The sermon encourages self-reflection and the embrace of God's absolution as a path to peace and renewal.

7/29/18 :: The Web of Deceit


Kevin reflects on the story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah, highlighting the dangers of deceit and the consequences of abusing power. He emphasizes the importance of moral accountability and integrity, drawing parallels between biblical times and contemporary society. The sermon calls for a reconnection with spiritual heritage and moral compass, urging the Christian community to align faith with action.

7/15/18 :: God's Unfailing Love


Kevin reflects on the enduring and steadfast love of God as exemplified in Psalm 89 and the life of Sophie O'Neill. Despite hardships and the appearance of abandonment, God's covenant love, 'hesed', remains unfailing. This love is fully embodied in Jesus Christ, who brings salvation and eternal life, affirming that even in the messiness of life, 'God is good.'

7/15/18 :: The Bigger Picture


Kevin reflects on the importance of understanding the broader context of scripture, using the story of John the Baptist's death as a focal point. He emphasizes the tension between the values of God's Kingdom and worldly values, and the inner conflict we face in reconciling our Christian aspirations with our human frailty. The sermon calls for a recognition of our ambiguities and a commitment to service and healing through Christ.

7/8/18 :: Incarnation and Challenge


Kevin explores the concept of the Incarnation and how Jesus, by becoming human, invites us to become more like him. He discusses how Jesus' actions and teachings often led to scandal and offense, yet also to transformation and beauty. The sermon encourages Christians to be a positive irritant in society, challenging injustices and modeling a different way of living.

11/26/17 :: Generosity and Inclusion


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Archbishop's message of 'Generous Christianity' and the parable of the sheep and the goats. He emphasizes the importance of serving the poor and marginalized as a way of serving Christ, and challenges the congregation to consider the future of their worshipping community. The sermon calls for a community that embodies a 'Garland of Generosity and Inclusion' and warns against 'Self-Generosity'.

11/26/17 :: Community and Faith


Kevin discusses the challenges of living in a world burdened by anxiety and stress, focusing on the high suicide rates among young people and the fears they face. He emphasizes the importance of community and the role of the church in providing hope and support. The sermon concludes with the message of the Great Commission, urging the congregation to share the good news and engage with all communities, following Jesus' example.

11/19/17 :: Let Your Light Shine


The sermon 'Let Your Light Shine' emphasizes the importance of letting the love of God shine through us in all that we do. It draws a parallel between fireflies being recognized by their light and how people can recognize us by the light of God within us. The message encourages us to be consistent in our faith, not just on Sundays but every day, and to show which side we are on by our actions and dedication.

11/12/17 :: Journey of Faithfulness


Kevin's sermon on the 3rd Sunday before Advent in 2017 emphasizes the importance of worship and communion with God. He reflects on the journey of faithfulness and failure, akin to the Exodus, and the call to be 'the salt of the earth' and 'the light of the world.' The sermon encourages self-emptying and self-offering in worship, mirroring Jesus' ministry, and stresses that our witness to faith is through both our words and actions, driven by love and care for our neighbors.

11/1/17 :: All Saints' Reflection


Kevin reflects on the concept of sainthood, emphasizing that it is not reserved for an elite few but is a call for every Christian in their baptism. He draws from the history of the Parish of Howth and its 200-year celebration, the discovery of an ancient burial ground, and the lives of notable saints and ordinary faithful individuals. The sermon encourages us to recognize our own value and calling as saints in the Church of God, highlighting the diversity and faithfulness of the Christian community across time and culture.

10/31/17 :: All Saints Reflection


Kevin's sermon on All Saints' night at Raheny Church emphasizes the universal call to sainthood within the Christian faith. He contrasts the New Testament's inclusive definition of sainthood with the often narrow modern interpretation, reminding the congregation that all Christians are called to sainthood through baptism. The sermon also reflects on the history of the local church and the unknown faithful who have served God throughout the ages.

10/29/17 :: Journey to Holiness


Kevin reflects on the Old Testament stories from creation to the entry into the Promised Land, emphasizing the theme of holiness as an attribute of God. He highlights God's call for His people to be holy and to live out justice, kindness, and humility in their lives. The sermon underscores the timeless nature of God's presence with His people through every step of life's journey.

10/22/17 :: Journey of Grace


Kevin reflects on the concept of life as a journey in the presence of God, emphasizing the importance of grace. He draws parallels between the Israelites' journey from Mount Sinai and our own spiritual journey, highlighting God's constant presence and the call to be signs of the Kingdom. The sermon encourages us to embrace God's grace, which forgives, inspires, and strengthens us for the journey of life.

10/8/17 :: The Daffodil Minister


Kevin reflects on the importance of staying motivated and encouraging others, using the story of a Presbyterian Minister who planted daffodils to leave a beautiful mark on his village. The sermon also touches on the community's efforts to repair the church roof, likening the task to eating an elephant in small pieces, and celebrates the togetherness and worship experienced during this time.

9/24/17 :: The Exodus and Modern Refugees


Kevin draws parallels between the biblical story of the Exodus and the plight of modern refugees. He reflects on the recurring theme of a people on the move, facing hardships and seeking hope. The sermon encourages us to find God's presence in those who support us during our vulnerable times and to be that presence for others.

9/24/17 :: Ordination to the Priesthood


This sermon is about the ordination to the priesthood and the responsibilities that come with it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of service, teaching, and pastoral work in ministry. The sermon also highlights the need for diligence in prayer, reading holy Scripture, and studies that deepen faith.

8/6/17 :: Struggle and Redemption


This sermon discusses the struggle of Jacob with his past and his transformation into Israel, symbolizing a new beginning. It emphasizes the timeless nature of such internal struggles, highlighting the existence of both good and noble, and darker sides within us. The sermon concludes with the message of hope and new beginnings, reminding us that God is with us in our strengths, weaknesses, virtues, and faults.

7/30/17 :: The Mustard Seed Parable


Kevin delves into the parables of the Kingdom from Matthew's Gospel, focusing on the mustard seed's symbolism. He explains how God values the small and seemingly insignificant, teaching that faith, even as tiny as a mustard seed, can lead to great things. The sermon emphasizes the importance of simple acts of kindness and service, empowered by the Spirit, to bring the Kingdom of God closer to our world.

7/2/17 :: Understanding Grace


Kevin reflects on the human condition and the struggles of life, drawing from the Old Testament and the teachings of Paul. He emphasizes the concept of grace, the internal tug of war we face, and the comfort found in Jesus' invitation to learn the 'unforced rhythms of grace'. The sermon reassures us that in our weaknesses and contradictions, we are understood and accepted by God.

7/2/17 :: Perspectives of Faith


Kevin reflects on the well-known story of Abraham and Isaac from a fresh perspective, considering Isaac's experience and emotions. He connects this to personal struggles with faith and understanding God's purpose in times of pain. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty before God and finding comfort in the Psalms during hardship.

6/25/17 :: Humanity and Divine Purpose


Kevin reflects on the raw humanity of Old Testament characters, emphasizing that God works through real people with their strengths and weaknesses. He draws parallels between the biblical narrative of Sarah, Hagar, and Abraham, and contemporary issues of division and reconciliation. The sermon encourages the understanding that God's purposes of unity and peace prevail, even in the face of human emotions and actions that may cause division.

6/11/17 :: Embracing Faith's Poverty


On Trinity Sunday, Kevin reflects on the importance of taking scripture seriously and approaching it with an open mind, open to fresh insights. He discusses the concept of 'poverty of faith' as a recognition that our understanding of God is always partial and provisional. The sermon emphasizes that regardless of our doubts or clarity of faith, God is with us, and we are each a focus of His love.

6/11/17 :: Understanding the Trinity


In this sermon for Trinity Sunday, Kevin draws parallels between the vastness of the cosmos and the awe-inspiring nature of God. He emphasizes that the God who created the universe is also a God who cares deeply for each individual. Through Jesus, God understands human experiences, and through the Holy Spirit, God is always present to guide and comfort us.

5/28/17 :: Facing Evil with Faith


In the wake of the 2017 Manchester bombing, this sermon explores the question of where God is in the face of such evil. It asserts that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those who are facing it, offering comfort and strength. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of not letting acts of terror divide us or erode our values, and highlights the power of love and light to drive out hate and darkness.

