Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

10/8/17 :: The Daffodil Minister


Kevin reflects on the importance of staying motivated and encouraging others, using the story of a Presbyterian Minister who planted daffodils to leave a beautiful mark on his village. The sermon also touches on the community's efforts to repair the church roof, likening the task to eating an elephant in small pieces, and celebrates the togetherness and worship experienced during this time.

9/24/17 :: The Exodus and Modern Refugees


Kevin draws parallels between the biblical story of the Exodus and the plight of modern refugees. He reflects on the recurring theme of a people on the move, facing hardships and seeking hope. The sermon encourages us to find God's presence in those who support us during our vulnerable times and to be that presence for others.

9/24/17 :: Ordination to the Priesthood


This sermon is about the ordination to the priesthood and the responsibilities that come with it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of service, teaching, and pastoral work in ministry. The sermon also highlights the need for diligence in prayer, reading holy Scripture, and studies that deepen faith.

8/10/17 :: Harmony of Togetherness


The sermon celebrates the marriage of Rosie and John, reflecting on the journey that brought them together and the love they share. It emphasizes the individuality within unity and the relational nature of love, drawing from the wisdom of the passages chosen by the couple. The message is underscored by the reading from Corinthians about the patience, kindness, and enduring nature of love.

8/6/17 :: Struggle and Redemption


This sermon discusses the struggle of Jacob with his past and his transformation into Israel, symbolizing a new beginning. It emphasizes the timeless nature of such internal struggles, highlighting the existence of both good and noble, and darker sides within us. The sermon concludes with the message of hope and new beginnings, reminding us that God is with us in our strengths, weaknesses, virtues, and faults.

7/31/17 :: Funeral of William Carron


This sermon was delivered at the funeral of William Carron, a poet and artist, who passed away four months after his wife, Barbara. The sermon reflects on William's passion for the creative arts and his spiritual connection with the world around him. It also touches on his love for sailing, drawing a parallel between his journey and a ship's voyage.

7/30/17 :: The Mustard Seed Parable


Kevin delves into the parables of the Kingdom from Matthew's Gospel, focusing on the mustard seed's symbolism. He explains how God values the small and seemingly insignificant, teaching that faith, even as tiny as a mustard seed, can lead to great things. The sermon emphasizes the importance of simple acts of kindness and service, empowered by the Spirit, to bring the Kingdom of God closer to our world.

7/2/17 :: Understanding Grace


Kevin reflects on the human condition and the struggles of life, drawing from the Old Testament and the teachings of Paul. He emphasizes the concept of grace, the internal tug of war we face, and the comfort found in Jesus' invitation to learn the 'unforced rhythms of grace'. The sermon reassures us that in our weaknesses and contradictions, we are understood and accepted by God.