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Trusting in our faithful God, let us pray.

Faithful God, we pray for the gift of deeper faith in you, so that we trust you in a way that alters our dependence on everything else, and allows us a deeper vision as to the direction and role of the church. We pray for this diocese, for George our Bishop and for Arlene our rector. Remind us that it is your church, and not ours; your work, your power and your Kingdom. Lord in your mercy; hear our prayer.

Faithful God, as we call to mind the stormy areas of our world, the raging and the insecurity, the confusion and bewilderment, the restlessness and fear, let your calming and reassuring presence be sensed and recognized, bringing peace and goodness, righteousness and hope. We continue in our prayers for those parts of the world experiencing war and suffering; the people of Ukraine, of Yemen, of Niger and South Sudan. Bless Charles our king and all in authority. We pray for those called to leadership in our own province; we hold before God discussions taking place in public and in private; That peace, prosperity and reconciliation may be promoted in our land. Lord in your mercy; hear our prayer.

Faithful God, come to us in the storms of life, when we let one another down, mishandle opportunities and come to the end of our strength and patience; and bless us with the love that never lets us down. Lord in your mercy; hear our prayer.

Faithful God, we remember all who are sick at this time, those who are anxious for loved ones. Be with those who watch over them and bless them. We particularly remember the Rossborough family as they watch and worry over Scarlett. In a few moments of silence we remember those who are on our hearts at this time. Lord in your mercy; hear our prayer.

Father God, we remember with thanksgiving those who have gone before us in the faith. We thank you for them and their gifts to the world, and ask that we may, in our turn, come to you across the waters of death and live in your company forever. Lord in your mercy; hear our prayer.

Faithful God, whose promises stand sure forever, we thank you for your patience with us and your refusal to give up on us. Merciful Father, accept these our prayers for the sake of your son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.