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Start with ‘battleship’ video clip. This raises the issue of the importance of responding to changing situations, new insights, new information. Politicians in the UK have had to come to terms with the new political realities of hung Parliaments and Coalitions. We have all been affected to a greater or lesser extent by the financial downturn. Governments have had to be more proactive in control of banks and financial institutions. Reduced incomes, drop in house prices & negative equity – we have had to change our way of doing things. Purchase of new car, meals out, trips away have been scaled back – like the battleship we have had to change course.

Church is operating in very different circumstances to 10 or 20 years ago. Ireland is now very much a multicultural society and also a far more secular society. There’s an explosion in the whole field of communication, more mobile population, more pressurised work place, and a greater willingness to question and to challenge.

Church of Ireland, in an effort to enable Parishes to respond to these and other changes, established Church 21, the Parish Development Organisation. Beginning of last year Howth Parish embarked upon a programme. Lenten Groups followed a programme designed to get us thinking about the various issues facing a Parish as it seeks to respond to changing circumstances.

There are many positives to our Parish. We are a warm and welcoming community – people identified the Fete, the coffees after Church, the midweek service. We are inclusive and non-judgemental. We have an attractive Church and Parish Centre that is used and valued by both the Parish and the wider community. We have a strong Sunday School and a strong link with the Burrow National School.

We have identified a number of specific initiatives designed to build on our strengths and address some of our weaknesses. Parish Website is ready to be relaunched – this will provide news about current events and services, text of recent sermons, groups using the Parish Centre, details of marriage and baptism services in the Parish. We are investigating a more prominent sign closer to the road. A Prayer group has been established that meets each Sunday after Church.

A group is being formed to coordinate a series of activities for the older age group. This will provide a combination of day trips, talks on subjects of interest and activities in the Parish Centre that provide an opportunity to come together, relax and enjoy each other’s company. In the autumn there will be a beginner’s course in computing in the Burrow School computer suite. This will be delivered by Linda Frost and support will be provided by members of our Youth Club.