Posts tagged Epiphany

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/5/23 :: Politics and Religion


The sermon discusses the intersection of politics and religion, emphasizing the importance of Christian values in the political process. It highlights the need for justice, integrity, and concern for the marginalized in society. The sermon also explores the concept of covenant in the context of political order, suggesting a partnership between the governed and the governing.

2/5/23 :: Prayers for the Faithful


This sermon is a series of prayers for the Church, the nations, the community, the sick, and the departed. It emphasizes the need for peace, righteousness, respect, and awareness of each other's needs within our homes and communities. It also highlights the importance of leadership in fostering peace and reconciliation.

1/15/23 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon reflects on the journeys of Jesus, his disciples, and us. It emphasizes the beginning of these journeys, particularly how Jesus' baptism marked the start of his public ministry. The sermon also explores the disciples' initial encounters with Jesus and their decision to follow him, despite not fully understanding his message. The sermon ends with a call to be faithful to Jesus' call and to bear a rich harvest of love, integrity, justice, and peace.

1/15/23 :: Prayers of Epiphany


This sermon is a series of prayers, voicing concerns and seeking guidance from God. The prayers cover a range of topics, from the mission of the Church to global crises, to personal struggles and losses. The sermon emphasizes the importance of faith, encouragement, and the pursuit of what is right and just.

2/14/21 :: Transfiguration and Insight


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of transfiguration and how it relates to our understanding of Jesus. He discusses the highs and lows of life and faith, and the role of the Church as the Body of Christ in providing support and hope. He also addresses the impact of the ongoing pandemic and the Church's responsibility to be a beacon of light and hope in society.

2/14/21 :: Signs of Hope


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of hope in the midst of adversity, using the metaphor of a solitary daffodil blooming in the frost as a sign of better times ahead. He draws parallels between the current Covid-19 pandemic and the Transfiguration of Jesus, emphasizing the need for resilience and faith. He encourages the congregation to be 'signs of hope' in their communities.

2/7/21 :: Creation's Purpose


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of creation and its purpose. He recalls how his journey to faith began in physics classes, where he pondered the order and purpose in the universe. He discusses the teachings of French theologian, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Apostle Paul, both of whom saw a progression and purpose in creation. Kevin emphasizes that our care for the world and for each other are integral parts of our worship and response to God's love.

2/2/21 :: Presentation of Christ in the Temple


This sermon reflects on the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, drawing parallels with the liberation of Auschwitz. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the humanity in others and warns against the dangers of racism, sectarianism, and other forms of discrimination. The sermon underscores the message of Jesus as a beacon of righteousness, truth, and reconciliation in a broken world.

1/17/21 :: Seeking and Being Found


In this sermon, the theme of seeking and being found is explored in the context of the Gospel and Psalm. The sermon emphasizes that God, who seeks and finds us, knows us intimately and loves us unconditionally. It encourages us to see our discipleship as a response to God's love that has sought and found us, and invites us to seek and find God in our lives.

1/10/21 :: Epiphany 1 - Baptism of Jesus


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of 'Epiphany' and its significance in the Christian calendar. He explores the idea of moments when God breaks through and seems very real, using the example of the Baptism of Jesus. Kevin also emphasizes the importance of understanding Jesus from his angle, not ours, and recognizing him as both powerful and gentle, the Son of God and Saviour.

2/16/20 :: Light set on a hill


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the metaphor of a lighthouse as a guiding light, and how Jesus encourages his followers to be like lights. The sermon emphasizes the importance of embodying the fruits of the spirit, and how this can sometimes be challenging. The ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus, shining as lights in the world.

2/16/20 :: Religion and Politics


The sermon discusses the intersection of religion and politics, emphasizing the importance of religious conviction in informing political choices. It highlights the concept of covenant in the political process, which presupposes reciprocity, mutual respect, and consent. The sermon also stresses the role of justice in society, particularly in protecting the weak and marginalized.

2/16/20 :: The Power of Now


This sermon emphasizes the importance of rest and the power of the present moment. It explores the concept of Sabbath, a day of rest and gladness, and the need to make time for God amidst the busyness of modern life. It also addresses the fears and anxieties that come with life's responsibilities, and the need to bring these concerns into the presence of God.

2/2/20 :: Presentation of Christ in the Temple


This sermon reflects on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. It contrasts the inhumanity of Auschwitz with the humanity as God intended, as seen in the person of Jesus. The sermon warns against the dangers of racism, sectarianism, and populism, and calls for the Gospel's message of righteousness and reconciliation to heal a broken world.