11/20/16 :: Image of the Father


The sermon reflects on the resemblance between children and their parents, drawing parallels to Jesus being the 'image of the invisible God'. The speaker emphasizes the mystery of the incarnation, the humility of God in the person of Jesus, and the sacrificial nature of Jesus' love. The sermon concludes with an invitation to follow Jesus, the Servant King.

11/20/16 :: The Mystery of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'mystery' in the context of faith, drawing from various passages in the New Testament. He discusses how these mysteries, such as the mystery of lawlessness and the mystery of the gospel, are revealed to believers. The sermon emphasizes the importance of understanding and holding fast to these mysteries with a clear conscience.

11/13/16 :: Uncharted Territory


This sermon, delivered on the 2nd Sunday before Advent in 2016, reflects on the election of Donald Trump and the uncertainties that come with it. It draws parallels with other historical events and emphasizes the importance of faith and hope in times of change and uncertainty. The sermon also highlights the significance of Remembrance Sunday and the enduring power of God's purposes.

10/9/16 :: Gratitude with Grace


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Gospel account of the healing of ten lepers, emphasizing the transformative power of gratitude. He draws connections between the act of thanksgiving and the Eucharist, highlighting how true thankfulness can bridge the distances of exclusion, alienation, and fear. The sermon concludes with a call to live out our gratitude in concern for others, embodying Christ's risen life in service to the world.

9/25/16 :: Positivity and Faithfulness


Kevin discusses the importance of positivity beyond mere optimism, using the example of Jeremiah buying land during Jerusalem's siege as a sign of faith in God's promises. He emphasizes that God's work is carried out through the faithfulness of ordinary people, and that the values of God's Kingdom—justice, peace, and joy—must be evident in our lives to effect change in the world.

9/18/16 :: The Heart of God Revealed


Kevin's sermon explores the deep connection between God's love and judgement through the lens of the prophet Jeremiah. It highlights how God's chastening is an expression of His love, akin to a parent's concern for their child. The sermon emphasizes the recurring theme of redemption in the Bible, where God's people are given new beginnings despite their disobedience, culminating in the ultimate act of love and redemption through Jesus Christ.

9/11/16 :: The Lost and Found


Kevin reflects on the anxiety of losing important items like keys and phones, drawing parallels to the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin. He emphasizes the value and urgency of the search, relating it to God's relentless pursuit of us. The sermon concludes with the message that God's love never gives up on us, and we should respond to that love by caring for one another.

8/7/16 :: Crisis and Redemption


Kevin's sermon reflects on the historical crises faced by Jerusalem, drawing parallels with personal and communal crises of faith and society. He emphasizes the intertwined nature of judgment and redemption in the biblical narrative, and the constant opportunity for new beginnings offered by God. The core message is about living in accordance with God's covenant, seeking justice, and embracing God's mercy and grace for a life of faithfulness.

7/31/16 :: Triumph Over Tragedy


In the wake of the tragic murder of Fr Jacques Hamel, this sermon explores the Christian response to violence and tragedy. It emphasizes the power of love and forgiveness, the strength in turning the other cheek, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness. The sermon encourages Christians to resist fear and reprisal, and to uphold values of tolerance and love.

7/24/16 :: The Essence of Prayer


Kevin explores the concept of prayer, questioning what it means to pray and the expectations we hold. He reflects on the nature of prayer as 'thinking things through before God,' encompassing passionate, compassionate, and responsible thinking. Prayer is presented not just as a personal act but as an engagement with the needs of others and a call to action, aligning our lives with the purposes of God.

7/17/16 :: The Image of the Invisible God


This sermon explores the concept of Jesus as the 'image of the invisible God', as described in Colossians 1:15. It delves into the complex relationship between Jesus and God, and the idea of understanding and comprehending the divine. The sermon also discusses the role of icons in religious art and spirituality, and the idea of Christ within us.

7/10/16 :: Who is my Neighbour?


This sermon explores the question 'Who is my neighbour?' as asked by a lawyer to Jesus. It delves into the concept of loving your neighbour as yourself and how that relates to one's self-identity. The sermon challenges the listener to look beyond their immediate community and extend their love and concern to all, regardless of their differences.

7/3/16 :: Patience in Faith


Kevin's sermon on St Thomas' Day reflects on the themes of patience and growth within the Christian faith. He draws parallels between the journey of the Apostle Thomas towards belief and the baptism of a child into the church. Emphasizing the church as a work in progress, he encourages patience and understanding as each individual grapples with faith, highlighting the importance of personal experience in developing a genuine belief.

7/3/16 :: Faith in Progress


Kevin reflects on the journey of faith using the example of St. Thomas, emphasizing that faith is a work in progress, not a finished product. He highlights the importance of patience and inclusion within the church community, especially as a young child is welcomed into the fellowship through baptism. The sermon encourages understanding and personal growth in faith, drawing parallels between the disciples' experiences and our own spiritual journey.

6/26/16 :: First Step of Faith


This sermon discusses the importance of taking the first step in faith, using the example of St. Augustine's struggle with his faith. It emphasizes that we are not meant to walk this path alone, but with God's guidance and strength. The sermon encourages us to live freely, motivated by God's Spirit, and to keep in step with the Spirit on our journey of faith.

6/19/16 :: Rediscovering Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the influence of various individuals on his life and faith journey, particularly highlighting the impact of Bishop Richard Holloway. He relates his experiences to the biblical story of Elijah, emphasizing moments of doubt and rediscovery in one's faith journey. The sermon encourages the congregation to find God in the stillness and quiet places of their hearts, assuring them of God's constant presence and understanding.

6/5/16 :: Hierarchy and Service


Kevin's sermon explores the concept of hierarchy through the lens of the Gospel, contrasting human structures of power with Jesus' model of servitude. He reflects on personal experiences and biblical teachings to emphasize the importance of service over authority, highlighting the radical reversal of hierarchy embodied by Jesus' incarnation and ministry.

11/22/15 :: Truth Amidst Turmoil


In the sermon delivered on the Sunday before Advent in 2015, Kevin reflects on the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and the broader context of violence in the name of faith. He explores the role of sacred texts in shaping values and responding to contemporary challenges. Kevin emphasizes the importance of listening to the teachings of Jesus, especially in the face of adversity, and calls for maintaining values of justice, tolerance, freedom, and reconciliation.

11/22/15 :: Reflections on Paris Attacks


This sermon reflects on the horrific Paris attacks, questioning where God is in such tragedies and how faith can respond. It emphasizes that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those facing it. The sermon also discusses the misuse of faith to justify evil deeds and the importance of supporting moderate voices within Islam.

11/15/15 :: Faith Amidst Tragedy


In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, Kevin reflects on the presence of God in the face of evil. He challenges the notion that such events are part of God's plan, instead emphasizing God's companionship in suffering. Drawing from Dr. Jonathan Sacks's writings and the President's poem, he calls for support of moderate voices within Islam and for unity in working towards peace and justice.

11/15/15 :: Mount of Olives Teachings


Kevin's sermon reflects on the significance of the Mount of Olives in the life and teachings of Jesus. It explores various biblical passages where the Mount of Olives serves as a backdrop for key events and parables, emphasizing its role in prophecy and as a place of teaching and reflection.

11/8/15 :: Gifts of Faith and Love


Kevin reflects on the importance of the spirit in which we give, rather than the amount. He shares a touching story of 'Bert', who despite his own hardships, gave his Christmas disability bonus to those in need. The sermon emphasizes that our offerings, whether they be money, time, or compassion, are valuable to God and can make a significant difference in the lives of others.

11/8/15 :: Sacrifice and Self-Giving


Kevin reflects on the nature of sacrificial giving, drawing from a personal experience with a parishioner's selfless donation. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and valuing the sacrifices of others, whether in personal relationships, community service, or in remembrance of those who have served and sacrificed for the greater good. The sermon calls for a Christian response that embodies the self-emptying love of Christ, urging us to live in a way that honors the sacrifices made by others.

