Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/31/20 :: Power of Pentecost


This sermon, delivered on Pentecost Sunday, explores the concept of power in the context of the Holy Spirit. It contrasts power as control and coercion with power as enabling and healing. The sermon emphasizes the role of forgiveness and reconciliation in the Christian community, facilitated by the Holy Spirit. It ends with a story about a tribal custom in Kenya that symbolizes reconciliation.

5/24/20 :: Transition and Control


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the feelings of losing control and transitioning from the old normal to the new normal during the COVID-19 lockdown. He draws parallels between the Apostles' transition period after Jesus' Ascension and the current situation. Kevin encourages embracing the new normal not only as a challenge but also as a stimulus to explore new ways of worship and community.

5/17/20 :: 6th Sunday of Easter - Year A


In this sermon, the speaker talks about the intertwining of love and obedience. He emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in inspiring all that is good in mankind and enabling us to become more like Christ. He also reflects on the importance of selfless acts of love and service, and how our love for one another should mirror Jesus' love for us.

5/17/20 :: Becoming Like Jesus


In this family service sermon, Kevin draws parallels between pet owners starting to resemble their pets and Christians becoming more like Jesus. He emphasizes the importance of spending time with Jesus, seeking His presence, and understanding His will. Kevin reminds us that Jesus' commandments are not just rules but a part of our response to His love and sacrifice.

5/10/20 :: Guided Journey


This sermon is about finding directions in life with Jesus as our guide. It draws parallels between our spiritual journey and a physical journey, with Jesus as our spiritual 'dragoman' who goes ahead of us to prepare the way. The sermon encourages us to press on towards our ultimate goal of union with Christ, with the understanding that we are all learners on this path of faith.

4/26/20 :: The Good Shepherd


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, drawing parallels between the relationship of a shepherd and his flock to God's relationship with humanity. He emphasizes the unconditional love and care that a shepherd provides, mirroring God's unwavering love for us. The sermon also touches on the story of the Prodigal Son, further illustrating God's boundless love and forgiveness.

4/26/20 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon reflects on the journey from doubt to faith, using the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus as an example. It highlights the importance of being Christ for each other, listening and sharing in each other's pain, and being channels of his healing and peace. The sermon concludes with a call to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

4/19/20 :: Doubt and Faith


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of doubt and faith, using the story of Thomas from the Bible as a reference. He highlights the importance of community and understanding each other's struggles, especially in the face of a global crisis. He encourages his congregation to support each other and stay strong in their faith.