Posts tagged Advent

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

12/8/22 :: Upside Down Kingdom


This sermon discusses the concept of status in the Kingdom of Heaven, using the example of John the Baptist. It emphasizes the importance of humility and servitude, and the need to be 'little' before God. It also highlights the call to care for the marginalized and oppressed, following the example of Jesus' ministry.

12/4/22 :: Advent People


The sermon emphasizes the importance of being an 'Advent People', a group that waits in hope for the coming of Christ. It stresses the need for faithfulness and active participation in the world, not just passive observation. The sermon also highlights the importance of helping others and showing kindness, as these actions are seen as serving Christ himself.

11/20/22 :: The Kingship of Christ


Kevin reflects on the Kingship of Christ on the Sunday before Advent, contrasting worldly expectations of power with the humility and self-giving love of Jesus. He draws from the Gospel and the example of Jesus' crucifixion to illustrate the nature of true kingship. The sermon calls us to embody the values of Christ's kingdom in our daily lives, embracing forgiveness, redemption, and discipleship.

11/20/22 :: Prayers for Loughile


This sermon is a series of prayers offered for various causes and people. It includes prayers for the Church, the world, the leaders of nations, and those affected by global issues such as climate change and economic hardships. It also includes prayers for the sick, the dying, the mourners, and refugees. The sermon emphasizes the importance of reaching out to one another with love and understanding.

12/20/20 :: Anticipation and Excitement


In this sermon, Kevin explores the anticipation and excitement that comes with the expected arrival of a child, drawing parallels with the anticipation of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. He reflects on the Magnificat and its message of God's mercy and the overturning of worldly hierarchies. He calls on the congregation to offer a different vision in the face of despair and division, to be instruments of reconciliation.

12/13/20 :: Signposts in Life


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of signposts in life, both literal and metaphorical. He talks about the people who have acted as signposts in his life, guiding him in his faith and personal development. He also emphasizes the role of parents and godparents as signposts in a child's life, guiding them in their faith and personal development. Finally, he uses the story of John the Baptist to remind us of our role as signposts, pointing others to Jesus.

12/13/20 :: The Unknown Christ


In this sermon, the speaker reflects on the unknown Christ, who is present yet elusive, infinite yet intimate. Drawing from the words of John the Baptist, the speaker encourages us to seek Christ in the unexpected, in service, and in each other. As we approach Christmas, we are reminded to recognize Christ in the marginalized and in our shared worship.

12/6/20 :: Advent 2020: Emerging from Darkness


This sermon reflects on the hardships of 2020 and draws parallels with the biblical theme of emerging from a time of suffering and uncertainty. It emphasizes the importance of hope, anticipation, and preparation for the coming of Christ. The sermon also encourages the congregation to live in the light of hope, even amidst the ongoing challenges.

12/8/19 :: Truth in Scripture


This sermon focuses on the theme of 'Truth' as depicted in various verses of the Bible. It explores the concept of truth in relation to God, salvation, wisdom, and the Spirit of truth. The sermon also addresses the distortion of truth and the importance of speaking the truth in love for spiritual growth.

12/1/19 :: Advent Anticipation


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of budding trees in winter to discuss the anticipation of Advent. He reminds us of the promise of new life and growth, even in the bleakest times. Drawing from the scriptures, he highlights the significance of the fig tree as a symbol of God's provision and the richness of His word.

12/1/19 :: Symbolism of Figs in Bible


This sermon explores the symbolism of figs in the Bible, from their first appearance in the Garden of Eden to their representation of Israel's spiritual and physical health. The sermon also discusses how figs symbolize prosperity, wellbeing, and security, and how their flourishing in modern-day Israel could be seen as a Messianic sign.

11/24/19 :: Identity in Christ


Kevin's sermon focuses on the theme of identity, as marked by the sign of the cross in baptism, and how it shapes our lives and responsibilities. He draws parallels between the identity given to us through Christ and the identity markers in our world, such as a dog's microchip. Kevin emphasizes the importance of embodying Christ in the world, serving others, and being Christ's hands, feet, and eyes on Earth, as inspired by Teresa of Avila.

11/24/19 :: Journey of Honesty


This sermon, delivered on the 5th Sunday before Advent in 2019, explores the themes of honesty, self-reflection, and new beginnings. Referencing the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing our own faults and seeking forgiveness. The sermon concludes with the hopeful message of God's unending love and mercy, and the possibility of redemption and new beginnings.