10/18/15 :: Finding God in Suffering


In the wake of tragedies, Kevin reflects on the presence of God during times of suffering. Drawing from the book of Job and personal stories, he emphasizes the importance of seeking God's presence rather than explanations. He highlights the Christian belief that meaning is found in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, and the comfort of approaching God with our pain.

10/4/15 :: Companionship and Faith


Kevin explores the essence of companionship and its relation to faith. He reflects on the importance of humor, trust, and the ability to be oneself in friendships and life partnerships. The sermon also delves into the concept of Jesus as a companion on life's journey, emphasizing the humanity of Jesus and his understanding of our experiences. Through the sacrament of Baptism, Kevin reminds us that we are not alone on this journey, as Jesus is with us in our trials and choices.

9/27/15 :: Inclusion and Generosity


Kevin's sermon reflects on the importance of recognizing God in every human being, drawing from a powerful example of a church window in Krakow depicting God with the face of a local beggar. He emphasizes Jesus' teachings on inclusion, as seen in the Gospel of Mark, where Jesus counters attempts to exclude with statements of inclusion. The sermon challenges us to be inclusive and generous, to look beyond boundaries and hierarchies, and to see the face of God in the poor and dispossessed.

9/20/15 :: Wisdom and Understanding


Kevin reflects on the true meaning of wisdom through the story of Lilly Leggett, a woman of profound insight and caring nature. He contrasts worldly wisdom with the wisdom of God, as taught by James and exemplified by Jesus' teachings. The sermon calls for a discipleship that embraces a new way of living, serving, and understanding, following the example of Jesus who reached out to the marginalized and taught his followers to do the same.

9/13/15 :: Who Am I?


Kevin explores the question 'Who do you say that I am?' through the lens of personal inspiration and influence. He compares admiration of public figures to the deeper, more personal impact of family and individuals who shape our lives. Ultimately, he points to Jesus as the Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection bring us closest to encountering God himself.

9/13/15 :: Reflections on Peter


Kevin discusses the duality of the Apostle Peter's character, highlighting his moments of insight, courage, and failure. He emphasizes that failure is not the end but a part of our human experience. Through Peter's story, Kevin illustrates the power of forgiveness and reconciliation in our relationship with God and each other, and how our weaknesses can become strengths in service.

9/6/15 :: Unity in Faith and Charity


Kevin's sermon emphasizes the common dignity and unity of all people before God, regardless of social status. He draws from the Book of Proverbs and the teachings of St. Paul to highlight the Christian value of treating everyone as equals in Christ. The sermon also addresses the refugee crisis, urging the congregation to remember their own history of exile and to respond with compassion and practical support to those in need.

8/30/15 :: Reflections on Divine Courtship


Kevin explores the theme of divine love and courtship as presented in the Song of Solomon and the Book of Proverbs. He emphasizes the tenderness, faithfulness, and loyalty that characterize a maturing love, drawing parallels between human relationships and the relationship between God and His people. The sermon encourages a response to God's love that allows for transformation and a new way of life reflecting God's love.

8/23/15 :: The Challenge of Discipleship


Kevin reflects on the reasons why people might give up on Jesus, drawing from the Gospel of John 6:66. He discusses the high demands of discipleship, the negative influence of other Christians' attitudes, and personal crises that test faith. The sermon emphasizes the importance of community support and the understanding that walking with God is not a solitary struggle but a journey with divine assistance.

8/16/15 :: The Living Bread


Kevin explores the concept of Jesus as the 'bread of life' and the personal nature of spiritual nourishment. Using the metaphor of choosing a meal, he discusses the significance of the Holy Communion and the act of eating as a personal and intimate act of faith. The sermon reflects on the figurative language used by Jesus and the deeper meaning of the communion as a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice.

8/9/15 :: Baptism and New Life


Kevin discusses the significance of baptism as a symbol of death to sin and rising to new life in Christ. He reflects on the ongoing process of transformation, letting go of the past, and embracing the future with trust in God. The sermon also explores the themes of service, communion, and the intimate relationship with Christ through the Eucharist.

8/2/15 :: Harvest of Compassion


Kevin's sermon focuses on the biblical call to care for the marginalized, drawing from Leviticus 19 and Deuteronomy 24, which instruct the faithful to leave the edges of their harvest for the poor and the alien. He emphasizes the importance of remembering one's own past hardships to foster empathy and kindness towards others. The sermon also touches on the unity in Christ, as expressed in Galatians 3, and the sanctity of the Sabbath from Exodus 20.

8/2/15 :: The Bread of Life


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of baptism and Christian discipleship, drawing from the Gospel reading of John chapter 6. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing what God wants over personal desires, using the metaphor of nourishment and growth. The sermon calls for a journey of sanctification, growing into Christ and finding our true selves in God's image.

7/26/15 :: Identity in Christ


Kevin's sermon on Proper 12, Year B, reflects on the theme of identity through the lens of Christian faith. He discusses the significance of baptism in understanding one's identity in relation to family lineage and the broader Christian community. Using the metaphor of the Body of Christ, he emphasizes our role as Christ's representatives on earth, inspired by the words of Teresa of Avila.

7/19/15 :: Seeking Solace in Sorrow


In the wake of a tragic balcony collapse in Berkley, Kevin reflects on the role of the Church in providing comfort during times of sorrow. He discusses the deep connection people feel with the Church during crises, despite a growing distance in daily life. The sermon emphasizes the Church's duty to be open and welcoming, to be the hands and feet of Christ to those in pain, and to offer a place where life's hardest questions can be asked and shared.

7/19/15 :: Identity and Community


Kevin discusses the importance of identity and community through the lens of biblical history and the story of David. He emphasizes that the Church is not just a building, but the community that gathers within it. The sermon reflects on the significance of buildings and how they can either distort or enhance our spiritual journey, urging the congregation to focus on faithfulness to God rather than the physical structures.

7/12/15 :: Understanding the Bigger Picture


Kevin reflects on the importance of understanding the broader context of scripture, using the story of John the Baptist's death to illustrate how individual narratives fit into the wider message of the Gospel. He emphasizes the tension between the values of God's Kingdom and those of the world, and the inner conflict that Christians face in reconciling these differences. The sermon encourages believers to bring their whole selves to God, embracing inner tensions as part of the journey towards healing and restoration.

7/5/15 :: Grace in Weakness


Kevin reflects on the concept of 'thorn in the flesh' as a metaphor for life's challenges, drawing from Paul's words in 2 Corinthians and the journey of Rev David Watson with cancer. He emphasizes the sufficiency of God's grace in our weakness and the transformative power of God's love and healing, encouraging a life of discipleship and faithfulness.

6/14/15 :: Inside Matters


Kevin's sermon focuses on looking beyond external appearances to the true value within. He uses a tin of dog food filled with trifle to illustrate not judging by the outside, relating it to the story of David's selection by God and the parable of the seeds from Jesus' teachings. The core message is about growing God's Kingdom within us by being compassionate, understanding, and helpful to others.

6/14/15 :: The Kingdom in the Small


Kevin reflects on the nature of misjudgment and the power of small, seemingly insignificant actions to manifest the Kingdom of God. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical parables, he emphasizes how small acts of kindness and faith can have a profound impact on the world. The sermon encourages us to offer our modest contributions to God, trusting that He will work through them to bring hope and transformation.

5/31/15 :: Healing and Salvation


Kevin's sermon on Trinity Sunday, 2015, focuses on the intertwined concepts of healing and salvation, as exemplified in the story of Zacchaeus and the baptism of Jacob Warburton. He draws parallels between biblical stories of healing and the ongoing process of spiritual restoration, emphasizing the role of the community in nurturing faith and embodying the 'aroma of Christ'.

5/31/15 :: Salvation in Scripture


Kevin's sermon on Trinity Sunday explores the multifaceted concept of salvation as presented in the Bible. Through a series of scriptural excerpts, he delves into the past, present, and future aspects of being saved, emphasizing the power of faith, the ongoing process of salvation, and the ultimate deliverance through endurance.

1/4/15 :: Light Overcomes Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the power of light, both literal and metaphorical, in overcoming darkness. Drawing from Psalm 29, Genesis, and the Gospel of Mark, he reflects on the creative and enduring power of light. The sermon also addresses the tragic events in Paris, urging listeners to uphold their values in the face of violence and injustice.

