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Let us pray together to our heavenly father, knowing his love for us. Father, we want to live your way and do your will, offer you true worship, and serve one another in love. Empower your church to serve you in faithfulness and love. We pray for the work of Christian Aid, serving those in need in the name of Christ. We pray for this diocese and for George our Bishop. We pray for this parish in this time of transition. Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Father, we want our States and kingdoms to display your love and truth, justice and mercy. We want to break down walls of prejudice and build bridges of reconciliation and trust. We pray for the nations of the world, remembering those suffering the effects of war and violence. We remember the people of Ukraine and Sudan. We remember world leaders gathered in Hiroshima this weekend. We pray for our country and for Charles our king and all in authority. We pray for those called to leadership in our own province, for those elected to serve on our borough councils. Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Father, we want our children to be safely and lovingly nurtured, our elderly valued, our homes to be places of welcome and warmth. Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer. Father, we want your healing for those whose lives are aching and weary; your comfort and reassurance for all who are imprisoned by fears and hate. We pray for all who are sick, especially those known to us, for those who minister to them and those who watch over them. Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer.

Father, we remember before you those who have gone before us in the faith, for those in whom and through whom we have seen something of Christ. May we share with them the joys of your eternal Kingdom. Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer. Father, we want to worship and praise you with our voices and our lives; shape us to your purpose, and use us. Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.