11/24/19 :: Seeking Truth Amidst Chaos


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of discerning truth amidst the chaos of political campaigns and social media. Drawing parallels between the 1st century Jerusalem and the 21st century, he emphasizes the need for critical thinking, educating our conscience, and standing firm for truth. He also highlights the role of the Church in testifying to the truth and addressing issues of justice and reconciliation.

11/10/19 :: The Mystery of God's Love


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of questioning and seeking understanding in the face of life's challenges. He discusses the importance of acknowledging our limitations in understanding God and the value of faith in the face of uncertainty. He encourages us to embrace the mystery of God's love and to open our hearts to the transformative power of faith.

11/10/19 :: Belonging and Love


Kevin's sermon on the 3rd Sunday before Advent in 2019 focuses on the themes of belonging, love, and the importance of community. He reflects on the assembly by 4th class on friendship and loneliness, and connects these ideas to Jesus' teachings on loving God and our neighbors. The sermon emphasizes the message of 'Little children, love one another,' as the core of Christian life and the expression of our belonging to God and each other.

10/27/19 :: Journey of Faith


The sermon reflects on the Christian journey from baptism to the end of life, using the metaphor of a race. It emphasizes the importance of living as a disciple of Christ, fighting the good fight, and keeping the faith. The sermon also highlights the significance of baptism as the starting point of this journey, with a special focus on baby Tadhg's baptism.

10/27/19 :: New Beginnings and Humility


Kevin reflects on the theme of new beginnings, drawing inspiration from the words of Queen Elizabeth and President McAleese, and the parables of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, and the Prodigal Son. The sermon emphasizes the importance of honesty, self-reflection, and the mercy of God, who welcomes us back with open arms, encouraging us to walk humbly and seek forgiveness.

12/23/18 :: Advent 4 - Year C


The sermon reflects on the message of new beginnings, drawing parallels between the story of Noah and the prophecy of Micah. It emphasizes the significance of seemingly insignificant places like Bethlehem and Nazareth in the story of Jesus. The Magnificat, a song of reversal, is highlighted as a symbol of the humble being lifted and the powerful being brought low.

12/16/18 :: 3rd Sunday of Advent - Year C


This sermon focuses on the figure of John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of repentance, which begins with confession and requires a change of direction in life. The sermon also highlights the need for Christians to demonstrate their faith in their daily lives, particularly in their concern for issues of poverty and social justice.

11/25/18 :: Stir Up Sunday Reflection


Kevin's sermon on the Sunday before Advent in 2018 emphasizes the significance of preparing for the coming of Christ. It reflects on the end of the Church's year and the anticipation of Advent, focusing on the incarnation of God's love through Jesus. The sermon calls the faithful to recognize the gift of redemption and to live out their priestly vocation, becoming more like Christ and serving as a holy priesthood.

12/24/17 :: Anticipation and Expectation


In this sermon, Kevin explores the anticipation and excitement that comes with the expected arrival of a child, drawing parallels with the anticipation of the coming of Christ. He discusses the emotions of expectation and excitement in the context of the Gospel reading, the account of Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth. The sermon also reflects on the nature of God's coming Kingdom as described in the Magnificat, highlighting its transformative power.

12/17/17 :: Advent 3 - Year B


This sermon, delivered on the third Sunday of Advent in 2017, discusses the expectations of the coming of a Messianic figure during the time of John the Baptist. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing Christ in our daily lives and the special place of the poor and marginalized in the Kingdom of God. The sermon calls for hope, integrity, reconciliation, and compassion in a fractured world.

12/10/17 :: Hope Amidst Uncertainty


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the challenges of 2020 and the enduring hope found in faith. Drawing parallels between the hardships endured during the pandemic and the biblical exile of the Israelites, he emphasizes the importance of hope and faith during times of uncertainty. He encourages the congregation to remain vigilant and hopeful, looking forward to a time when normalcy will return.

12/3/17 :: Advent: Waiting and Watching


This sermon focuses on the contrast between the busyness of Christmas and the patience of Advent. It emphasizes the importance of attentiveness and discernment in our spiritual lives, particularly in the Advent season. The sermon also highlights the theme of Christ's presence in our lives and in others, urging us to see and serve Christ in everyone we encounter.

11/26/17 :: Generosity and Inclusion


Kevin's sermon reflects on the Archbishop's message of 'Generous Christianity' and the parable of the sheep and the goats. He emphasizes the importance of serving the poor and marginalized as a way of serving Christ, and challenges the congregation to consider the future of their worshipping community. The sermon calls for a community that embodies a 'Garland of Generosity and Inclusion' and warns against 'Self-Generosity'.

