Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/15/09 :: The Foolishness of God


This sermon discusses the concept of human power versus divine power, drawing on historical and contemporary examples. It contrasts the might of the Roman Empire with the 'weakness' of the Church, and the sophistication of Graeco-Roman culture with the simplicity of Christian teachings. The sermon concludes with the assertion that God's 'foolishness' and 'weakness' are wiser and stronger than human wisdom and strength.

3/8/09 :: Choices in Lent


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of temptation and choices, emphasizing that they are part and parcel of our human condition. He encourages us to let our Christian commitment challenge our social and cultural norms. He highlights the importance of self-denial and conforming to Christ in our decision-making process, especially in times of societal challenges.

1/18/09 :: Spiritual Gifts and Response to Suffering


This sermon discusses the spiritual gifts and their place and purpose within the life of the Church. It emphasizes the importance of using these gifts for the common good, particularly in response to suffering, as exemplified by the earthquake in Haiti. The sermon encourages individuals to cherish, foster and use their spiritual gifts in the power of the Spirit.

7/13/08 :: Grace Amidst Imperfection


Kevin reflects on the challenges within the Anglican Communion, particularly the debates on human sexuality and women's ministry. He draws parallels between the biblical story of Jacob and the Church's journey, emphasizing grace as the key element that allows God to work through human frailty. The sermon encourages embracing our imperfections and prejudices as God works through us to further His kingdom.

5/4/08 :: Moving Forward in Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the idea of moving on and letting go of past memories and experiences. He draws parallels from his personal life and biblical accounts of Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension. Kevin emphasizes that the Gospel is not static but has an inherent forward momentum, and our understanding of God and life should also be developing and growing.

3/23/08 :: Easter General Vestry 2008


The sermon from Easter General Vestry in 2008 is a reflection on the year's activities and achievements within the Parish. The sermon expresses gratitude towards the individuals who have served the Parish, discusses the ongoing projects, and highlights the importance of youth engagement in the Church. The sermon also addresses the challenges faced by the Church in maintaining the involvement of the younger generation.

12/9/07 :: Advent Preparations


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the importance of finding a quiet place amidst the busyness of Christmas preparations. He draws parallels between the desert places in the Bible, where key figures had encounters with God, and our own need for a 'desert place' in our lives. He encourages listeners to find their own place of quiet and encounter with God amidst the busyness of life.

9/2/07 :: Faith Amidst Suffering


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the profound contrast between the joy of his son's wedding and the somber visit to Auschwitz. He explores the crisis of faith faced by many during the Holocaust and the enduring message of hope found in the Epistle to the Hebrews. Kevin emphasizes the presence of God in both joy and suffering, and the moral choices that define our humanity.