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PENTECOST – year C – 2016

This morning we are celebrating with a family as they bring Cass to Church for Baptism. What lies ahead for her? What talents, what potential are in this beautiful child? Already part of her own family – she will learn what it is to grow up as a member of the Bradley and Blackhurst families. Today, on this Feast of Pentecost, Cass is being welcomed into the family of the Church.

In the early Church, this was the day for Baptism – so Pentecost was a big day in the life of the Church – it celebrated the birthday of the Church – the time of waiting had come to an end and the disciples were given the power of the Holy Spirit to do the job that Jesus had given them. Pentecost – coming of the Holy Spirit – Birthday of the Church.

Holy Spirit – enables me, enables you, enables Cass to become more like Jesus. What sort of person was Jesus? What sort of things did he do? Teacher – wise. Healer – compassionate. Sat down with people others did not want to know - loving, forgiving. Stood up for what was right even if that made him unpopular. Those are the characteristics the Holy Spirit wants to bring out in us.

We are made in the image of God – we sometimes cover that up. Jesus shows us the way God wants us to live. What that video clip reminds me, as I watch the beautiful moth emerge from the chrysalis - there is a lovely person in each one of us – Holy Spirit helps us show that to the world.