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PROPER 23 – YEAR C – 2019 – Family Service

Well as they say – the attitude is gratitude. Talking about being thankful. Thankful for our beautiful world – a beautiful world that has been scarred by pollution. How can we be thankful for our beautiful world? We’re alive – some of us may be creaking a bit – but we’re alive. Senior Infants in Assembly were talking about this on Friday – we are all different – we are each unique – we are each special.

People haven’t always seen it that way – discrimination on the basis of race. Discrimination on the basis of religion. How can we be thankful – Senior Infants reminded me that we see everyone as unique, everyone as special – we are each made in the image of God.

We are loved by God – in the person of Jesus God says to each one of us ‘I love you’. In the Bible we read of the many different ways he showed that – in his teaching, in his healing, in his death and resurrection. Read today of Jesus healing ten people – only one came back to say ‘Thank you’ As he said thank you something special happened to this man – Jesus said Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.

When Jesus says ‘I love you’, he invites us to love him back. I’ll be asking people do they want to go forward for Confirmation soon. We’ll be talking about lots of things. I’ll be talking about communion. In the Communion Service as I invite people to come forward to take the bread and wine I will say ‘Draw near with faith …. Remember that he died for you and feed on him in your heart.’ It is as I heard that said in Church over and over again that I came to realise that God loved me and I began to think more about how I can love him more. In the way I respect his creation. In the way I respect other people. In the priority I give to being with him in times of quiet, in times of worship.