1/19/20 :: The Value of Service


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on his recent experiences of being on the receiving end of care and service. He discusses the importance of learning to receive, the power dynamics in service, and the need for stepping back and reflecting on life. He emphasizes that we are not indispensable and that God is found in all those who call on Christ as Lord.

2/24/19 :: Creation in Disarray


This sermon discusses the concept of a creation in disarray, drawing parallels between a manufacturer recalling faulty cars and the need for God's intervention in a flawed world. It emphasizes Jesus' authority over all aspects of a dysfunctional creation, as demonstrated through his miracles and healings. The sermon also explores the discomfort that can come with Jesus' presence and challenges, and the ultimate healing and restoration that follows.

2/24/19 :: Standing on Holy Ground


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of standing on 'holy ground', using the Transfiguration of Jesus as a reference point. He discusses the importance of acknowledging the mystery of Christ and the need for reflection, especially during the Lent season. The sermon also includes the celebration of a baptism, marking the beginning of a spiritual journey.

2/17/19 :: The Call of Peter


This sermon reflects on the story of Peter's call by Jesus, as told by St Luke. It explores the stages of Peter's call, from Jesus meeting him in his own territory to the transformation of a place of failure into a place of success with Jesus's presence. The sermon encourages us to venture into our 'deep places' of fear and failure, not alone, but with the presence of Christ.

2/3/19 :: The Presentation of Christ


This sermon discusses the presentation of Christ in the Temple, reflecting on the power of hymns to convey deep spiritual truths. It explores the concept of God becoming human through Jesus, experiencing all aspects of humanity, and the calling for the Church to be the Body of Christ in the world today.

1/20/19 :: Interconnectedness and Compassion


In this sermon, Kevin uses the game of Jenga as a metaphor for interconnectedness within the community. He emphasizes the importance of compassion, which he defines as the courage to see, feel, and act. He also highlights the significance of each individual's contribution to the community, likening the absence of a person to a missing block in a Jenga tower that weakens the structure.

1/20/19 :: Grace in Imperfection


This sermon reflects on the power of human resilience and the concept of grace. It draws parallels between the diverse and divided Corinthian Church and the Church today, emphasizing the need for unity and recognition of varied gifts and talents. The sermon also discusses the changes in Ireland and the Church over the years, and the challenges they face today. It concludes with a call for the Church to embody the healing, reconciling, and transforming presence of Christ in today's world.

1/14/18 :: Following in the Footsteps of Jesus


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of discipleship, contrasting it with the modern idea of 'following' someone on social media. He emphasizes that Jesus is looking for true disciples, not just admirers, and that discipleship involves a deep commitment and a willingness to learn and grow. The sermon also highlights the idea of Jesus as a gift from God, not to be admired from a distance but to be received and followed.

1/14/18 :: Seeking and Being Sought


The sermon discusses the theme of seeking and being sought, finding and being found, in the context of the Gospel and Psalm. It emphasizes that God seeks and finds us, knowing and loving us not because of anything we do but simply because of who we are before him. The sermon also highlights the importance of realizing that we are children of God, beloved in all our strengths and failings.

1/7/18 :: Guiding Light


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of light as a guide in our lives, drawing parallels from his personal experience of sea fishing at night and the biblical account of the Magi following a star. He challenges us to consider what our guiding star in life is, urging us to look beyond self-interest and embody values of justice, truth, compassion, mercy, and peace in our daily lives.

1/7/18 :: Light of Christ


This sermon, given on the feast of Epiphany in 2018, reflects on the biblical passages Isaiah 60:1 and Matthew 2:1ff. It emphasizes the transformative power of baptism and the divine light that is bestowed upon the baptized. The sermon also discusses the journey of the Magi, who were guided by a star to the newborn king of the Jews.

2/26/17 :: Transfigured and Transformed


This sermon focuses on the concept of transformation, using biblical references from Matthew 17:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, and Romans 12:2. It discusses the transfiguration of Jesus and how we, as believers, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. The sermon emphasizes the importance of not conforming to the world but being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

2/26/17 :: Transfiguration: A Journey of Transformation


This sermon discusses the story of Transfiguration, emphasizing the importance of not clinging to spiritual experiences but focusing on the person of Jesus. It encourages the congregation to allow their encounters with Christ to transform them, rather than seeking to perpetuate the experience. The sermon concludes with a reminder of God's intention for us to be living expressions of his blessing.

