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We have just celebrated Christmas – the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The party is over – we’re back to school, back to work. Who did this child Jesus grow up to be.

Starting with a few pictures of children who grew up to be famous – see if you can recognise them: Einstein, Wayne Rooney, Barack Obama. Children who grew up to be famous – scientist, footballer, President of the USA. Who did Jesus grow up to be?

People experienced him in many different ways. Teacher, healer, friend of the friendless – he got into trouble. He said some important things about himself: ‘I am the good shepherd’, ‘I am the light of the world’. His followers came to see him as something much more: ‘You are the Christ’.

We have come to believe he is special and so we will say in our Creed. He has promised his disciples and he has promised us: ‘I am with you always.’ To us he says, ‘Come follow me.’