11/23/14 :: Reflections on Authority


Kevin reflects on his visit to Berlin and the lessons of history, contrasting the dark kingdoms of the past with the true Kingship of Christ. He draws parallels between the authority of oppressive regimes and the servant leadership exemplified by Jesus. The sermon culminates with the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, urging us to recognize Christ in serving the marginalized.

11/23/14 :: Holy Nation Covenant


Kevin's sermon reflects on the covenant between God and His people, emphasizing the themes of obedience, blessing, and being a holy nation. The sermon draws from various biblical texts to illustrate the idea that God's people are called to a special relationship with Him, marked by justice, kindness, and humility. The sermon also touches on the concept of being made in God's image and the responsibility that comes with it.

11/16/14 :: Treasures of Faith


Kevin reflects on the true treasures of the Church, drawing inspiration from the story of St. Lawrence and the parable of the Talents. He challenges us to consider what we treasure and how we utilize the gifts entrusted to us. The sermon emphasizes the importance of nurturing children in faith and recognizing each other as treasures within the parish community.

11/1/14 :: All Saints' Reflection


Kevin's sermon on All Saints' Day reflects on the true meaning of sainthood, emphasizing that it is not about perfection but about God's claim on individuals who follow Jesus. He encourages the congregation to recognize the value of every person as made in God's image, and to celebrate the faithfulness of God towards those who are faithful to Him. The sermon concludes with a reminder of God's broad love and mercy, as expressed in a hymn.

10/26/14 :: Journey of Holiness


This sermon explores the journey of man from his origins, as depicted in the Old Testament. It emphasizes the concept of holiness as an attribute of God and the call to holiness for mankind. The sermon also highlights the timeless nature of God's presence with his people through all stages of life and calls for justice, hope, and reconciliation in individual and community life.

10/19/14 :: Render to God and Caesar


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the teaching of Jesus about the dual responsibilities to secular and divine authorities. Using the metaphor of Roman coins, he explains that while we must fulfill our civic duties, our true image and allegiance belong to God. We are called to love and serve God and others, reflecting Jesus' love and sacrifice.

9/28/14 :: Heroes of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of heroes, not just for their accomplishments, but for their character. He highlights figures like Brian O'Driscoll and Katie Taylor, who exemplify determination and sportsmanship, serving as models to aspire to. The sermon also touches on reconciling faith with science, and the significance of the cross in Christian belief.

9/28/14 :: Reflections on Faith and Art


Kevin explores the role of stained glass and icons in learning and reflecting on faith, drawing parallels with the Christian call to be Christ-like in daily life. He discusses the power of art as a storytelling medium in times when literacy was rare, and the personal impact of visual aids in spiritual practice. Kevin also touches on the importance of embodying Christ's teachings in marriage and community, emphasizing the transformative potential of being Christ for one another.

9/21/14 :: Identity and Grace


Kevin discusses the intersection of politics, identity, and faith in the context of the Scottish Referendum and Paul's teachings to the Philippians. He explores the concept of grace as an undeserved gift that challenges our notions of fairness, especially in the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. The sermon emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the dangers of judgment within the Christian community.

9/21/14 :: Ordination of Linda Frost


This sermon is about the ordination of Linda Frost to the priesthood. The sermon emphasizes the importance of service, faith, and dedication in the ministry. It also highlights the significance of personal faith and the need for spiritual nourishment and growth through prayer and scripture reading.

9/7/14 :: Love and Reconciliation


Kevin explores the contrast between contemporary employment disciplinary procedures and the teachings of Jesus on dealing with sin and wrongdoing. He emphasizes that God's love and compassion are inexhaustible, and that as followers of Christ, we are called to embody that same love, seeking reconciliation rather than dismissal. The sermon encourages us to be instruments of peace and to reflect God's redeeming love in all situations.

8/3/14 :: Struggle and Transformation


Kevin reflects on the historical significance of individuals and events that shape nations, drawing parallels to the biblical story of Jacob's struggle with God. He emphasizes the timeless nature of internal conflict and the potential for transformative experiences that align us with God's purpose. The sermon encourages self-examination and the pursuit of noble qualities in alignment with divine guidance.

7/27/14 :: Reflections on Grace and Presence


Kevin delves into the concept of God's grace and presence, reflecting on Psalm 139 and the story of Jacob. He emphasizes the unchanging love of God, regardless of our imperfections, and the importance of values and community in society. The sermon encourages introspection on personal and societal values, especially in the wake of societal prosperity and global conflicts.

7/6/14 :: Grace and Inner Turmoil


Kevin explores the tension between our intentions and actions, drawing on Paul's reflections in Romans and C.S. Lewis's conversion experience. He emphasizes the importance of allowing God space in our lives and the concept of finding and being found by God. The sermon concludes with an invitation to exchange our burdens for the rest and peace offered by Christ.

6/22/14 :: Radical Loyalty to Jesus


Kevin discusses the challenge of confronting difficult passages in the Bible, using the Revised Common Lectionary. He emphasizes the importance of radical loyalty to Jesus, which should inform our other loyalties to family, friends, and community. The sermon reflects on Jesus as a demanding yet compassionate companion on our spiritual journey.

11/24/13 :: The Image of His Father


This sermon explores the concept of Jesus as the 'image of the invisible God', drawing parallels between the familial resemblance between parents and children and the spiritual resemblance between God and Jesus. It emphasizes the humility and servitude of Jesus, who came not to be served, but to serve. The sermon concludes with an invitation to follow Jesus, the Servant King.

11/10/13 :: Chosen by God


Kevin reflects on the concept of being chosen, drawing parallels between the selection process in sports and God's selection of individuals. He emphasizes that everyone is special and has a purpose in God's eyes, using Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians and the call of Jeremiah as scriptural references. The sermon reassures that we are all chosen by God, and therefore, should be special to one another.

10/13/13 :: Faith in Exile


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Jewish people's exile in Babylon and the timeless advice from Jeremiah to seek the welfare of the city. He draws parallels to the contributions of Desmond Tutu, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King in their fight for social justice and emphasizes the Christian duty to impact society positively through faith and action.

9/22/13 :: Restless Hearts in Faith


Kevin reflects on the Collect of the Day, drawing from St. Augustine's journey to faith and his famous words about our hearts being restless until they find rest in God. He also references Dr. Jonathan Sachs's work on interfaith dialogue and the contrast between the 'noise of now' and the 'music of eternity.' The sermon emphasizes the need for attentiveness to God's presence in our lives and the importance of seeking, asking, and knocking to find the peace and rest that only God can provide.

9/15/13 :: Persistent Search for the Lost


This sermon, delivered by Kevin in 2013, discusses the theme of God's persistent search for the lost and His unwavering patience. Drawing from the Old Testament, Kevin explores the concept of 'remnant' and the idea of new beginnings arising from destruction. The sermon emphasizes God's desire not for the death of a sinner, but for their repentance and life.

9/8/13 :: The Potter's Lesson


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between a potter's work and God's relationship with us. He emphasizes that God, like a patient potter, shapes us into useful and beautiful beings, never giving up on us even when we go off course. He also highlights the importance of full commitment in our service to God, likening it to a man building a tower or a king planning a battle.

9/8/13 :: God's Patience and Purpose


This sermon reflects on the image of a potter patiently working and reworking clay as a symbol of God's patience, power, and purpose. It explores the intertwining themes of God's commitment to us and our response to God, highlighting the sacrament of Baptism as a manifestation of this relationship. The sermon concludes with a call to live out our Baptismal call in daily life.

9/1/13 :: Marriage and Faithfulness


Kevin discusses the parallels between the marriage vows and God's unending faithfulness to humanity. He reflects on the marriage ceremony as a symbol of love, commitment, and the journey of life shared by a couple, drawing an analogy to the relationship between God and the community. The sermon also welcomes Linda Frost, who is beginning her final year of training for the ordained ministry, and emphasizes the importance of community support in her journey.

7/28/13 :: Steadfast Love


The sermon discusses the concept of 'chesed' or steadfast love, as seen in the Old Testament and in the life of Jesus. It emphasizes God's unwavering love, even in the face of rejection and disobedience. The sermon encourages listeners to embody this steadfast love in their own lives.

