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3rd before Lent – Year A – 2020 – Family Service

Light set on a hill – can anyone think of one near here – Baily light house

  • It is there to guide ships out at sea

Forty years ago we did something that you should never do – we went for a walk along the cliff path – nothing wrong with that – except that it was dark and getting darker. Couldn’t see the path in front – couldn’t see the path behind.

Light house also warns of danger – warns ships to stay off the rocks. Sometimes people set false lights to draw ships onto rocks and then plunder the ship.

Important that the light house keeps shining in all weathers.

In our bible reading Jesus says that those who follow him should be like lights – shouldn’t be afraid to hide our light. Jesus said ‘I am the light of the world’ He also said that if we follow him, he will live in us and we will live in him.

We are the ones through whom Jesus shines as a light in the world today.

What does that mean? Last Friday, in Assembly in the Burrow, 2nd Class led us through a lovely assembly based on the fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

They thought about the difference this can make – it is not always easy. It’s easy to love someone you like – but Jesus tells us to love our enemy. Kindness is all very well – but some people can be very annoying.

As I listened to all this I thought of one of the definitions of the Holy Spirit that has always appealed to me

The Holy Spirit enables me to become more like Jesus.

You and me becoming more like Jesus, you and me shining as lights in the world.

May God enable each one of us to shine this week, to show something of the love of God in all that we do, all that we say, all that we are.