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Over these last few weeks we have had to spend a lot of time with each other. Sometimes funny things can happen in situations like this. You may have heard it said that owners of pets can start looking like their pets. Crazy idea? Well just have a look at these (3 slides). I suppose owners choose pets that suit their personalities, how they want other people to see them – or could part of it be the amount of time they spend with each other?

I’ll just leave that with you and go on to something completely different. In our reading we heard of Jesus promising his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit – an advocate, a guide, one who will live in them and with them. The revised catechism of the Church of Ireland has a lovely way of expressing part of the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables me to become more like Jesus.

As I was saying at the outset, we have been spending a lot more time with each other. Things can happen in situations like that. We saw those pictures of owners with their pets – or was it pets with their owners. The more time I spend with Jesus, the more I consciously seek his presence, seek to understand what he wants of me in my life – and just grasp the simple truth that he loves me.

In that night in the Upper Room before he died, Jesus says something very important about how life will be for the disciples. The love he has for them, the love they have for him will continue and grow. He is not going to leave them alone. He will be with them in a different way.

21They who have my commandments and keep them are those who love me; and those who love me will be loved by my Father, and I will love them and reveal myself to them.

Being in Jesus’ company changes me. When that begins to happen, his commandments, the things he wants me to do become not one more set of rules I have to follow, they become part of me, part of my ongoing response to all that he has done, for you, for me, for all of us in his life, death and resurrection.

In the power of the Holy Spirit, may Christ be our companion in wherever we go, in whatever we do this coming week.