Posts tagged Mid_Week

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/5/14 :: Ash Wednesday 2014


This sermon discusses the human emotion of guilt and its potential to be a positive influence in challenging behaviors and attitudes. It also talks about the debilitating effects of unresolved guilt. The sermon uses Psalm 51, associated with David's guilt over his affair with Bathsheba, to illustrate the idea of new beginnings built on honesty before God.

2/22/12 :: Embracing Everlasting Life


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of engaging with the Scriptures, not just reading them, but allowing them to read us. He emphasizes the significance of the Bible in our daily lives and how it can provide both encouragement and challenge. He invites the congregation to join him in shared reflection on the Scriptures during Lent.

4/14/11 :: Salt and Light


Kevin's sermon on 14th April 2011, during the Lent season, focuses on the role of the Church and its members in society. Drawing from the Acts of the Apostles and the Sermon on the Mount, he emphasizes the need for Christians to be like 'salt and light', spreading the love of Christ and serving those outside the Church. He challenges the Church to avoid becoming insular and to live out their faith in the world.

4/7/11 :: Religion and Politics


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the intersection of religion and politics, using historical examples from Northern Ireland, South Africa, and the USA. He emphasizes the importance of compassion and justice in politics, and warns against letting politics demean religion. The sermon draws on the words of Micah 6:8, urging us to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.

3/9/11 :: Ash Wednesday 2011


This sermon discusses the theme of journey, as seen in the Old Testament, and relates it to our own life journey. It emphasizes the importance of community, repentance, and reflection in this journey. The sermon also draws parallels between the journey of faith and the political journey of the nation, urging the congregation to be guided by spiritual heritage and the teachings of the prophet Micah.

3/24/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit: Gentleness


This sermon is part of a series on the Fruits of the Spirit, focusing on gentleness. It discusses how gentleness and self-control are not innate, but are fruits of the Spirit that come from allowing God's Holy Spirit to live and work within us. It emphasizes that Christian life is not always easy, and that it involves pain, sacrifice, and misunderstanding. The sermon also explores the barriers to gentleness, such as pride and wilfulness.

3/10/10 :: Patience - Fruits of the Spirit


This sermon explores the concept of patience as a fruit of the Spirit. It delves into the biblical accounts of God's patience with humanity, Jesus' patience with his disciples, and how patience allows space for healing in relationships. The sermon encourages believers to show the same patience God has shown them, not seeking immediate revenge for wrongs done to them.

2/24/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit - Joy


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of joy as a fruit of the Spirit. He discusses the importance of harmony with God and our neighbours, and how joy is a deeper emotion that arises from love experienced in Christ. He also emphasizes that joy is a gift from God, not something we can manufacture ourselves.

2/17/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit: Love


The sermon focuses on the concept of Love as a fruit of the Spirit. It emphasizes the self-giving, self-sacrificing nature of Christian love, drawing parallels with God's unfailing mercy. The ultimate expression of love is seen in Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The sermon encourages believers to show a healing, reconciling, and redeeming love in their lives, just like Jesus.