Posts tagged Wedding

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/30/21 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the essence of love and commitment in the context of marriage, drawing parallels between the bond of a couple and the relationship between Christ and his Church. He emphasizes the importance of self-giving love, as taught by St. Paul, and the qualities of patience, kindness, and perseverance that underpin a strong marriage. The sermon concludes with a prayer for the newlyweds, Beatriz and Ben, wishing them a life filled with unity, forgiveness, and joy.

10/19/19 :: Harmony in Marriage


Kevin's sermon for the wedding of Laura and Daniel focuses on the journey of love and commitment leading to marriage. He speaks about the unique rhythm of life each person has and how love finds harmony between these rhythms. The sermon draws from Ecclesiastes and John's Gospel, highlighting life's highs and lows and the transformative presence of Christ in marriage.

9/11/19 :: Love and Marriage


In the sermon for the marriage of Karl and Nicola, Kevin reflects on the nature of Christian love as it applies to marriage. He draws from St. Paul's teachings, emphasizing patience, kindness, and selflessness as the foundation of a strong marriage. The sermon encourages the couple to mirror Christ's sacrificial love and to make Christ present in their relationship, fostering unity, forgiveness, and joy.

11/4/17 :: Marriage: A Lifelong Commitment


This sermon, delivered at the wedding of Matt Dixon and Jenni Scott, explores the significance of marriage as a lifelong commitment. It emphasizes the importance of cherishing each other's individuality and the need for selfless love in the relationship. The sermon also highlights the role of faith in sustaining the marriage and the importance of forgiveness and understanding.

8/10/17 :: Harmony of Togetherness


The sermon celebrates the marriage of Rosie and John, reflecting on the journey that brought them together and the love they share. It emphasizes the individuality within unity and the relational nature of love, drawing from the wisdom of the passages chosen by the couple. The message is underscored by the reading from Corinthians about the patience, kindness, and enduring nature of love.

6/24/17 :: The Bond of Love


In the sermon for the wedding of Peter and Deidre Kingston, Kevin speaks about the Christian dimension of marriage, reflecting on commitment, faithfulness, and love. He draws parallels between the love of Christ for the Church and the love shared between husband and wife, emphasizing selflessness and mutual support. The sermon also touches on the symbolism of wedding attire, relating it to the spiritual qualities of compassion, kindness, and patience.

12/11/16 :: Love and Marriage


The sermon for the wedding of John Robinson and Kim Sargent in December 2016 emphasizes the depth of commitment and love in marriage, drawing parallels between the love shared by a couple and the love Christ has for his Church. It reflects on the teachings of St. Paul on love's enduring qualities and the role of Christian love in overcoming challenges within marriage. The core message is that marital love should mirror the self-giving love of Christ, fostering unity, forgiveness, and joy.

2/12/16 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin speaks on the occasion of Roger Morrow and Orna Wyse's wedding, emphasizing the Christian values of love, commitment, and faithfulness. He reflects on the couple's journey from friendship to love and the significance of their public declaration before God. Kevin draws from the Bible and St. Paul's teachings to illustrate the depth of Christ-like love that should be present in marriage.

12/5/15 :: Harmony of Love


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Jennifer Guinness and Alex Booth's wedding emphasizes the harmony and unity found in love. He reflects on the couple's journey together, their shared interests, and the way their individual lives have intertwined to create a richer whole. The sermon draws on passages from Ecclesiastes and Corinthians, highlighting the rhythms of life and the qualities of love that endure through all things.

9/26/15 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Vicky Reilly and Garry Millar's wedding emphasizes the Christian understanding of marriage as a reflection of Christ's love for the Church. He discusses the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and self-giving love, drawing parallels between the couple's union and the spiritual teachings of St. Paul on love and harmony.

9/27/14 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the essence of marriage as witnessed in the union of Peter and Sharon. He reflects on the Christian perspective of love and commitment, drawing parallels between the love of Christ for the Church and the love shared between husband and wife. Through the metaphor of clothing, Kevin emphasizes the importance of spiritual virtues such as compassion, kindness, and patience in nurturing a strong, Christ-centered marriage.

6/4/14 :: Blessing of Love


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Lee Siwon and Shin Jin Hee's wedding blessing emphasizes the spiritual clothing of compassion, kindness, humility, and love as described in Colossians 3:12 and 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. He encourages the couple to embody these virtues in their marriage, dealing with challenges through Christ-like love, and wishes them joy and happiness in their life together.

