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Good morning everyone! First of all I hope you all had a great Christmas, enjoying each other, enjoying your presents. It was different this year, we couldn’t see as many people as we normally did. After Church on Christmas Day (and boy was that different) we headed across to our son in Blackrock and his family and we had a lovely time.

Now we are at the start of 2021 and I just want to wish you all a very Happy New year.

And now we’re back – but we’re not back, are we? Not the way we wanted to be back – in the classroom with our teachers, out in the yard with our friends. So, we’re going to be apart for a while as we were last March. I know your teachers have been working hard, as they did the first-time round, to help give you your classes in a very different way.

The whole Burrow community, teachers, parents and you did brilliantly back in that first lockdown. I know, there’s bound to be a feeling of ‘Oh no! Not again!’ but we will get through this.

In one way, it is the same as last March. We have to continue to stay apart, be careful, keeping ourselves safe, keeping everyone else safe – washing our hands, keeping our distance – that is what we have all been doing and there were no infections in the School last term.

OK it is the same – but there really is a difference this time round. Back in March, we didn’t know how long this would go on for, would there be vaccines, when would they appear.

Now there are vaccines coming. We are on the last lap of what has been a long and difficult race – so let’s keep steady, keep doing what you have been doing; don’t do anything silly, let’s not trip and fall on the last lap.

Hopefully, it won’t be too long until you are back in school. I know that I’m really looking forward to seeing all the activity, hearing all the noise in the school playground as I go past; and of course, getting back among you at Assembly and in your classrooms.

In the meantime, stay safe, look out for each other and God bless you all.