Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

7/14/96 :: Tears Over Jerusalem


Kevin reflects on the tumultuous events in Northern Ireland, drawing parallels with Christ's lament over Jerusalem. He emphasizes the need for a Christian spirit in politics and daily life, advocating for peace and a return to spiritual core values. The sermon calls for love and peace, even towards those with differing views, as fundamental Christian principles.

1/21/96 :: Epiphany 3 - 1996


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of not letting our attachments to people, places, and traditions distract us from our commitment to God. He uses his experiences with different churches and congregations to illustrate this point. He emphasizes the urgency of Jesus' call to follow Him and the importance of focusing on the message of the Gospel rather than the preacher.

8/30/94 :: Thoughts about the ceasefire


This sermon reflects on the ceasefire in Northern Ireland, expressing a mixture of hope and fear. The speaker emphasizes the need for calm, patience, and sensitivity, and urges the congregation to pray for political leaders. The sermon also acknowledges the feelings of suspicion, anger, and bitterness that have arisen from past events, but encourages the loosening of these feelings for the future.

8/30/94 :: Peace and Wariness


Kevin reflects on the complex emotions surrounding the IRA ceasefires, acknowledging the wariness and suspicion that years of conflict have instilled in the people of Northern Ireland. He emphasizes the need for patience, trust, and a common purpose to establish true peace beyond the absence of conflict. Kevin encourages prayer for political leaders and a collective desire for healing, urging the community to seek God's help in overcoming bitterness and anger.

11/11/79 :: Remembrance Day


This sermon, delivered on Remembrance Day, reflects on the importance of remembering those who have died in wars and conflicts. It emphasizes the need to learn from the past and apply those lessons to the present and future, to avoid repeating the same mistakes. The sermon also discusses the role of remembrance in the Church's worship and the impact of past events on our current lives.