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PROPER 6 – Trinity 2 – 2015 – year B Family Service

Produce tin of dog food as my breakfast – enthuse how good it is – healthy bones, shiny hair. Open it and start to eat from it – see if anyone else will try it. Go by what is on the inside rather than what is on the outside.

Story of choice of David – man looks at the outside – God looks at the heart.

Other lesson from Mark’s Gospel, one of the Parables Jesus told about seeds. Seeds look pretty plain from the outside – but inside there is the whole beginnings of a plant.

Jesus used seed to give us a valuable lesson as he talked about God’s Kingdom. If I plant this seed, something amazing will start to happen. God wants us to be seeds, ones in whom and through whom God’s Kingdom starts to grow. That happens when we start to be the sort of people Jesus wants us to be – when instead of arguing, we start listening and understanding each other – when we see someone in difficulty or lonely, we help them.

Jesus told another story – story of the sheep and the goats – as much as you did it for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine – you did it to me.

Let us just think how we can be do things for Jesus this week.