Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/5/16 :: Hierarchy and Service


Kevin's sermon explores the concept of hierarchy through the lens of the Gospel, contrasting human structures of power with Jesus' model of servitude. He reflects on personal experiences and biblical teachings to emphasize the importance of service over authority, highlighting the radical reversal of hierarchy embodied by Jesus' incarnation and ministry.

5/15/16 :: Pentecost 2016: A New Beginning


This sermon celebrates the baptism of a child named Cass on the Feast of Pentecost, which is also considered the birthday of the Church. The sermon emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in helping us become more like Jesus, embodying his qualities of wisdom, compassion, love, and forgiveness. It encourages us to reveal the 'lovely person' within us, guided by the Holy Spirit.

5/7/16 :: Remembering Joan Kerr


This sermon is a tribute to Joan Kerr, a cherished member of the Parish of Howth, who passed away on 7th May 2016. The sermon reflects on Joan's life, her contributions to the community, and her unwavering faith. It also addresses the challenges she faced in her later years with profound deafness and dementia, and the strength and commitment shown by her husband, Eddie.

5/1/16 :: Never Alone


This sermon, delivered on the Sixth Sunday of Easter in 2016, explores the theme of loneliness and the promise of Jesus' presence. It reflects on the disciples' distress at Jesus' impending departure and the assurance of His return. The sermon emphasizes the promise of God's enduring presence and love, which eliminates the feeling of loneliness.

4/29/16 :: Remembering Muriel Robinson


This sermon is a touching tribute to Mrs. Muriel Robinson, who passed away in 2016. It recounts her life, her love for people, and her dedication to her family and community. The sermon emphasizes her contentment in life and her faith, inspiring others to find peace and prioritize faith in their own lives.

4/24/16 :: Love at Full Stretch


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of 'love at full stretch', drawing from the Gospel reading where Jesus commands his disciples to love one another. He emphasizes that love is not just an experience, but a vocation, and that it has the power to transform both the beloved and the lover. He uses the story of Jean Valjean from 'Les Miserables' to illustrate the transformative power of love.

4/24/16 :: Seize the Day


This sermon, delivered on the 4th Sunday of Easter in 2016, uses the film 'Dead Poets Society' as a metaphor to discuss the importance of attentiveness and discernment in life. It emphasizes the need to listen to God's voice amidst the various voices in the world, and to find peace, purpose, and contentment through God.

3/27/16 :: Invitation to Journey


The sermon discusses the concept of invitation and welcome, relating it to the journey of faith. It draws on passages from the Book of Revelation, highlighting the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The sermon emphasizes the importance of embarking on this journey with God, which begins with the sacrament of Baptism.