11/26/17 :: Community and Faith


Kevin discusses the challenges of living in a world burdened by anxiety and stress, focusing on the high suicide rates among young people and the fears they face. He emphasizes the importance of community and the role of the church in providing hope and support. The sermon concludes with the message of the Great Commission, urging the congregation to share the good news and engage with all communities, following Jesus' example.

12/11/16 :: Advent 3 - Year A - 2016


This sermon discusses the period of Advent and the ministry of John the Baptist. It explores the doubt John the Baptist may have felt while in prison, questioning if he had pointed his followers to the right person, Jesus. The sermon also delves into the issue of doubt in our own walk with God, and how turning to the Psalms can help make sense of the suffering in the world.

12/4/16 :: Dreams into Reality


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'Wouldn't it be nice if...?' and how it can be transformed into reality. He uses examples from everyday life, city planning, and the peace process in Northern Ireland to illustrate his point. He also discusses the biblical teachings of Isaiah and the ministry of John the Baptist, emphasizing the importance of repentance and change in direction to bring about new possibilities.

11/27/16 :: Advent 1 - Year A


This sermon reflects on the first Sunday of Advent, a time of preparation and anticipation in the Christian calendar. It draws parallels between the American Festival of Thanksgiving and the Christian story, emphasizing the importance of making these stories our own. The sermon also explores the concept of humanity being created in the image of God, and our calling to be active participants in Christ's story.

11/27/16 :: Putting on Christ


This sermon focuses on the Romans passage and develops the theme of 'putting on Christ'. The core message is about being recognized for what we are, a follower of Jesus.

11/20/16 :: Image of the Father


The sermon reflects on the resemblance between children and their parents, drawing parallels to Jesus being the 'image of the invisible God'. The speaker emphasizes the mystery of the incarnation, the humility of God in the person of Jesus, and the sacrificial nature of Jesus' love. The sermon concludes with an invitation to follow Jesus, the Servant King.

12/20/15 :: The God of New Beginnings


This sermon reflects on the significance of small beginnings and the radical message of the Magnificat. It speaks of the new beginnings prophesied by Micah, and the radical reversal of societal norms as expressed in Mary's song. It also emphasizes the call to a new way of living in the world, as exemplified by Jesus.

12/13/15 :: The Lord is Near


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of God's nearness, drawing on references from literature and a prayer of blessing. He challenges the audience to consider their understanding of God and His presence in their lives. The sermon emphasizes the comforting and understanding nature of God, encouraging the audience to bring their anxieties and concerns to Him.

12/6/15 :: Work in Progress


This sermon, delivered on the second Sunday of Advent in 2015, explores the theme of life as a 'work in progress' under God's guidance. Drawing on the words of Philippians 1:6, the sermon underscores the continuous nature of our spiritual journey, likening it to a sacrificial offering in progress. It emphasizes that God is present at every stage of this journey, guiding us towards becoming more like Him.

11/29/15 :: Jesus, the Light of the World


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of a mirror reflecting light to explain the role of Jesus as the light of the world. He emphasizes the importance of keeping our faces turned towards Jesus and not letting anything come between us and Him. This way, we can reflect His light to the entire world.

11/29/15 :: Advent 1 - Year C


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Advent in 2015, discusses the sacrament of Baptism, the journey of faith, and the anticipation of the coming of Christ. It emphasizes the role of John the Baptist in preparing the way for the Kingdom of God and the importance of the Church in expressing the values of reconciliation, justice, and compassion. The sermon also explores the concept of Jesus as both the companion and the destination on the journey of faith.

11/22/15 :: Truth Amidst Turmoil


In the sermon delivered on the Sunday before Advent in 2015, Kevin reflects on the recent terrorist attacks in Paris and the broader context of violence in the name of faith. He explores the role of sacred texts in shaping values and responding to contemporary challenges. Kevin emphasizes the importance of listening to the teachings of Jesus, especially in the face of adversity, and calls for maintaining values of justice, tolerance, freedom, and reconciliation.

12/21/14 :: Advent 4 2014 - Year B


This sermon discusses the theme of broken and mended relationships, both human and divine. It explores the concept of God as a father figure who engages personally with his people, not as a distant entity. The sermon emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, drawing parallels between personal relationships and the relationship between God and his people.