7/28/13 :: Rooted in Christ


This sermon explores the concept of being 'rooted' in Christ and love. It draws parallels between physical roots and spiritual roots, discussing how negative roots can poison communities and individuals, and how the absence of roots can lead to a lack of stability. The sermon emphasizes the importance of establishing values and principles based on faith in Christ and love.

7/28/13 :: The Good Samaritan


This sermon is centered around the parable of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:30-37. It challenges the listeners to measure their lives against the promises of baptism, using the metaphor of a plumbline. The sermon also presents a practical challenge, urging the listeners to live out their faith in their daily lives.

7/21/13 :: Balance in Life


This sermon, delivered on the 8th Sunday of Trinity in 2013, discusses the importance of balance in life, using the biblical story of Martha and Mary. The speaker emphasizes the need for both action and contemplation, warning against letting the urgent crowd out the important. The sermon also touches on the concept of Sabbath and its relevance in finding space in our busy lives.

6/30/13 :: The Power of Prayer


This sermon explores the concept of prayer as a form of communication and encounter with God. It discusses how prayer can be a source of comfort and understanding during times of despair and hardship. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of honesty and openness in prayer, and the transformative power it can have on individuals and communities.

6/23/13 :: Rediscovering Faith


Kevin reflects on the journey of faith, drawing parallels between the story of Elijah and the experiences of Bishop Richard Holloway. He explores the theme of feeling God's absence and the subsequent rediscovery of faith. The sermon emphasizes the presence of God even in times of doubt, encouraging believers to seek stillness to sense God's presence.

6/16/13 :: Witness and Forgiveness


Kevin discusses the importance of witness in the Christian faith, using the story of Elijah and the clash of cultures in the Old Testament as a backdrop. He emphasizes the need for Christians to live as disciples of Christ, bearing witness not only with words but also through their lives. The sermon also touches on the themes of inclusion, forgiveness, and self-awareness, contrasting the judgmental attitude of Simon the Pharisee with the welcoming and forgiving approach of Jesus.

6/9/13 :: Legacy of St Columba


Kevin reflects on the Feast of St Columba, emphasizing the importance of Christian witness and the legacy of evangelization by Irish monks. He draws parallels between the historical figures of St Columba, Rev George McLeod, and the Iona community's impact on justice, peace, and Celtic spirituality. The sermon calls on contemporary Christians to bear witness to Christ in their own time and place, inspired by the past but looking beyond to the wider world.

6/2/13 :: Journey of Faith and Healing


Kevin reflects on the Old Testament stories of Elijah and Elisha, emphasizing God's presence in both grand and subtle ways. He draws parallels between these stories and the healing of the centurion's servant in the Gospel, highlighting the theme of journeying through life's challenges with faith. The sermon reassures us that God is present in our struggles, even when we feel alone, and encourages us to invite God into our journey.

5/26/13 :: Reflections on Trinity Sunday


On Trinity Sunday 2013, Kevin reflects on the relationship between God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the world. He discusses the personal nature of God's wisdom and the importance of living in harmony with creation. The sermon emphasizes the need to respect nature as God's creation and to consider our environmental responsibilities.

11/18/12 :: Signs of God's Presence


Kevin explores the concept of believing in God and recognizing His presence in the world. He discusses the significance of the Mount of Olives in biblical context and Jesus' ministry. The sermon encourages us to see God in everyday experiences, in others, and to be signs of Christ's presence in our own lives.

11/11/12 :: Remembrance and Memory


Kevin's sermon on Proper 27 in 2012 reflects on the act of remembering, particularly in the context of Remembrance Sunday. He draws parallels between personal memories of loss and the collective memory of war's cost. The sermon emphasizes the importance of recalling past sacrifices to shape a better future and connects this act of remembrance to the Christian practice of commemorating Jesus' life, death, and resurrection in weekly worship.

11/4/12 :: All Saints Day Reflection


Kevin's sermon on All Saints Day emphasizes the celebration of the 'foot soldiers' of the Church and the Christian understanding of sainthood. It reflects on the calling to discipleship in baptism and the hope found in the ultimate triumph of good over evil as depicted in the book of Revelation. The sermon also explores the presence of God in daily life and in times of pain, as illustrated by the story of Lazarus.

10/21/12 :: Voices of the Voiceless


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the theme of seeking position and power, drawing parallels between the Gospel narrative of James and John and contemporary societal issues. He emphasizes the importance of advocating for the voiceless in society, such as children, the elderly, and the vulnerable, especially in the face of economic challenges and budget cuts that affect the less fortunate.

10/14/12 :: Harvest of Faith in Trials


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the theme of suffering and God's presence during times of hardship, as illustrated by the story of Job. He emphasizes that meaning and purpose in life are found not in our own experiences but in God's life, particularly through the death and resurrection of Christ. The sermon reassures us that in our suffering, we are not alone; God understands our pain and is with us in our darkest moments.

9/30/12 :: Back to Church Sunday


Kevin's sermon on 'Back to Church Sunday' emphasizes the importance of community and belonging within the church family. He reflects on the diverse nature of families and the church, and the need for both young and old to support each other in faith. The sermon also includes a personal anecdote about the impact of a kind couple on Kevin's own journey back to church.

9/16/12 :: Crucial Questions of Faith


Kevin delves into the pivotal moment in St Mark's Gospel where Jesus asks his disciples, 'Who do people say that I am?' and 'Who do you say that I am?' This sermon explores the journey of faith, from acceptance of teachings to personal conviction. It emphasizes the evolving nature of faith, the importance of personal relationship with Jesus, and the paradox of finding freedom through accepting His authority.

9/2/12 :: Polarities and Unity


Kevin reflects on the societal tensions in Northern Ireland and the inherent instability of a polarised society. He discusses the growing divide between rich and poor following the Celtic Tiger's demise, and the challenges of power dynamics and inequality. The sermon draws from the Letter of James, urging a change in attitudes towards wealth and others, emphasizing the 'royal law' of loving one's neighbor as oneself.

9/2/12 :: Keeping Up Appearances


Kevin's sermon draws parallels between the sitcom 'Keeping Up Appearances' and the Gospel's message on authenticity in faith. He challenges the congregation to reflect on the facades they present to the world and the importance of being true to oneself before God. The sermon emphasizes the danger of hypocrisy and the need for a genuine relationship with God, beyond mere external rituals.

8/5/12 :: Path to Repentance


Kevin explores the theme of repentance through the story of King David and the Psalm 51, relating it to the journey of characters in the film 'Shawshank Redemption'. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our faults and the transformative power of truth and vulnerability. The sermon encourages self-reflection and the pursuit of peace with God and others, as we strive to live a life worthy of our calling.

7/29/12 :: Rhythms of Rest and Activity


Kevin discusses the importance of balancing life's activities with moments of stillness, drawing on the Gospel reading and the wisdom of Ecclesiastes. He emphasizes the significance of the Sabbath in Jewish spirituality as a time for rest, community, and divine encounter. The sermon encourages finding space for God in our busy lives and the empowerment that comes from resting in His presence.

7/15/12 :: Human Frailty and Divine Grace


Kevin reflects on the public trial of a footballer and the story of John the Baptist, emphasizing human frailty and sin. He draws parallels between the biblical narrative and contemporary issues of justice and racial equality, highlighting the tension between worldly demands and Christian discipleship. The sermon concludes with a call to bring our whole selves to God for healing and service.

7/8/12 :: The Quest for Understanding


Kevin explores the human inclination to ask 'Why?' in the context of scientific discovery and moral inquiry. He reflects on the discovery of the Higgs Boson and its implications for our understanding of the universe. The sermon encourages us to never stop questioning the world around us, to challenge injustice, and to seek understanding of God's will and purpose.

7/1/12 :: Gratitude in Christian Stewardship


Kevin's sermon explores the concept of Christian stewardship, emphasizing gratitude as its core principle. He reflects on the teachings of Paul in 2 Corinthians, where the focus is not on the amount given, but the thankful mindset behind giving. The sermon also ties in the baptism of Evan Finucane, using this occasion to discuss the responsibilities of Christian parents and the community in nurturing a child's faith.