2/12/17 :: Understanding Identity and Purpose


This sermon by Kevin Brew, delivered on the 4th Sunday before Lent in 2017, explores the concept of identity and purpose. He encourages the congregation to understand themselves in terms of relationships and love, and to reflect on the fundamental questions of 'Who am I?', 'Why am I here?' and 'What is my purpose?'. He emphasizes the importance of love for God and neighbor, and the need for justice, righteousness, and care for the marginalized in a Christian society.

2/12/17 :: God, the Creator


This sermon explores the theme of God as the creator, who is not indifferent to us but knows, loves, and cares. It emphasizes the importance of seeking to understand God's thoughts and intentions, rather than focusing on individual phenomena or details. The sermon encourages listening and watching to know God better, highlighting the importance of prayer as a means of communication with God.

1/29/17 :: The Importance of Truth


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of truth in our lives and society. He reflects on the contemporary 'post-truth' society and the dangers of misinformation. He emphasizes the need for truth in our daily lives, in our faith, and in our interactions with others. The sermon draws on passages from Psalm 15 and Micah 6:8, highlighting the requirement of God for us to speak the truth from the heart, do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

1/22/17 :: Light of Epiphany


This sermon reflects on the theme of light in the season of Epiphany, drawing from various biblical passages. It discusses the symbolism of light as the presence of God and how it guides us in life. It also highlights the transformative power of the Gospel, using real-life examples to illustrate the impact of forgiveness and reconciliation.

1/15/17 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon reflects on the journey of faith, beginning with Jesus' baptism and his calling of the disciples. It emphasizes the idea that faith is a lifelong journey and that God calls individuals in all their humanity, strengths, and weaknesses. The sermon also encourages the faithful to be instruments of God in their everyday lives, bearing a rich harvest of love, integrity, justice, and peace.

1/8/17 :: Being Different


The sermon discusses the concept of being different, standing out in a crowd, and choosing to follow Christ. It emphasizes the importance of making conscious choices about our attitudes, behaviors, and life priorities. The sermon also explains the concept of 'metanoia', a Greek word used in the Bible, which means to repent, turn around, change direction, and take a different journey through life.

2/7/16 :: The Music of Eternity


This sermon discusses the importance of finding a quiet place to worship and connect with God. It emphasizes the transformative power of God's presence and how it can help us to both see and reflect the Lord's glory. The sermon also encourages us to step back from the noise of the world and tune into the music of eternity.

2/7/16 :: Facing Temptation


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of temptation and testing, drawing from the Lord's Prayer and the Letter to the Hebrews. He emphasizes the humanity of Jesus, who experienced the same trials and temptations as we do, and is therefore able to help us in our times of need. Kevin encourages us to hold fast to our faith, even in times of doubt and despair, knowing that we are not alone.

2/7/16 :: Divine Reflection


This sermon discusses the teachings of St Gregory Nazianzen, emphasizing the importance of introspection and connection with God. It highlights the belief in the Trinity and the full humanity of Christ. The sermon encourages us to strive to be like Christ, as he became like us.

1/24/16 :: Epiphany 3 - 2016


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between the game of Jenga and the interconnectedness of the Church community. He discusses the importance of compassion, courage, and action, using the example of Aung San Suu Kyi and the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Kevin emphasizes that every person and their gifts are valuable to the Church, and that the community is stronger with everyone's presence.

1/17/16 :: Charisma and Spiritual Gifts


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of 'charisma' and its relation to leadership. He highlights the importance of charismatic leaders in history and their ability to inspire and transform societies. Kevin then connects this to the spiritual gifts (carisma) mentioned in Paul's first letter to the Church at Corinth. He emphasizes that these gifts are God-given and meant to be used for the service of God and the building up of His Kingdom.

1/10/16 :: Epiphany 1 - 2016


This sermon reflects on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It discusses how Jesus was perceived in different ways by people - as a teacher, healer, and friend of the friendless. It emphasizes the important self-proclamations of Jesus, such as 'I am the good shepherd' and 'I am the light of the world'. The sermon concludes with the promise of Jesus to his disciples and to us, 'I am with you always.'

1/10/16 :: The Power of the Spirit


This sermon discusses the power of the Spirit, as described in the Bible. The speaker compares the Spirit to the wind, which is powerful yet elusive, and can never be controlled or constrained. The sermon also emphasizes that the Church should always point to Christ and remember that its traditions and heritage are never greater than Christ.