12/14/14 :: Advent 3 - Year B


This sermon reflects on the unwavering faith of an old lady named Sophie O'Neill, who despite her struggles, believed in the goodness of God. It emphasizes the call to give thanks in all circumstances, and the role of followers of Christ as heralds of hope, integrity, and reconciliation in a troubled world.

11/30/14 :: Advent: A Time of Waiting


This sermon contrasts the busyness of the Christmas season with the patience and attentiveness required during Advent. It emphasizes the importance of waiting, watching, and responding during this season. The sermon also draws parallels between the attentiveness required in parenting and the discernment needed in our spiritual lives.

11/30/14 :: Life Changing Encounters


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of life-changing encounters, using the examples of a couple's journey through marriage and parenthood, and a couple's experience of retirement. He relates these experiences to the spiritual journey of Advent, emphasizing the transformative power of encountering Christ. He encourages the congregation to see Christ in themselves and others, and to let this encounter change their lives.

11/23/14 :: Reflections on Authority


Kevin reflects on his visit to Berlin and the lessons of history, contrasting the dark kingdoms of the past with the true Kingship of Christ. He draws parallels between the authority of oppressive regimes and the servant leadership exemplified by Jesus. The sermon culminates with the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, urging us to recognize Christ in serving the marginalized.

12/22/13 :: Advent Waiting


This sermon explores the concept of waiting during the Advent season. It draws parallels between waiting for loved ones at the airport and waiting for God. The sermon emphasizes the presence of God with us, through the incarnation of Jesus, and encourages us to hold onto this truth in our lives.

12/1/13 :: Change in Allegiance


This sermon discusses the concept of change in allegiance, using the example of a football player's transfer to illustrate the point. It also touches on the spiritual transformation of St. Augustine, emphasizing the need for personal repentance and acceptance of Christ's authority. The sermon concludes with a call to reflection during the Advent season, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

11/24/13 :: The Image of His Father


This sermon explores the concept of Jesus as the 'image of the invisible God', drawing parallels between the familial resemblance between parents and children and the spiritual resemblance between God and Jesus. It emphasizes the humility and servitude of Jesus, who came not to be served, but to serve. The sermon concludes with an invitation to follow Jesus, the Servant King.

12/23/12 :: The Magnificat: A Radical Message


In this sermon, Kevin explores the radical message of the Magnificat, a song of praise and gratitude to God, traditionally associated with the Service of Evening Prayer in the Anglican Communion. He reflects on how the Magnificat's message of the powerful being brought low and the humble being lifted up aligns with the teachings of John the Baptist and the core message of Christmas.

12/16/12 :: The Lord is Near


This sermon reflects on the nearness of God, contrasting the oppressive presence of 'Big Brother' in the novel '1984' with the comforting, understanding presence of God. The sermon encourages the listener to bring their concerns and anxieties to God, who listens with gentle understanding. It ends with a prayer of blessing, reminding the listener of God's constant presence.

12/9/12 :: Work in Progress


This sermon, delivered on the 2nd Sunday of Advent in 2012, explores the theme of life as a 'work in progress'. Drawing from Philippians 1:6, the speaker encourages listeners to view their spiritual journey as an ongoing process, guided and supported by God. The sermon emphasizes the importance of patience, faith, and the continual striving towards a deeper relationship with Christ.

12/18/11 :: The God Particle and the Incarnation


This sermon explores the intersection of scientific and religious truth, drawing parallels between the search for the Higgs Boson, or 'God Particle', and the Christian understanding of the Incarnation. The sermon emphasizes the radical message of Jesus, who challenges worldly power and calls for a more authentic way of living.

12/11/11 :: God is Good


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on a visit to an old lady named Sophie O'Neill, who despite her struggles, maintained a strong faith in God's goodness. He uses this story to illustrate the radical faith that can sustain us through life's challenges. He also emphasizes the call for Christians to offer hope, integrity, truth, and reconciliation in a troubled world.

11/27/11 :: Advent: A Life-Changing Encounter


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Advent in 2011, explores the themes of life-changing and life-challenging encounters, drawing parallels between the anticipation of significant life events, such as weddings or retirements, and the spiritual anticipation of Advent. The sermon emphasizes the presence of Christ in every aspect of our lives and in every person we encounter, challenging us to see and serve Christ in others.

11/20/11 :: Christ the King


In the sermon before Advent in 2011, Kevin reflects on the profound truth of Christian witness and the core message of love. He emphasizes the importance of moving beyond self-centered individualism towards a faith that focuses on God and our neighbors. The sermon also discusses the societal values that align with Christian teachings, advocating for an inclusive society that recognizes the divine image in every individual.

