Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/26/21 :: Funeral of Susan Magan


This sermon was given at the funeral of Susan Magan, a quiet and reserved woman who loved her garden and art. The sermon reflects on the cycle of life and death, and the hope of eternal life with God. It is a message of letting go, finding our true selves, and the assurance of peace in the closer presence of God.

1/26/21 :: Cycle of Life


This sermon, delivered at the funeral of Mrs Susan Magan, reflects on the cycle of life, drawing parallels between the rhythms of gardening and human existence. It emphasizes the importance of letting go, and the hope of a fuller life beyond death. The sermon also pays tribute to Susan's quiet and reserved nature, her love for her garden, and her special memories of summers in Kerry.

1/19/21 :: Funeral of Mr Paul Smeed


This sermon is a touching tribute to Mr Paul Smeed, a man remembered for his love for life, his family, and his community. Despite his illness, he faced life with courage and determination. The sermon offers comfort and hope, reminding us of the Christian belief in life after death and the promise of peace in the presence of God.

1/17/21 :: Seeking and Being Found


In this sermon, the theme of seeking and being found is explored in the context of the Gospel and Psalm. The sermon emphasizes that God, who seeks and finds us, knows us intimately and loves us unconditionally. It encourages us to see our discipleship as a response to God's love that has sought and found us, and invites us to seek and find God in our lives.

1/10/21 :: Epiphany 1 - Baptism of Jesus


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the concept of 'Epiphany' and its significance in the Christian calendar. He explores the idea of moments when God breaks through and seems very real, using the example of the Baptism of Jesus. Kevin also emphasizes the importance of understanding Jesus from his angle, not ours, and recognizing him as both powerful and gentle, the Son of God and Saviour.

1/3/21 :: Steadfast in Adversity


Kevin speaks about the challenges faced during the Christmas season amidst the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of staying apart to keep everyone safe. He acknowledges the hard work of teachers and the community's efforts during the first lockdown, offering hope with the arrival of vaccines. Kevin encourages everyone to stay steady and avoid mistakes as we approach the end of this difficult period.

12/25/20 :: The Unending Light


This sermon reflects on the first Christmas Family Service in Howth and the enduring light of Jesus. Despite the changes brought by the pandemic, the sermon emphasizes the importance of remembering Jesus, the heart of Christmas celebrations. It uses the metaphor of a light that doesn't go out, symbolizing Jesus' enduring presence and influence.

12/25/20 :: Light in the Darkness


In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, this sermon brings a message of hope and light. Drawing from the Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel of John, it emphasizes that even in times of darkness and uncertainty, God's light shines through. It acknowledges the challenges and fears brought about by the pandemic, but also highlights the acts of kindness and resilience that have emerged.