2/8/15 :: Wonderful World


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the beauty of the world we live in and how we often overlook it due to our busy lives. He emphasizes that we are all unique creations of God and that we are all made in God's image. He encourages us to appreciate and marvel at God's creation and to understand our purpose in life as God's children.

2/8/15 :: Purpose and Providence


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of God's purpose in creation and the idea of providence. He addresses the problem of evil and suffering in the world, and how these challenges can be faced with faith. The sermon emphasizes on the power of resurrection and the peace that comes from God's solidarity in suffering.

1/25/15 :: Emerging Into Light


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany in 2015, discusses the transformation of Simon into Peter as per the teachings of Jesus. It draws a parallel between this transformation and the metamorphosis of a moth, emphasizing the idea that there is something divine in each one of us, waiting to emerge. The sermon also touches upon the importance of names and the significance of their change in biblical times.

1/18/15 :: Following in the Footsteps of Jesus


This sermon from 2015 discusses the concept of discipleship and what it means to follow Jesus. Drawing parallels between the biblical disciples and modern day followers, the sermon emphasizes that Jesus is not looking for casual followers but for committed disciples who are willing to leave everything behind. The sermon also contrasts the idea of following Jesus with following someone on social media, highlighting the depth and commitment required in discipleship.

1/18/15 :: Openness to Truth


Kevin delivers a sermon on the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany, Year B, 2015, focusing on the themes of openness to truth and recognizing personal biases. He uses the story of the blind men and the elephant to illustrate the importance of being receptive to different perspectives. He also discusses the significance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and the need for ecumenism.

1/4/15 :: Epiphany 2015


The sermon discusses the significance of the Epiphany, the visit of the Magi, and the paradoxes of Christmas. It emphasizes the journey of faith, the impact of Jesus' teachings, and the importance of recognizing Jesus in our lives and in others. The sermon concludes with the challenge of allowing God's authority in our lives, thereby reflecting the life and love of Jesus Christ in the world.

1/4/15 :: Light Overcomes Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the power of light, both literal and metaphorical, in overcoming darkness. Drawing from Psalm 29, Genesis, and the Gospel of Mark, he reflects on the creative and enduring power of light. The sermon also addresses the tragic events in Paris, urging listeners to uphold their values in the face of violence and injustice.

2/23/14 :: Journey of Faith and Transfiguration


The sermon explores the speaker's journey from agnosticism to faith, driven by a fascination with the natural world and science. It discusses the concept of 'transfiguration', using the biblical story of Jesus' transfiguration as a metaphor for personal spiritual transformation. The sermon emphasizes the Christian life as a process of becoming more like Jesus, of growing into Christ.

2/16/14 :: Who Am I?


In this sermon, Kevin Brew explores the fundamental questions of identity, purpose, and our relationship with God. He emphasizes the importance of understanding ourselves in relation to God and others, and the need for our spirituality to inspire and transform our daily lives. The sermon calls for justice, love, and mercy, and the need to live out our dignity and vocation as ones made in the image of God.

2/16/14 :: How Big Is Your God?


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of 'How big is our God?' He reflects on the biblical stories of creation, covenant, and redemption, and how they reveal God's greatness and relevance in our lives. He encourages us to recognize God's presence in our daily lives and challenges, and to allow our faith to impact our decisions, attitudes, and relationships.

1/26/14 :: Parish Review and Community Building


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the idea of a Parish Review and the importance of community building within the church. He highlights a recent successful event organized by the Women's Fellowship Group and uses it as an example of the potential of the parish community. The sermon also touches on the challenges faced by the church and the need for adaptability and inclusivity in worship and community life.

1/19/14 :: Seeking and Finding


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of seeking and finding in our spiritual journey. He discusses the resonance of familiar scripture passages and the questions Jesus asks of those who approach him. Drawing on the words of philosophers and theologians, he reflects on the human yearning for God and the restlessness of the heart until it finds rest in God.

1/5/14 :: Light in the Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin uses the metaphor of fluorescent stars in the darkness to illustrate the theme of light in the Bible. He explores how light is not only a symbol of God's presence and guidance, but also a call for us to become channels of light ourselves. The sermon emphasizes the importance of receiving God's light in our lives and sharing it with others.

1/5/14 :: Being Different


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Epiphany in 2014, discusses the concept of being different and standing out in a crowd. The sermon emphasizes the importance of choosing to follow Christ, which means dying to sin and rising to new life with him. It also highlights the concept of repentance, using the Greek word 'metanoia', which means to turn around, change direction, and take a different journey through life.

