Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

10/20/19 :: Spiritual Confirmation


This sermon discusses the significance of confirmation and ordination in the Christian faith. It emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in empowering individuals for service and spiritual growth. The message highlights the transformative power of God's Spirit in guiding believers towards wisdom, understanding, and reverence for God.

10/19/19 :: Harmony in Marriage


Kevin's sermon for the wedding of Laura and Daniel focuses on the journey of love and commitment leading to marriage. He speaks about the unique rhythm of life each person has and how love finds harmony between these rhythms. The sermon draws from Ecclesiastes and John's Gospel, highlighting life's highs and lows and the transformative presence of Christ in marriage.

10/13/19 :: The Attitude is Gratitude


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. He discusses how we should be thankful for our world, despite its scars from pollution, and how we should appreciate our lives and uniqueness. He emphasizes the importance of seeing everyone as unique and special, as we are all made in the image of God. The sermon also touches on the theme of love and faith, and how these can lead to healing and salvation.

10/13/19 :: Gratitude with Grace


The sermon discusses the healing of ten lepers as narrated in St Luke's Gospel, emphasizing the gratitude shown by the lone Samaritan who returned to give thanks. The sermon highlights the transformative power of gratitude and the grace at the heart of true thankfulness. It encourages the practice of gratitude in daily life and a genuine concern for those less fortunate.

10/10/19 :: Funeral of Anna Kenny


This sermon is a tribute to Anna Kenny, who had a long association with the Wallace family and passed away after a brief illness. The sermon reflects on Anna's life, her qualities, and the memories she left behind. It also discusses the concept of love and its enduring nature, as described by St. Paul in his letter to the Corinthians.

9/29/19 :: Wealth, Power and Responsibility


This sermon reflects on the parable of 'The Rich Man and Lazarus', exploring the themes of wealth, power, and responsibility. It challenges listeners to consider their attitudes towards wealth and power, and their responsibilities towards others. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of service over domination in leadership, and encourages individuals and society to raise a voice for inclusion, hospitality, and hope.

9/22/19 :: Hospitality in Interesting Times


In these interesting times marked by division and uncertainty, this sermon calls for the practice of hospitality. Drawing from the teachings of Jesus and the nature of God as love, it encourages openness and generosity towards all, especially those who are different or marginalized. It also highlights a community project to welcome a Syrian refugee family, embodying the sermon's message of inclusive love and hospitality.

9/11/19 :: Love and Marriage


In the sermon for the marriage of Karl and Nicola, Kevin reflects on the nature of Christian love as it applies to marriage. He draws from St. Paul's teachings, emphasizing patience, kindness, and selflessness as the foundation of a strong marriage. The sermon encourages the couple to mirror Christ's sacrificial love and to make Christ present in their relationship, fostering unity, forgiveness, and joy.