Posts tagged Christmas

Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/1/23 :: Naming of Jesus


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the transition from the old year to the new one, acknowledging the mixture of emotions that come with it. He emphasizes the constant presence of God in our lives, regardless of our circumstances. The sermon also highlights the significance of the Feast of the Naming and Circumcision of Jesus, and how it underscores God's care and concern for humanity.

1/1/23 :: Naming of Jesus


In this sermon, the importance of understanding God's journey with us through all our celebrations and tragedies is highlighted. The prayer emphasizes the need for love, forgiveness, and peace in our relationships, societies, and the world at large. It also acknowledges the suffering of refugees and those mourning the loss of loved ones.

12/26/21 :: Community and Reconciliation


The sermon reflects on the year 2020, marked by social distancing and isolation, and emphasizes the importance of community and reconciliation. It draws on the teachings of the Incarnation, the Sermon on the Mount, and the letters of the New Testament to highlight the interconnectedness of our relationships with God and our neighbors. The sermon concludes with a call to value each other, in all our differences, as ones made in the image of God.

12/25/20 :: The Unending Light


This sermon reflects on the first Christmas Family Service in Howth and the enduring light of Jesus. Despite the changes brought by the pandemic, the sermon emphasizes the importance of remembering Jesus, the heart of Christmas celebrations. It uses the metaphor of a light that doesn't go out, symbolizing Jesus' enduring presence and influence.

12/25/20 :: Light in the Darkness


In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, this sermon brings a message of hope and light. Drawing from the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel of John, it emphasizes that even in times of darkness and uncertainty, God's light shines through. It acknowledges the challenges and fears brought about by the pandemic, but also highlights the acts of kindness and resilience that have emerged.

12/25/18 :: Christmas Family Service 2018


This sermon, delivered on Christmas Day 2018, explores the concept of Incarnation and the birth of Jesus Christ. Using a simple story about a man who didn't believe in the 'Jesus Story', the sermon illustrates the idea of God coming to Earth as a man. The man's experience with a flock of birds during a snowstorm helps him understand the concept of Incarnation.

12/25/18 :: Christmas 2018: Beyond the Manger


This sermon explores the idea of not confining Jesus to the manger scene, but acknowledging his growth into a challenging, demanding Christ. It emphasizes the need to see Christ not only in the church but also in the world, particularly among the marginalized. The sermon challenges us to join Christ in his mission in this messy, untidy world.

12/25/18 :: Christmas Reflections


This sermon reflects on the meaning of Christmas and the life of Jesus. It explores the puzzlement of Mary at the events surrounding Jesus' life and encourages the congregation to also ponder on the identity and teachings of Jesus. The sermon further draws parallels between Jesus' disappearance for three days in the temple with his death and resurrection.

12/31/17 :: Journey into the New Year


This sermon reflects on the transition from 2017 to 2018, discussing the uncertainties of the future and the faith in God's guidance. It highlights the challenges faced globally and locally, while also acknowledging personal triumphs and losses within the community. The sermon emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's plan, even amidst the unknown.

12/25/17 :: The Fourth Wise Man


This sermon tells the story of Arteban, the fourth wise man who was always late but for good reasons. He used his gifts, originally intended for the King, to help others in need. He saved a sick man, a baby, and a slave girl, only to realize that in doing so, he had given his gifts to the King.

12/24/17 :: Who Do You Think You Are?


This sermon reflects on the identity of Jesus and how understanding him leads us to a deeper understanding of ourselves. It discusses the power of belief in Jesus, the significance of baptism, and the transformative power of God's love. The sermon encourages us to embody Christ's love in our everyday lives.

12/25/16 :: Christmas Day 2016


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the eventful year of 2016, highlighting the rise of populism and the increase in hate crimes. He draws parallels between these modern issues and the story of Jesus, who was an outsider in his own world. Kevin emphasizes Jesus' teachings of love and acceptance, urging his listeners to reach out to those on the edge and break down barriers of class, creed, race, and difference.

1/3/16 :: Closing Gaps


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the transition from 2015 to 2016, the concept of New Year Resolutions, and the idea of 'closing gaps' between how we see ourselves and how we want to be. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting God's love, and our responsibility to show that love to others, especially in a world filled with suffering.

12/27/15 :: Understanding Jesus, Son of God


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the meaning of Jesus being the Son of God. He emphasizes that Jesus, having lived a human life, understands our joys, sorrows, and experiences. He also highlights the redemptive significance of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and how Jesus serves as a model for our own lives.