1/5/14 :: Moments of Epiphany


This sermon explores the concept of Epiphany, moments when God breaks through and seems very real. It discusses how God makes himself known through creation, how humans are created in God's image and are called to reveal God in their daily lives, and the mystery of the incarnation. It also touches on the vocation that flows from baptism.

2/10/13 :: Sunday before Lent 2013


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the time Jesus went off with his disciples, Peter, James, and John. He emphasizes the importance of seeing God in Jesus and how others might see Jesus in us. He also prepares the congregation for the upcoming season of Lent, a time for self-reflection and getting closer to Jesus.

2/10/13 :: Transfiguration of Our Lord


This sermon reflects on the Transfiguration of Jesus, a crucial point in the Gospel story. It emphasizes the importance of listening, reflecting, and learning from the Gospel stories. The sermon also discusses the disciples' struggle to understand Jesus' identity and mission, and encourages believers to continue seeking understanding in the midst of life's struggles, with the assurance of Jesus' presence and power.

2/3/13 :: Presentation of Christ


This sermon discusses the humanity of Jesus, emphasizing his experiences and feelings that are common to all people. It explores the concept of 'solidarity', with God standing alongside us in the person of Jesus. The sermon also touches on the idea of redemption and the journey of faith, encouraging perseverance and looking to Jesus as the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

1/20/13 :: Grace and Transformation


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of grace and the transformative power of Christ. Drawing from the story of the wedding at Cana and Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he explores how God's grace can empower, inspire, and work through our strengths and weaknesses. He also reflects on the role of the Church in a rapidly changing society and the importance of embodying Christ's healing and reconciling presence in the world.

1/6/13 :: Epiphany 2013


This sermon discusses the Feast of Epiphany, marking the end of the Christmas season. It emphasizes the profound change brought about by the birth of Jesus, breaking down barriers between clean and unclean, Jew and Gentile. The sermon encourages listeners to not just be spectators, but participants in the ongoing manifestation of Christ to the world.

1/6/13 :: Power of the Spirit


This sermon, delivered on the 1st Sunday after the Epiphany in 2013, discusses the power of the Holy Spirit and its role in the world. The sermon draws parallels between the power of natural phenomena like lightning and the power of the Holy Spirit, emphasizing the Spirit's unpredictability and potential for massive impact. It also highlights the role of the Church in pointing to Christ and the Spirit's role in guiding and empowering the Church.

2/19/12 :: Creation and Providence


This sermon discusses the religious perspective on creation and the purpose of mankind. It explores the idea of providence, God's continuing interest in the world, and how this is seen through the history of the Hebrew people. The sermon also addresses the problem of evil and suffering in the world, and how faith can be challenged and reaffirmed through these experiences.

2/19/12 :: Insight and Blindness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'Transfiguration', drawing parallels between the biblical account and our own experiences of insight and blindness. He encourages the congregation to be beacons of hope and light in times of darkness and uncertainty, and calls on the Church to play a major role in society, particularly in challenging times.

2/12/12 :: Beyond Our Comfort Zones


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and recognizing that our understanding of God is always partial. He emphasizes the need for openness, inclusiveness, and humility in our faith journey. He also explores the concept of the Church as the Body of Christ, where every part is valued and contributes to the whole.

2/12/12 :: The Universe and Us


This sermon focuses on our place in the universe and God's care for us. It explores the vastness of the universe, the beauty of life on Earth, and the intricate details of our own bodies. It emphasizes that not only does God create, but He also cares deeply for His creation, including us in all our goodness and badness.

1/22/12 :: The Transformation of Simon


This sermon explores the transformation of Simon into Peter, as told in the Gospel of Mark. It uses the metaphor of an egg hatching into a swan to illustrate the potential for change and growth within each individual. The sermon emphasizes that God sees beyond our external appearances and values the inherent goodness within us.

1/22/12 :: The Body of Christ


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Epiphany in 2012, discusses the diversity of the Church and the unique gifts each member brings. Using the analogy of the human body, it emphasizes the importance of each member's contribution to the well-being and functioning of the Church. It also reminds us that the Church exists not for its own benefit, but for the advancement of God's Kingdom.

2/27/11 :: Sunday before Lent


This sermon reflects on the story of the Transfiguration of our Lord and the disciples' journey with Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of not just admiring Jesus, but obeying and following him. The sermon also discusses the disciples' struggle to understand who Jesus was and assures that Jesus is with us in our struggles and searches.