6/17/12 :: The Parable of the Seed


Kevin reflects on the parables of Jesus concerning the seed, drawing parallels between the growth of seeds in gardening and the spiritual growth fostered by God's grace. He emphasizes the importance of nurturing and the joint venture between human effort and divine grace. The sermon also touches upon the significance of baptism as a symbol of grace and the role of the community in influencing the growth of its newest members.

6/10/12 :: Encouragement in Faith: St. Barnabas


Kevin's sermon on St. Barnabas Day emphasizes the importance of encouragement within the Christian community. He reflects on the life of Barnabas, an early church figure known as the 'son of encouragement', and how his actions exemplify the supportive spirit that should permeate Christian fellowship. The sermon calls for emulation of Barnabas's example by offering comfort and challenging each other to live up to our Christian values.

6/3/12 :: The Unpredictable Trinity


Kevin reflects on the unpredictable nature of God's presence, drawing parallels between gardening and the divine. He discusses the Trinity, emphasizing the otherness of God and the limitations of human understanding. Through biblical examples, Kevin illustrates how God's presence is both undeniable and elusive, and how our attempts to define God often limit us rather than God.

11/20/11 :: Christ the King


In the sermon before Advent in 2011, Kevin reflects on the profound truth of Christian witness and the core message of love. He emphasizes the importance of moving beyond self-centered individualism towards a faith that focuses on God and our neighbors. The sermon also discusses the societal values that align with Christian teachings, advocating for an inclusive society that recognizes the divine image in every individual.

11/13/11 :: Understanding Prayer


Kevin's sermon on the 13th of November, 2011, delves into the nature of prayer, encouraging us to view God as a friend rather than a distant figure. He emphasizes the importance of communication in prayer, not just asking for things but also listening and understanding God's will. The sermon also touches on the significance of praying for others, including the new President and those affected by wars.

10/23/11 :: Journey of Faith and Presence


Kevin reflects on the journey of faith as a path guided by God's presence, drawing parallels between the Israelites' journey from Mount Sinai and our own spiritual journey. He emphasizes the importance of God's grace and the Holy Spirit in overcoming challenges and growing in likeness to Jesus Christ. The sermon encourages believers to be living signs of God's kingdom, embodying hope and purpose in the world.

10/2/11 :: Harvest Thanksgiving 2011


This sermon, given on Harvest Thanksgiving 2011, emphasizes the importance of gratitude for the blessings of harvest and the earth's resources. It also highlights the need for care and concern for others, especially those in less fortunate circumstances. The sermon calls for action in contributing to emergency appeals and supporting fair trade.

9/25/11 :: The Two Sons' Choices


Kevin's sermon reflects on the parable of the two sons from Matthew 28-31, inviting us to consider our own responses to God's call. It contrasts 'casual religion' with genuine repentance and obedience, urging us to re-examine our priorities and be open to God's will. The message emphasizes the importance of second chances and the need to listen again to God's word to find true peace.

9/25/11 :: Reflections on Christlikeness


Kevin discusses the importance of being Christ-like in our daily lives, drawing parallels between the stained glass stories and our role as Christians. He emphasizes the significance of companionship, support, and embodying Christ for one another. Through personal anecdotes and community experiences, Kevin illustrates how we can live out Christ's teachings and be a source of encouragement and love.

9/18/11 :: The Injustice of Grace


Kevin's sermon explores the theme of God's provision to a rebellious and undeserving people, as illustrated in the story of manna in the wilderness and the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. He emphasizes the 'injustice of grace,' highlighting that God's grace is not based on our merit but is a gift that challenges our notions of fairness. The sermon also addresses the importance of accepting each other before God, avoiding judgment, and embracing the diversity within the Christian community.

9/11/11 :: Embracing Sunday School


The sermon marks the beginning of a new Sunday School year, emphasizing the importance of the community's support for the teachers and students. It highlights the role of Sunday School in teaching children about being followers of Jesus Christ, the significance of forgiveness, and integrating with the larger church community. The sermon also notes changes to make services more accessible for children and the exemplary dedication of the Sunday School teachers.

9/4/11 :: Tradition and Transition


Kevin reflects on the significance of the Passover and its observance through generations, emphasizing the importance of passing traditions and faith from one generation to another. He introduces a new approach to Sunday School aimed at integrating young parishioners into the life and worship of the Church, while also addressing the need for flexibility in maintaining traditions to ensure they remain relevant and meaningful in contemporary times.

8/28/11 :: The Significance of Baptism


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of the baptism ceremony, particularly the act of marking the sign of the cross on the children's foreheads. He connects this ritual to the broader themes of God's presence in times of suffering, as exemplified by the story of Moses and the burning bush. The sermon also discusses the Christian life of obedience and service, as well as the importance of living as a witness to God's love through the symbolism of the cross.

7/31/11 :: Service and Humility


Kevin reflects on the history of the Church of Ireland and its journey from political power to a focus on serving the community. He emphasizes the importance of humility and service, drawing parallels between the disciples' experiences and the modern Church's challenges. The sermon encourages finding strength in weakness and being willing instruments of God's work, using the feeding of the five thousand as a metaphor for God's ability to work through our inadequacies.

7/24/11 :: Memory and Identity


Kevin reflects on the role of memory in shaping community identity, drawing from Psalm 105 and historical events. He discusses the impact of media on collective memory and emphasizes the importance of remembering in the context of faith. The sermon encourages understanding our place before God through the act of remembrance, especially during the Holy Communion.

7/24/11 :: Presence in Psalm 139


Kevin reflects on the omnipresence of God as depicted in Psalm 139, drawing parallels with personal experiences and biblical narratives. He emphasizes the idea that God is always with us, even when we are unaware, and provides comfort and hope in times of despair. The sermon concludes with the reassuring message that God understands us completely and is always by our side.

7/10/11 :: Grace in Human Frailty


Kevin reflects on the end of the News of the World paper and draws parallels with the human stories of the Bible, particularly the saga of Jacob. He emphasizes the theme of grace throughout the biblical narrative, illustrating how God works through human imperfection. The sermon concludes with a call to service, recognizing our own strengths and weaknesses, and the transformative power of God's grace.

7/10/11 :: Living with Difference


Kevin reflects on the importance of remembering and living with differences, drawing parallels between the biblical story of Jacob and Esau and the historical and contemporary conflicts in Ireland. He emphasizes the need for mutual understanding and reconciliation, recognizing the trauma and pain of all communities involved. The sermon calls for empathy and the role of individuals as agents of healing and reconciliation in their own contexts.

7/3/11 :: Reflections on Righteousness


Kevin's sermon on Proper 8, year A, emphasizes the transformative power of the Gospel in our lives. He draws on St. Francis of Assisi's teachings to illustrate the importance of living the Gospel beyond words, and cites C.S. Lewis on the pervasive influence of faith. The sermon encourages us to reflect Christ's light in the world, to see through His eyes, and to act justly and lovingly in His name.

6/19/11 :: Embracing Faith's Journey


Kevin reflects on the importance of taking scripture seriously, drawing from the Gospel reading for Trinity Sunday. He emphasizes the 'poverty of our faith' as a humble acknowledgment of our partial and provisional understanding, likening our spiritual journey to a child's growth. The sermon also touches on the inclusive nature of Jesus' commission to make disciples, even among those who doubt, and the constant presence of God in our lives regardless of our clarity or doubts about faith.

11/21/10 :: The Kingship of Christ


The sermon explores the theme of the Kingship of Christ, highlighting the paradox of majesty and suffering. It discusses how Christ's authority is represented through both the crown and the nails, symbolizing his sacrifice and resurrection. The sermon also relates the teachings of Christ to contemporary societal challenges, urging the congregation to embody Christ in their lives.

11/14/10 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of self-awareness and honesty in both our personal and societal lives, drawing parallels between the state of the nation's finances and the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. He emphasizes the need for healing, not just addressing immediate symptoms but also root causes. The sermon also marks the baptism of a child, Tadhg Ryan, symbolizing the beginning of a spiritual journey.

11/14/10 :: Values and Vision


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of understanding our values as a faith community, which are greatly influenced by our perception of God. He explores the correlation between a person's social and theological attitudes and their perception of God. He also uses the story from Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables' to illustrate the values of forgiveness and redemption.

