Posts tagged School

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/3/21 :: Steadfast in Adversity


Kevin speaks about the challenges faced during the Christmas season amidst the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of staying apart to keep everyone safe. He acknowledges the hard work of teachers and the community's efforts during the first lockdown, offering hope with the arrival of vaccines. Kevin encourages everyone to stay steady and avoid mistakes as we approach the end of this difficult period.

11/29/20 :: Virtual Assembly - November 2020


Kevin addresses the Burrow School community in a virtual assembly, acknowledging the challenges faced during the pandemic and the things they've missed out on. He expresses his anticipation for the new classrooms to replace the prefabs next year. Despite the changes to the usual Christmas celebrations, he reminds everyone of the true meaning of Christmas and encourages them to enjoy the lead up to the holiday.

11/29/20 :: Virtual Assembly - November 2020


Kevin addresses the Burrow School community in a virtual assembly, acknowledging the challenges faced during the pandemic and the things they've missed out on. He expresses his anticipation for the new classrooms to replace the prefabs next year. Despite the changes to the usual Christmas celebrations, he reminds everyone of the true meaning of Christmas and encourages them to enjoy the lead up to the holiday.

9/1/20 :: New Beginnings


In this sermon, Kevin welcomes everyone to the new school year at Burrow School, especially the new Junior Infant Class. He acknowledges the fear and excitement that come with new experiences and assures the students that they are not alone. He uses a personal anecdote about a parachute jump to illustrate this point. Kevin also acknowledges the challenges posed by Covid-19 and emphasizes the importance of taking care of each other.

9/1/20 :: New Beginnings


In this sermon, Kevin welcomes everyone to the new school year at Burrow School, especially the new Junior Infant Class. He acknowledges the fear and excitement that come with new experiences and assures the students that they are not alone. He uses a personal anecdote about a parachute jump to illustrate this point. Kevin also acknowledges the challenges posed by Covid-19 and emphasizes the importance of taking care of each other.

8/3/13 :: Funeral of Mr Gordon Burrows


This sermon is a tribute to Mr. Gordon Burrows, known to his family as Fred. It highlights his love for life, his courage in the face of adversity, and his unwavering faith. The sermon also offers comfort and hope to the grieving family, drawing on St. Paul's words and the Gospel of John.

6/23/09 :: End of Year Reflection


This sermon delivered by Kevin at the end of the school year at Burrow National School emphasizes the importance of gratitude. It highlights the significance of saying 'thank you' and acknowledging the effort and kindness of others. The sermon also addresses the transition of students moving on to new schools and experiences, and the values they carry with them.