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Thank you – an expression of gratitude. When someone gives me something, does something for me – I say thank you. When I do that I am saying that was good, I really appreciate that. Acknowledging someone has gone to some trouble in choosing the gift, in taking the time and effort to help. Thank you – its good to say that simple word.

It is now the end of the school year. For 6th class this is the end of your time in the Burrow School. We are saying thank you. We are saying thank you to God and to one another. For the friends we have made – hopefully these are friendships that will last. For the things we have learned and all the experiences we have shared. We are saying thank you to you for all that you have contributed to the life of the School.

You are moving on to new schools, new experiences, new friends, new challenges – hopefully you will make your own contribution to the life of whatever school you are going on to. Hopefully you will take into your future – wherever and whatever that may be – not just the facts and skills you have learned in the Burrow – but some of the values you have learned – of the importance of trust, of loyalty, of integrity, of consideration for others.

You have been very lucky here in the teachers who have taught you – I’m sure it has been a great source of satisfaction to the staff watching you develop and grow. Tonight of course there is a particular thankfulness for Mrs McClean – for all that she has brought to the Burrow School. Here in the context of the Parish Church I want to say, on behalf of the Parish of Howth, a particular thank you for the way she has helped and fostered the bond between the Burrow School and the Parish. Tonight we say thank you to God and to you and wish you every blessing for a long and happy retirement.