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PROPER 22 – Family Service – Year A – 2017

Kevin shares a message about Motivation – staying focused and keeping at it when we are discouraged or face difficulties. He emphasizes the Importance of encouraging others and being the best person we can be. The Old Testament lesson of the giving of the 10 commandments is read, highlighting the best way to live with God and each other.

Kevin recounts the story of a Presbyterian Minister who, through simple acts of planting daffodil bulbs, left a lasting, beautiful mark on his village. This serves as a metaphor for how our small acts of service can have a significant impact on others’ lives.

The sermon continues with the narrative of the church’s roof repair, where the community worked together to overcome discouragement. Despite the challenges, they praised God and found joy in their worship and togetherness. The choir’s contribution to the hymn singing is particularly appreciated.

As the congregation prepares to move back into the Parish Church, Kevin reminds them of the journey ahead. He draws a parallel to the people of Israel moving on from Mount Sinai, encouraging the community to continue their journey of witness and worship with God.