Posts tagged Crucial_Events

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/28/17 :: Facing Evil with Faith


In the wake of the 2017 Manchester bombing, this sermon explores the question of where God is in the face of such evil. It asserts that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those who are facing it, offering comfort and strength. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of not letting acts of terror divide us or erode our values, and highlights the power of love and light to drive out hate and darkness.

7/31/16 :: Triumph Over Tragedy


In the wake of the tragic murder of Fr Jacques Hamel, this sermon explores the Christian response to violence and tragedy. It emphasizes the power of love and forgiveness, the strength in turning the other cheek, and the ultimate triumph of light over darkness. The sermon encourages Christians to resist fear and reprisal, and to uphold values of tolerance and love.

11/22/15 :: Reflections on Paris Attacks


This sermon reflects on the horrific Paris attacks, questioning where God is in such tragedies and how faith can respond. It emphasizes that God is not the instrument of evil but is present with those facing it. The sermon also discusses the misuse of faith to justify evil deeds and the importance of supporting moderate voices within Islam.

1/4/15 :: Light Overcomes Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the power of light, both literal and metaphorical, in overcoming darkness. Drawing from Psalm 29, Genesis, and the Gospel of Mark, he reflects on the creative and enduring power of light. The sermon also addresses the tragic events in Paris, urging listeners to uphold their values in the face of violence and injustice.

11/11/02 :: Remembrance Sunday


This sermon reflects on the importance of Remembrance Day, the memories of war and the sacrifices made by many. It emphasizes the reality of war and the cost it has on humanity. The sermon also highlights the need for prayer for world leaders in their decision-making, especially in times of international conflict.

9/16/01 :: Aftermath of 9/11


This sermon reflects on the horrific events of the 9/11 attacks, the raw pain and anger felt by the American society, and the need for healing and understanding. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining Christian values even in times of anger and retaliation, and the need for a just response that doesn't compromise our morality.

11/11/79 :: Remembrance Day


This sermon, delivered on Remembrance Day, reflects on the importance of remembering those who have died in wars and conflicts. It emphasizes the need to learn from the past and apply those lessons to the present and future, to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The sermon also discusses the role of remembrance in the Church's worship and the impact of past events on our current lives.