11/7/10 :: Wholeness and Healing


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the concept of health and healing from a Christian perspective. He draws a distinction between symptoms and root causes, using a personal anecdote about jogging and knee discomfort. Kevin also discusses the World Health Organization's definition of health and critiques the societal view of health as an ideal state, arguing instead for an understanding of health as 'the strength to be human'.

10/17/10 :: God Breathed


This sermon explores the concept of 'God breathed' and its significance in life and faith. It discusses the role of God's breath or Spirit in the life of the Church and the individual. The sermon encourages engagement with the Scriptures and highlights the transformative power of God's breath in shaping a life that reflects Christ.

10/10/10 :: Faith Amidst Exile


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Jewish people's exile in Babylon, drawing parallels to the role of faith communities in society. He emphasizes the importance of a faith community's care for its surrounding society, citing Jeremiah's advice to the exiles and the example of Archbishop Desmond Tutu's moral leadership in South Africa. The core message is the timeless relevance of faith in contributing to social justice and community welfare.

10/3/10 :: Harvest Thanksgiving


The sermon discusses the concept of Harvest Thanksgiving, its origins, and its relevance in the modern world. It emphasizes the importance of stewardship of the Earth and the need for balance between work and rest, drawing from the Biblical concept of Sabbath. The sermon also highlights the responsibility each individual has towards the environment and the choices we make in our daily lives.

9/26/10 :: Hope in Times of Uncertainty


Kevin draws parallels between the financial struggles of the Irish Government and the biblical story of Jeremiah's land purchase during Jerusalem's siege. He emphasizes the importance of hope and confidence in the future, as exemplified by the baptism of a child in the congregation. The sermon underlines the need to invest in the future through education and health, and to instill values that will shape the next generation.

9/19/10 :: The Music of Eternity


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the role of faith and the Church in contemporary society, drawing on the writings of Chief Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks. He explores the dangers of faith groups becoming too close to power, citing historical examples, and emphasizes the importance of faith voices being heard in places of power. The sermon concludes with a call for individuals to be attentive to 'the music of eternity' in their daily lives.

9/19/10 :: Lost and Found


This sermon, delivered in 2010, explores the parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, illustrating God's unrelenting search for those who are lost. It contrasts the exclusionary spirituality of the Pharisees with Jesus' inclusive approach, challenging the Church to reflect the latter. The sermon also encourages the Church to be a welcoming place for all, especially those on the margins of society.

9/12/10 :: Guidance on Life's Journey


In this sermon, Kevin draws an analogy between using a satellite navigation system during a family trip and seeking guidance in life. He emphasizes the importance of staying on the right track, whether it's starting a new school or facing other changes. Kevin highlights that, unlike a navigation device, God actively seeks us out and cares for us, especially when we are lost or confused. The teachings of Jesus and the practice of prayer are presented as means to receive guidance and understanding.

8/8/10 :: Wonder of Creation


Kevin reflects on the wonder of creation through the eyes of children, drawing parallels between their songs and the Canticle Benedicite. He emphasizes the vastness of the universe and the intricacy of life, from microbes to human DNA, to illustrate the greatness of God. The sermon concludes with a call to recognize God's care for us and to respond with care and service towards others.

8/1/10 :: The Rich Fool


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of greed and its impact on our spiritual and societal values. He uses the Parable of the Rich Fool to illustrate how an obsessive accumulation of wealth can lead to a distortion of values and priorities. He emphasizes that true wealth lies in being 'rich towards God', a concept that goes beyond mere possessions.

7/18/10 :: Values and Priorities


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the societal changes brought about by the rise and fall of the Celtic Tiger. He discusses the displacement of important values by urgent needs and the shift in societal priorities. He urges the Church to rediscover its prophetic role and challenge the society to learn from the scars left by the excesses of the Celtic Tiger.

7/11/10 :: Who is my Neighbour?


This sermon, delivered in 2010, explores the concept of 'neighbour' in the context of the Christian faith. Drawing on the parable of the Good Samaritan, it challenges the listener to broaden their understanding of who they are obliged to love as themselves. It emphasizes the importance of transcending barriers of prejudice and extending love and concern to all, reflecting the love of Christ in a wounded and hurting world.

7/4/10 :: One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church


On the occasion of the sacrament of Baptism, the sermon reflects on the identity of the Church and its members. It emphasizes the Church as Apostolic, Catholic, Holy, and One. The Church is 'sent' to look beyond itself, it is part of the universal Church of Christ, it is set apart for a purpose, and it is one because Christ is one.

6/27/10 :: Journey with Jesus


This sermon discusses the journey of Jesus towards Jerusalem, accompanied by his disciples. It draws parallels between this journey and our own life journey with Jesus, highlighting the challenges and the discoveries made along the way. The sermon emphasizes Jesus' inclusive approach, reaching out to all, and the need for immediate commitment to follow Him.

6/20/10 :: Exorcising Historical Demons


Kevin reflects on the impact of the Bloody Sunday events and the subsequent Saville Report, drawing parallels with the Gospel's account of demon exorcism. He emphasizes the need for collective healing and truth in Northern Ireland, advocating for a mutual understanding of pain and the recognition of our common humanity before God.

6/13/10 :: Reflection on Community


Kevin's sermon explores the concept of community within the church, emphasizing the importance of love and sacrifice as demonstrated through actions. He narrates a story of a couple's selfless love at Christmas, using it as a metaphor for the church's call to embody Christ's teachings. The sermon challenges the church to actively show concern for the marginalized and to be agents of reconciliation, reflecting Christian values in society.

6/13/10 :: Church 21: Adapting to Change


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of adapting to change, using the metaphor of a battleship changing course. He highlights how the Church, like society, has had to adjust to new realities, such as multiculturalism, secularism, and technological advancements. He also outlines the efforts of the Church of Ireland's Parish Development Organisation, Church 21, to respond to these changes.

5/30/10 :: The Greatest Artist of All


Kevin explores the relationship between science and faith, emphasizing that the order and purpose observed in creation point to a personal God. He draws from biblical texts and scientific perspectives to illustrate that acknowledging God as Creator leads to recognizing order in our lives. The sermon encourages harmony with the Creator for both physical healing and peace beyond understanding.

11/22/09 :: Stir Up Sunday Reflection


Kevin reflects on the significance of the Sunday before Advent, known as 'Stir Up Sunday'. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for the Incarnation and the serious business of living in the light of Christ's coming. The sermon ties the end of the Church's year to the themes of Christ the King, the gift of God's love, and our priestly vocation in response to the Incarnation.

11/15/09 :: Discernment and Change


Kevin reflects on the importance of discernment in the face of change, drawing parallels between the disciples' amazement at the Temple and modern reactions to historical events like the fall of the Berlin Wall. He emphasizes the need to understand the significance of events and to question our values and the way we live, especially in times of societal upheaval.

11/1/09 :: Instruments of Faith


Kevin reflects on the Christian pilgrimage on All Saints Day, using the metaphor of 'the only instruments we have to work with' to describe our souls and bodies offered in service to God. He emphasizes our journey into Christ, growing into the person God wants us to be, and the communal aspect of worship in communion with saints past and present.

10/18/09 :: Hierarchy and Service


In his sermon, Kevin reflects on the contrasting models of authority and community presented in the Gospel reading. He draws parallels between his experiences in a rigidly hierarchical naval establishment and the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized service over authority. Kevin underscores the Christian call to a different way of living, where leadership is about service and the community honors each member as part of the Body of Christ.

9/20/09 :: Faith and Worldly Values


Kevin reflects on the tension between faith and life in the world, as exemplified in the Gospel reading where Jesus's disciples discuss their status. He emphasizes the importance of Christian values over worldly hierarchies and individualism, and the role of the church community in supporting each other to live as disciples of Christ. The sermon also highlights the significance of Baptism and the Christian conviction of Incarnation.

7/26/09 :: Steps of Faith and Perspective


Kevin reflects on the significance of small steps and new perspectives, drawing parallels between the moon landing and the journey of faith marked by baptism. He emphasizes the importance of community in this journey, sharing insights from the Letter to the Ephesians on comprehending the vastness of Christ's love and living a life aligned with baptismal promises.