12/19/10 :: Advent 4 - 2010


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the meaning of Advent and the importance of compassion and care in society. He shares a story about a young man who fell into destitution but found hope and support through Focus Ireland. The sermon emphasizes the presence of God in our lives, embodied in the acts of love and care we show to each other.

12/12/10 :: The Heralds of the Kingdom


This sermon, delivered on the third Sunday of Advent in 2010, draws parallels between the role of heralds in history and the Bible, and our modern roles as Christians. It emphasizes the importance of our homes and churches as places where Christ is known and made known. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on their roles as 'heralds of the kingdom' in their generation.

12/5/10 :: Advent Dream to Reality


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'Wouldn't it be nice if...?' and how it applies to our lives and faith. He discusses the importance of turning dreams into reality, the role of repentance, and the need for societal change. He also draws parallels between the biblical teachings and contemporary issues such as the economic crisis and political integrity.

11/28/10 :: Advent 1 - 2010


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the tension between the reality and the ideal, using the city of Jerusalem as an example. He draws parallels between the city's story and our own spiritual journey, highlighting the gap between our promises and where we stand in our spiritual life. He encourages us to reflect on our baptismal vows and to continually strive to grow into Christ.

11/21/10 :: The Kingship of Christ


The sermon explores the theme of the Kingship of Christ, highlighting the paradox of majesty and suffering. It discusses how Christ's authority is represented through both the crown and the nails, symbolizing his sacrifice and resurrection. The sermon also relates the teachings of Christ to contemporary societal challenges, urging the congregation to embody Christ in their lives.

11/14/10 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of self-awareness and honesty in both our personal and societal lives, drawing parallels between the state of the nation's finances and the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. He emphasizes the need for healing, not just addressing immediate symptoms but also root causes. The sermon also marks the baptism of a child, Tadhg Ryan, symbolizing the beginning of a spiritual journey.

11/14/10 :: Values and Vision


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of understanding our values as a faith community, which are greatly influenced by our perception of God. He explores the correlation between a person's social and theological attitudes and their perception of God. He also uses the story from Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables' to illustrate the values of forgiveness and redemption.

12/13/09 :: Advent 3 - 2009


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Advent in 2009, focuses on the figure of John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the importance of repentance and the need for it to go beyond mere words and start working itself out in daily living. It also highlights the need for Christians to show their trust in Christ through lives committed to his service and the advancement of his kingdom of justice and peace.

11/29/09 :: Healing and Wholeness


This sermon delivered on the first Sunday of Advent in 2009 discusses the concept of healing in the Christian Gospel and the Church's role as a community of healing. It reflects on the Church's responsibility to embody Christ in today's world and to be an instrument of deep, fundamental healing. The sermon also addresses the importance of love, commitment, and a sense of belonging in expressing God's love.

11/22/09 :: Stir Up Sunday Reflection


Kevin reflects on the significance of the Sunday before Advent, known as 'Stir Up Sunday'. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for the Incarnation and the serious business of living in the light of Christ's coming. The sermon ties the end of the Church's year to the themes of Christ the King, the gift of God's love, and our priestly vocation in response to the Incarnation.

11/15/09 :: Discernment and Change


Kevin reflects on the importance of discernment in the face of change, drawing parallels between the disciples' amazement at the Temple and modern reactions to historical events like the fall of the Berlin Wall. He emphasizes the need to understand the significance of events and to question our values and the way we live, especially in times of societal upheaval.

12/9/07 :: Advent Preparations


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of finding a quiet place amidst the busyness of Christmas preparations. He draws parallels between the desert places in the Bible, where key figures had encounters with God, and our own need for a 'desert place' in our lives. He encourages listeners to find their own place of quiet and encounter with God amidst the busyness of life.

11/12/06 :: Sacrificial Giving and Remembrance


Kevin reflects on the theme of sacrificial giving, drawing from the story of the widow's mite and a personal encounter with a generous couple from his parish. He connects this to the act of remembrance for those who sacrificed their lives in conflict, urging the congregation to consider how they respond to the sacrifices of others. The sermon emphasizes the Christian call to live in the self-emptying love of Christ, as exemplified by Jesus' humility and obedience.

11/11/02 :: Remembrance Sunday


This sermon reflects on the importance of Remembrance Day, the memories of war and the sacrifices made by many. It emphasizes the reality of war and the cost it has on humanity. The sermon also highlights the need for prayer for world leaders in their decision-making, especially in times of international conflict.