Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/11/23 :: Beyond Labels to Love


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the story of Jesus calling Matthew, a tax collector, to follow him, challenging societal norms and Pharisees' prejudices. He emphasizes the importance of seeing beyond labels and categories to recognize the individuality and common humanity in others. Kevin urges us to engage with people as individuals, embodying Christ's love and service, and to seek understanding rather than judgment.

5/28/23 :: The Ascension and Openness to God


This sermon reflects on the Ascension of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the interconnectedness of Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. It highlights the transformation of the disciples from guilt-ridden followers into evangelists. The sermon underscores the importance of being open to God's will, setting aside personal agendas, and viewing situations and people through God's eyes.

5/21/23 :: Prayers of Faith


This sermon is a prayer session held on Sunday 21st May 2023. The prayers are directed towards the church, states, children, the elderly, and the sick. It also includes prayers for world peace, especially for Ukraine and Sudan, and for world leaders. The sermon ends with a plea for God's healing and comfort for those in need.

5/21/23 :: Intertwining of Love and Obedience


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of love and obedience, drawing parallels between our relationships with pets and our relationship with God. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in inspiring goodness and enabling us to become more like Christ. The sermon encourages us to spend more time with Christ, seek His presence, and respond to His self-giving love.

5/21/23 :: Prayers of Life


This sermon is a series of prayers focusing on the theme of life, drawing from the Christian belief in the resurrection. It includes prayers for the church, for political and community leaders, for places of work and for those who are suffering. It ends with a prayer of thanksgiving and a call for deeper love for God.

4/30/23 :: Journey of Faith


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Easter in 2023, reflects on the journey from doubt to faith, mirroring the journey of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. The speaker, Kevin, emphasizes the importance of being 'Christ for each other', listening, sharing, and acknowledging each other's pain. He also highlights the presence of the Risen Christ in the world today, even amidst our doubts and fears.

4/23/23 :: Unlocking Doors


This sermon discusses the concept of forgiveness and reconciliation, using the play 'Quietly' as a metaphor. The sermon emphasizes the debilitating nature of unresolved conflict and the power of forgiveness in unlocking doors of resentment, regret, and prejudice. It highlights Jesus's words about forgiveness, interpreting them not as an authority to grant or withhold forgiveness, but as an invitation to break cycles of hurt and resentment.

4/23/23 :: Doubt and Faith


This sermon discusses the struggle between doubt and faith, using the story of Thomas and his doubts about Jesus' resurrection as a focal point. It emphasizes the importance of relationship in faith, the humility at the heart of faith, and the provisional nature of faith. The sermon concludes with the assurance of Jesus' presence and peace, even in our doubts and uncertainties.