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Easter General Vestry – 2010

As is customary, I want to begin my address with a number of thank you’s to people who have served the Parish over the last year. I thank the outgoing Church Wardens, Mrs Shirley Moon, and Mrs Finola Young. Last year, when no one came forward to take on these positions, they very generously undertook to serve a second year – for that I have been extremely grateful.

I would like to thank the outgoing Select Vestry for their continued commitment. This has been the first year for some time when the Rectory project has not dominated our business and we have been free to begin reflecting on wider issues such as Parish development and our ministry to young people. I would like to thank two individuals for their particular ongoing contribution. I speak of Carolyn for her continuing service as Secretary of our Select Vestry and Tadhg for his services as Treasurer.

In September 2005 the then Select Vestry asked Mr Denis Henderson to coordinate the Rectory Project. As I have already said this project has now come to a conclusion. I would want again to take this opportunity to thank Denis for the huge commitment of time and energy he has brought to this project.

I would like to thank Randal Henly for his continued service as both Organist and Editor of the Parish Magazine. I would like to thank him and the choir for the lead they give us in our Sunday worship and also the work that goes into our special services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter.

I want to pay a particular tribute to the Sunday School Team. This year we have been blessed by the presence of Shaz Basdeo, our Youth Worker among us. She not only brought her own skills and energy but has that particular gift of being able to energise others and we have seen the fruits of that in the Family Services and of course the Nativity. Unfortunately, Shaz is having to leave us to resume her studies in Trinity but in the short time she was with us she has made a huge contribution to the life of this Parish.

I would also like to thank Mr Tom Stanley who has faithfully operated the Free Will Offering Scheme for several years. Tom has reached a point where he would like to stand down from this. I have mentioned this before and no one has come forward – please think again.

Anyone who visits St Mary’s will comment on the beauty of our grounds. I would like to thank two people in particular in this regard. Derek Fennell has now taken over from Troy the job of coordinating the cutting of the grass from Troy Hopkins. Our thanks are due to Troy for the work he has put into this in the past.

Earlier in these comments I mentioned that among the issues being addressed by the Select Vestry has been the issue of parish Development. This arose out of our participation in a Church of Ireland Parish development Conference last September. You may recall a series of meetings that were held around Lent and Easter last year in which groups were invited to look at different areas of Parish life and reflect on our strengths and areas of need.

One other issue I want to address before I finish concerns the recent economic downturn that has impacted on every aspect of Irish society. All of us know families that have been affected in terms of salary cuts, unemployment, negative equity, reduced income from investments.

In the past twelve months I have conducted 17 Baptisms but no marriages. I also conducted 5 funerals. This year we mourn the passing of Pamela Blandford, Rosemary Walton, Jenny Newell, Peter Holmes and Jack Maguinness. We also mourn the recent passing of Derek McCullough, formally very active in the life of this Parish.

I am pleased to announce that Mrs Irene Collier has kindly agreed to act as my Church Warden for the coming year. Mr Ian Malcolm has indicated that he would like to stand down as Rector’s Glebe Warden – I have not as yet managed to secure a replacement.