5/2/14 :: Love and Commitment


In the sermon for Keelin Hopkins and Mark's wedding, Kevin speaks about the Christian understanding of marriage as a commitment that reflects Christ's love for the Church. He emphasizes the importance of self-giving love and the need for patience, kindness, and forgiveness within the marriage. The sermon also touches on the symbolism of the wedding attire, representing the couple's personalities and the spiritual clothing of Christian virtues.

11/8/13 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Niamh Ennis and George's wedding at Spanish Point emphasizes the Christian understanding of marriage as a public declaration of commitment, akin to Christ's bond with the Church. It reflects on the couple's journey from friendship to love and the importance of selfless love in marriage, drawing from Biblical teachings on love, patience, and forgiveness.

11/2/13 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin speaks on the occasion of Sarah Bothwell and Michael Mowat's wedding, emphasizing the Christian principles of love and commitment. He reflects on the journey of the couple's relationship, the significance of their public declaration before God, and the parallels between their love and Christ's love for the Church. Kevin encourages the couple to embody the virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, and patience in their marriage, drawing from St. Paul's teachings.

4/11/13 :: Celebrating Commitment and Love


In this sermon, Kevin speaks at the wedding of Clodagh McCartan and Glenn Watson, emphasizing the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and the love they have found in each other. He draws parallels between their bond and the love between Christ and his Church, urging them to clothe themselves in virtues like compassion, kindness, and patience. Kevin encourages the couple to live in harmony, support each other, and grow in love that reflects Christ's selfless love.

6/23/12 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon for the wedding of Jennifer and Richard focuses on the themes of love, commitment, and the Christian understanding of marriage. He reflects on the couple's journey, the significance of their choices on this special day, and the spiritual clothing of compassion, kindness, and patience. Drawing from the Bible, Kevin emphasizes the selfless love exemplified by Christ and its importance in nurturing a lifelong partnership.

11/26/11 :: Commitment in Marriage


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the depth of commitment in marriage, drawing parallels between the love shared by a couple and the love Christ has for his Church. He emphasizes the self-giving nature of love and its reflection in the marital bond. The sermon also explores the challenges and strengths discovered within a relationship, highlighting the importance of affirmation, healing, and making Christ present to one another.

11/12/11 :: Love in Marriage


Kevin's sermon for the wedding of Iain and Denise focuses on the depth of commitment and self-giving love that marriage represents. Drawing from St. Paul's teachings, he reflects on how Christian love should manifest in the relationship, emphasizing patience, kindness, and perseverance. The sermon also highlights the importance of a strong marriage in overcoming difficulties and making Christ present to each other.

10/6/11 :: Unity in Love and Faith


In the sermon for Sinead and Ron's wedding, Kevin speaks about the importance of commitment, faithfulness, and love that mirrors the bond between Christ and his Church. He reflects on the journey of the couple's relationship and the Christian dimension of their union. The sermon also touches on the symbolism of clothing in expressing one's nature and the spiritual attire of compassion, kindness, and love as described by St. Paul.

9/24/11 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin celebrates the marriage of Sinead and Ron, emphasizing the themes of commitment, faithfulness, and love. He draws parallels between the couple's love and the bond between Christ and his Church, urging them to embody self-giving love. Kevin also reflects on the significance of their wedding attire as an expression of their personalities and the spiritual clothing of compassion, kindness, and patience as taught by St. Paul.

6/25/10 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Emma and Ross's wedding emphasizes the Christian values of love, commitment, and selflessness, drawing parallels between the couple's union and the relationship between Christ and the Church. He encourages the newlyweds to embody the spiritual qualities of compassion, kindness, and patience, reflecting Christ's sacrificial love in their marriage.

5/1/10 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin speaks about the significance of marriage as a life-long commitment of love, reflecting on the self-giving nature of Christ's love for the Church. He draws parallels between the bond of marriage and the relationship between Christ and his Church, emphasizing mutual sacrifice and the importance of nurturing love that is patient, kind, and persevering, as described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

6/20/09 :: Blessing of Union


In this sermon, Kevin speaks on the occasion of Ursula Woods and Jed's wedding, reflecting on the significance of marriage and the Christian understanding of love. He emphasizes the importance of being Christ for one another, embodying forgiveness, reconciliation, and sacrificial love. Kevin also highlights the need for individual growth within the unity of marriage, drawing on the wisdom of 'The Prophet' and the biblical passage from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

8/25/07 :: Marriage of Anthony and Angie


This sermon celebrates the love and union of Anthony and Angie, who found each other in the Taize community. It emphasizes the importance of transcending cultural and traditional differences through common faith in Christ. The sermon also highlights the significance of self-giving, self-forgetting love, as exemplified by Christ's love for the Church.