12/25/15 :: A Chocolate Christmas


This sermon tells the story of Christmas in a unique and engaging way, using different types of chocolates as metaphors. It emphasizes the message that God sent His Son into the world to be our Saviour, to set us free from the things that hold us back from being what he wants us to be. It reminds us that God's gift of His Son is for everyone, and that the Christmas story is cause for celebration.

12/28/14 :: Holy Innocents - 2014


This sermon, delivered on the Feast of the Holy Innocents in 2014, reflects on the human nature of Jesus Christ and his identification with humanity. Drawing from a sermon by Desmond Tutu, it emphasizes the message of God's understanding of human frailty and his promise to redeem. The sermon also discusses the story of the slaughter of the innocents, reminding us of the world's distance from God and the resistance to the message of Christ in the corridors of power.

12/25/14 :: Light Overcomes Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the year 2014, filled with anniversaries of wars and atrocities, and finds hope in the enduring light of Christ. He draws upon historical events and personal experiences to illustrate the power of faith and love in the face of darkness. He encourages his congregation to be bearers of this light, to transform their own situations of darkness, and to let their good works shine before others.

12/29/13 :: God's Identification with Humanity


This sermon reflects on the message of Christmas, the identification of God with humanity through Jesus Christ. Drawing inspiration from Desmond Tutu and the teachings of the Bible, the sermon emphasizes the idea that God understands the human experience because He lived it through Jesus. It also highlights the challenges of living a Christian life in a world that often resists the message of Christ.

12/25/13 :: Light in the Darkness


This sermon, delivered on Christmas Day 2013, explores the theme of light overcoming darkness. Drawing on passages from John's Gospel and Matthew, it emphasizes the power of Jesus as the 'light of the world' and calls upon disciples to let their light shine before others. The sermon uses the imagery of the winter solstice and the stars to illustrate the enduring and far-reaching power of light.

12/30/12 :: Christmas Reflections


This sermon reflects on the meaning and purpose of Christmas, and the arrival of Jesus into the world. It explores the puzzlement of Mary at the events surrounding Jesus' birth and growth, and invites us to reflect on who Jesus is. The sermon also hints at the future journey towards Good Friday and Easter, symbolizing death and resurrection.

12/25/12 :: The Fourth Wise Man


This sermon tells the story of a fourth wise man, Arteban, who was always late but for good reasons. He gave away his gifts, originally meant for the King, to help others in need. In the end, he realized that his acts of kindness were received by the King in heaven.

12/25/12 :: Light in the Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the power of light in the midst of darkness, drawing from historical events such as the Christmas cease-fire of 1914 during World War I, the testimony of Bishop Leonard Wilson during his imprisonment in Singapore, and the Enniskillen Remembrance Day bomb. He emphasizes the enduring light of Christ and the call for Christians to shine this light in their own lives.

12/25/11 :: Emmanuel, God with Us


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the concept of 'Emmanuel', meaning 'God with us', and how it resonates especially during the Christmas season. He discusses the idea of encountering God in others and allowing others to encounter God in us. Despite the challenges and uncertainties of the new year, he emphasizes the presence of God in our lives and the hope it brings.

12/25/11 :: The Fullness of Time


This sermon explores the concept of 'fullness' in the context of time, God, and spirituality. It delves into various biblical references that discuss the fullness of God, the fullness of time, and the fullness of our own spiritual journey. The sermon encourages us to seek and understand the 'fullness' in our own lives and in our relationship with God.

12/25/11 :: Everyday Story of Country Folk


The sermon discusses the Incarnation and its impact on everyday life. It emphasizes how God's divine intervention breaks through our daily routines, transforming ordinary lives into extraordinary ones. The sermon invites us to embark on a journey of faith, allowing Christ's teachings to influence every aspect of our lives.

12/26/10 :: God in Our Humanity


This sermon reflects on the message of Christmas, emphasizing the humanity of God as shown through Jesus Christ. It discusses the idea that God knows what it's like to be human, and that through Jesus, we can find strength and comfort. The sermon also touches on the challenges of the coming New Year and the importance of seeking Christ amidst these challenges.

12/25/10 :: Christmas - 2010


This sermon reflects on the importance of recognizing God's presence not just in worship, but also in the ordinary aspects of life. It emphasizes the values of care and compassion, and the idea of God present in the world today. The sermon also encourages us to think beyond the immediate, and to consider our role in making God present in the world.

12/27/09 :: Breaking God's Silence


The sermon discusses the feeling of emptiness and alienation from God, drawing parallels with the exile in Babylon and the silence of God. It emphasizes the hope expressed in Isaiah and the fulfillment of this hope with the birth of Jesus. The sermon also highlights the role of the shepherds as agents of God in breaking His silence and spreading the good news.