Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/22/20 :: Mothering Sunday - Year A


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2020, reflects on the profound effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on society. It emphasizes the importance of community in these trying times and the hope symbolized by children, who represent the future. The sermon also draws parallels between the current crisis and the biblical story of Jeremiah, highlighting the resilience and hope inherent in humanity.

3/22/20 :: Unity in Crisis


Kevin's sermon reflects on the unprecedented challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and community spirit. He urges everyone to practice social distancing, support healthcare workers, and maintain hope during this national emergency. The core message is about coming together by staying apart, and the power of collective action in the face of a global crisis.

3/7/20 :: Reflection on Corona Virus Epidemic


This sermon reflects on the Corona Virus Epidemic, drawing parallels with biblical stories and the human tendency to believe in our own omnipotence. It emphasizes the importance of community and our responsibilities to each other during such times.

3/7/20 :: We Are Not Kings


This sermon discusses the human perception of control over the world and its consequences. It draws parallels between the biblical plagues of Egypt and the modern-day disasters like Covid-19, wildfires, and floods. The sermon emphasizes that despite our advancements, we are not the masters of nature and our actions have consequences.

3/1/20 :: Imperfections and Grace


This sermon, delivered on the first Sunday of Lent in 2020, explores the theme of human imperfection and God's grace. It reflects on the fallibility of even the most respected figures, such as Jean Vanier, and the ability of God to work through flawed individuals. It emphasizes the understanding and mercy of Jesus, who experienced human life and its challenges.

2/16/20 :: Light set on a hill


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the metaphor of a lighthouse as a guiding light, and how Jesus encourages his followers to be like lights. The sermon emphasizes the importance of embodying the fruits of the spirit, and how this can sometimes be challenging. The ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus, shining as lights in the world.

2/16/20 :: Religion and Politics


The sermon discusses the intersection of religion and politics, emphasizing the importance of religious conviction in informing political choices. It highlights the concept of covenant in the political process, which presupposes reciprocity, mutual respect, and consent. The sermon also stresses the role of justice in society, particularly in protecting the weak and marginalized.

2/16/20 :: The Power of Now


This sermon emphasizes the importance of rest and the power of the present moment. It explores the concept of Sabbath, a day of rest and gladness, and the need to make time for God amidst the busyness of modern life. It also addresses the fears and anxieties that come with life's responsibilities, and the need to bring these concerns into the presence of God.