Posts tagged Church_of_Gaurdian_Spirit

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

9/24/23 :: Obedience and Discipleship


This sermon, delivered on the 17th Sunday of Trinity in 2023, discusses the parable of the two sons. It explores themes of obedience, discipleship, and the importance of actions over words. The sermon encourages listeners to reflect on their own attitudes towards God's call and emphasizes the importance of being prepared to re-evaluate one's faith journey.

9/24/23 :: Who are our heroes?


This sermon discusses the concept of heroes and admiration. It mentions figures from sports like Rory McIlroy and Mary Earps, and how they inspire us not just because of their achievements, but also because of their character. The sermon also touches on the integration of faith and science.

8/6/23 :: The Power of Small Gifts


In this sermon, Kevin shares the story of a dwindling parish near Wall Street that was revitalized through a simple act of service: providing affordable lunches to office workers. He draws parallels between this story and the biblical account of Jesus feeding the five thousand, emphasizing the power of small, seemingly insignificant gifts offered in faith. He encourages his congregation to recognize and offer their own gifts, however small, for the building up of God's Kingdom.

8/6/23 :: Prayers for Proper 13


This sermon emphasizes the importance of seeking God, serving His love to the world, and praying for the world's leaders, the sick, and those in despair. It ends with a prayer of thanksgiving for spiritual nourishment and a plea for acceptance of these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ.

12/8/22 :: Upside Down Kingdom


This sermon discusses the concept of status in the Kingdom of Heaven, using the example of John the Baptist. It emphasizes the importance of humility and servitude, and the need to be 'little' before God. It also highlights the call to care for the marginalized and oppressed, following the example of Jesus' ministry.

10/6/22 :: The Power of Prayer


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of prayer, not as a shopping list of demands, but as an open dialogue with God. He discusses the challenges of unanswered prayers and the importance of faith in understanding God's will. The sermon emphasizes the idea of prayer as a means of seeking God's guidance and wisdom, rather than simply asking for what we want.

10/2/22 :: Mustard Seed Faith


This sermon explores the concept of faith, not as a commodity, but as a relationship. It emphasizes that faith is about trust rather than certainty, and that it is not just about us seeking God, but God meeting us on our journey. The sermon also highlights the idea of 'mustard seed faith' - that even a small amount of faith can grow into something significant.

10/2/22 :: Sunday Prayers


This sermon is a series of prayers for peace, unity, salvation, the Church, the world, and the local community. It includes prayers for the environment, the vulnerable, the oppressed, and the dying. The sermon also acknowledges the ongoing struggles in Ukraine and the personal loss of the Rector.

9/6/22 :: Little Before God


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the Magnificat and the importance of humility before God. He uses the example of Hyacinth Bucket from the television series 'Keeping up Appearances' to illustrate the futility of social climbing and the importance of acknowledging that we have no claim on God's love. He emphasizes that we must become 'little' before God, acknowledging that everything we have is a gift, and this attitude should extend to our interactions with others, particularly the marginalized and oppressed.

8/28/22 :: God's Patient Work


This sermon reflects on the image of a potter at work, shaping and reshaping clay, as a symbol of God's patient work in our lives. It explores the themes of God's commitment to humanity, our need to respond to God, and the challenge of not being possessed by our possessions. The sermon concludes with a call to live out our baptismal call to discipleship.

4/23/17 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Easter in 2017, explores the journey from doubt to faith, using the account of Jesus' appearance on the Road to Emmaus as a metaphor. It emphasizes the importance of honesty, listening, and understanding in our relationships with each other, and the role we can play in being 'Christ for one another' along the journey of life.

4/9/09 :: The Journey of Faith


This sermon discusses the journey of faith, referencing the speaker's personal experiences with fellow clergy and the challenges of organizing religious tours. It also touches on the theme of competition within the clergy, using the example of John the Baptist and Jesus. The sermon ends with a story about a unique church plant in Dublin, tasked with reaching out to those disillusioned with traditional churches.