2/20/11 :: Choices and Consequences


In this sermon, Kevin emphasizes the importance of choices in our lives. He discusses the different levels of choices we make, from mundane daily decisions to life-altering ones. He also highlights how our choices reflect our values and faith, and how they can have far-reaching implications. Kevin calls for a rediscovery of community values and a commitment to making choices that lead to life and blessings.

2/13/11 :: Religion and Politics


The sermon discusses the role of religious conviction in political choices, emphasizing the importance of voting with integrity and considering the greater good of society. It explores the concept of covenant in politics, which implies mutual respect and consent between the governed and the governors. The sermon urges the congregation to reflect on how their Christian values influence their political decisions.

1/30/11 :: Wisdom and Folly


In this sermon, Kevin explores the contrasts between foolish and wise, weak and strong, through the lens of the Epistle to the Church in Corinth. He reflects on the power of small, seemingly insignificant actions to bring about great change, and the illusion of strength in worldly systems. He also discusses the role of Christians in society, particularly in the context of politics and social justice.

1/23/11 :: Light in Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of light and darkness in the scriptures, and how it parallels the contrast between good and evil. He highlights the role of light as a sign of God's presence and the call for Christians to be channels of this light. He also discusses the societal changes in Ireland and challenges the Christian community to be a beacon of light and justice in the midst of these changes.

1/16/11 :: The Call and Vocation


The sermon discusses the joy and significance of Baptism, the importance of names in the Bible, and the transformation of individuals when they accept God's call. It emphasizes the idea of vocation and purpose, using examples of biblical figures like Simon becoming Peter and Saul becoming Paul. The sermon also encourages reflection on one's discipleship and the reaffirmation of baptismal promises.

1/9/11 :: Adapting to Change


This sermon discusses the importance of adapting to change, using the story of Mountmellick as an example. It emphasizes the need for the Church to adapt its presentation to meet the needs of those to whom it is speaking, while staying true to the content of the Gospel. It also highlights the importance of the Church's mission to proclaim the Gospel to all cultures and times.

1/31/10 :: The Gift of Prophecy


This sermon discusses the spiritual gift of prophecy, often misunderstood as foretelling the future. It emphasizes that prophecy is about seeing events and people as God sees them, recognizing the significance of events, and declaring this to those who listen. It also highlights the importance of love in the Christian faith, without which all other gifts are meaningless.

1/31/10 :: Understanding Prophecy


The sermon explores the concept of prophecy, often misunderstood as foretelling the future. Instead, it's about seeing events and people as God does, recognizing the significance of events, and declaring it to those who listen. The sermon also reflects on the vision of the glory of the Lord filling the Temple, a symbol of divine judgement and ultimate redemption.

1/24/10 :: Body of the Church


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of the Church as a body. He emphasizes the importance of each member's unique gifts and their contribution to the overall health and vitality of the Church. He also highlights the Church's ongoing growth and development, likening it to a child learning and maturing within a family.

1/10/10 :: God's Personal Care and Concern


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the personal and intimate relationship between God and his people. Drawing parallels between personal letters and the scriptures, he emphasizes the timeless and personal nature of God's messages. The sermon highlights God's constant presence and support in our lives, reminding us that we are individually called and redeemed by Him.

1/10/10 :: Personal Redemption


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between personal letters and the scriptures, emphasizing the personal and timeless nature of God's message. He discusses the concept of God as a personal redeemer and savior, who stays with us through all the ups and downs of life. The sermon also touches on the beginning of Jesus' public ministry with his baptism, reinforcing the message of personal redemption and God's enduring presence.

1/10/10 :: Power of the Spirit


In this sermon, Kevin explores the power of the Spirit, drawing parallels between the unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of the wind and the Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the role of the Church in pointing to Christ and the importance of being open to and responsive to the Spirit. The sermon also touches on the concept of being baptized in the Spirit that leads and empowers.

1/18/09 :: Spiritual Gifts and Response to Suffering


This sermon discusses the spiritual gifts and their place and purpose within the life of the Church. It emphasizes the importance of using these gifts for the common good, particularly in response to suffering, as exemplified by the earthquake in Haiti. The sermon encourages individuals to cherish, foster and use their spiritual gifts in the power of the Spirit.

1/21/96 :: Epiphany 3 - 1996


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of not letting our attachments to people, places, and traditions distract us from our commitment to God. He uses his experiences with different churches and congregations to illustrate this point. He emphasizes the urgency of Jesus' call to follow Him and the importance of focusing on the message of the Gospel rather than the preacher.