7/12/09 :: The Journey of Baptism


Kevin reflects on the significance of Baptism, drawing inspiration from the late Archbishop Michael Ramsey. He emphasizes Baptism as the beginning of a lifelong journey in response to God's love. Through the metaphor of footprints and fingerprints, Kevin explores the marks we leave on others and the world. He concludes with a call to embody Christ's presence on earth, leaving Christ's footprints in our communities.

7/5/09 :: Journey of Faith


Kevin reflects on the significance of Baptism as more than a family event, emphasizing its importance to the parish community. He draws from anecdotes and scripture to illustrate the Christian life as a journey of response to God's love, marked by both successes and failures. The sermon encourages us to embrace our roles as disciples, carrying the love and presence of Christ into the world, reassured by His constant presence.

6/28/09 :: Thankfulness and Stewardship


Kevin reflects on the importance of thankfulness in Christian life, drawing from the sequential reading of the Bible and the story of David. He discusses the attitudes behind giving, as illustrated by Paul's teachings to the Corinthians, and emphasizes the need for gratitude to inform our actions and priorities. The sermon concludes with a call to embody the values learned and to be thankful for God's love in Christ.

6/23/09 :: End of Year Reflection


This sermon delivered by Kevin at the end of the school year at Burrow National School emphasizes the importance of gratitude. It highlights the significance of saying 'thank you' and acknowledging the effort and kindness of others. The sermon also addresses the transition of students moving on to new schools and experiences, and the values they carry with them.

6/21/09 :: Finding Peace Amidst Violence


Kevin reflects on the violence present in the world and the Bible, using the stories of David and Goliath, Paul's experiences, and the storm on the Sea of Galilee to explore feelings of powerlessness. He emphasizes the Christian promise of God's presence in suffering, not as an escape from reality, but as a source of strength and peace. The sermon draws on a prayer from the 1926 Book of Common Prayer to encourage casting our cares on God and finding peace through Jesus Christ.

6/14/09 :: Beyond Appearances


Kevin's sermon challenges preconceived notions and emphasizes the importance of looking beyond outward appearances to see the true character of individuals. Drawing from the story of David's anointment in the Old Testament, he illustrates how God's perception differs from man's, focusing on the heart rather than external qualities. The sermon encourages us to align our purposes with God's, seeking substance over form for lasting peace and prosperity.

6/7/09 :: Embracing the Spiritual Wind


In his sermon for Trinity Sunday 2009, Kevin draws an analogy between sailing and the spiritual life, emphasizing the need to work with the power of the Spirit rather than trying to control it. He reflects on the elusiveness of the Spirit and the importance of attentive passivity, being open to God's guidance without preconceived ideas. The sermon also touches on the doctrine of the Trinity and the limitations of human understanding in defining God.

7/13/08 :: Grace Amidst Imperfection


Kevin reflects on the challenges within the Anglican Communion, particularly the debates on human sexuality and women's ministry. He draws parallels between the biblical story of Jacob and the Church's journey, emphasizing grace as the key element that allows God to work through human frailty. The sermon encourages embracing our imperfections and prejudices as God works through us to further His kingdom.

9/2/07 :: Faith Amidst Suffering


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the profound contrast between the joy of his son's wedding and the somber visit to Auschwitz. He explores the crisis of faith faced by many during the Holocaust and the enduring message of hope found in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Kevin emphasizes the presence of God in both joy and suffering, and the moral choices that define our humanity.

9/2/07 :: Reflections on Auschwitz


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on a visit to Auschwitz, juxtaposing the joy of his son's wedding with the somber history of the Holocaust. He grapples with the theological challenges posed by such immense suffering and finds solace in the enduring presence of God, even in the darkest of times. The sermon emphasizes the power of moral choice and the resonance of faith in the face of evil.

7/8/07 :: Kairos Moments


This sermon discusses the concept of 'Kairos' moments - specific opportunities to be grasped, which may not present themselves again. It reflects on the importance of seizing these moments, both in our personal lives and in our interactions with others. The sermon also highlights how these moments can bring about change and fulfillment, as exemplified in the biblical stories of Naaman and the sending out of the seventy.

11/12/06 :: Sacrificial Giving and Remembrance


Kevin reflects on the theme of sacrificial giving, drawing from the story of the widow's mite and a personal encounter with a generous couple from his parish. He connects this to the act of remembrance for those who sacrificed their lives in conflict, urging the congregation to consider how they respond to the sacrifices of others. The sermon emphasizes the Christian call to live in the self-emptying love of Christ, as exemplified by Jesus' humility and obedience.

7/10/05 :: Grace in Human Frailty


Kevin explores the biblical story of Jacob, emphasizing the theme of grace throughout the narrative. He illustrates how God's grace works through human imperfection, as seen in the lives of biblical figures like Jacob, David, Peter, and Paul. The sermon reassures that God's love is unmerited and constant, and that through grace, we are empowered to become children of God, despite our weaknesses.

11/14/04 :: The Mystery of God's Knowledge


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of human understanding of God's knowledge. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our limitations and the incomprehensibility of God. Drawing from various biblical passages and personal experiences, Kevin encourages the acceptance of uncertainty and the pursuit of faith, even in the face of unanswered questions.

11/14/04 :: Embracing Uncertainty


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday before Advent in 2004, explores the theme of embracing uncertainty and the limitations of human knowledge. Rev. Kevin draws on his experiences and biblical texts to argue that acknowledging our lack of understanding can open our hearts to God. He encourages the congregation to live comfortably with uncertainty, trusting in God's plan.

10/5/03 :: Moving On from Disappointment


Kevin discusses the challenge of addressing difficult passages in the lectionary, particularly concerning marriage and divorce. He reflects on personal stories and the broader context of overcoming disappointment and failure. The sermon emphasizes the importance of facing up to past events, starting afresh, and the role of the Church in helping individuals make new beginnings, grounded in the forgiveness offered through Christ's sacrifice.

9/28/03 :: Moving On from Disappointment


Kevin reflects on the challenges and teachings of marriage within the church, drawing from the lectionary and personal experiences. He emphasizes the importance of facing disappointments and failures, and the role of the church in helping individuals to move on and make fresh starts, underpinned by the doctrine of forgiveness and the redemptive power of the Cross.

11/11/02 :: Remembrance Sunday


This sermon reflects on the importance of Remembrance Day, the memories of war and the sacrifices made by many. It emphasizes the reality of war and the cost it has on humanity. The sermon also highlights the need for prayer for world leaders in their decision-making, especially in times of international conflict.

9/16/01 :: Aftermath of 9/11


This sermon reflects on the horrific events of the 9/11 attacks, the raw pain and anger felt by the American society, and the need for healing and understanding. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining Christian values even in times of anger and retaliation, and the need for a just response that doesn't compromise our morality.

8/18/96 :: Overcoming Intimidation


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the pain and division caused by recent tensions in the community. He condemns the intimidation of police families and local businesses, urging the community to resist evil and pursue peace with reference to scripture. Kevin draws parallels with Joseph's story, emphasizing forgiveness and God's purpose for peace, and encourages steadfast faith and persistence in seeking God's healing.

7/14/96 :: Tears Over Jerusalem


Kevin reflects on the tumultuous events in Northern Ireland, drawing parallels with Christ's lament over Jerusalem. He emphasizes the need for a Christian spirit in politics and daily life, advocating for peace and a return to spiritual core values. The sermon calls for love and peace, even towards those with differing views, as fundamental Christian principles.

8/30/94 :: Peace and Wariness


Kevin reflects on the complex emotions surrounding the IRA ceasefires, acknowledging the wariness and suspicion that years of conflict have instilled in the people of Northern Ireland. He emphasizes the need for patience, trust, and a common purpose to establish true peace beyond the absence of conflict. Kevin encourages prayer for political leaders and a collective desire for healing, urging the community to seek God's help in overcoming bitterness and anger.

11/11/79 :: Remembrance Day


This sermon, delivered on Remembrance Day, reflects on the importance of remembering those who have died in wars and conflicts. It emphasizes the need to learn from the past and apply those lessons to the present and future, to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The sermon also discusses the role of remembrance in the Church's worship and the impact of past events on our current lives.