Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

5/17/09 :: Love One Another


This sermon from Easter 2009 explores the theme of love and fellowship, focusing on the teachings of John, the beloved disciple. It emphasizes the importance of love as a relational and reciprocal act, and the role of fellowship in the Christian community. The sermon calls for the congregation to embody the self-emptying, self-forgetting love that is known in Christ.

5/17/09 :: Shared Faith and Fellowship


This sermon focuses on the importance of shared faith and fellowship in the Christian community. The speaker emphasizes the importance of worship, participation in the Eucharist, identification with Christ, and charitable actions as key aspects of Christian life.

5/10/09 :: Breaking Barriers


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the early stages of the Christian Church and the remarkable growth it experienced, breaking seemingly immutable societal barriers. He discusses the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch and Saul of Tarsus, highlighting how their stories represent the breaking down of barriers of race, ceremonial purity, and hostility. Kevin emphasizes that nothing in our past excludes us from the invitation of the crucified and risen Christ.

4/19/09 :: Seeing and Believing


The sermon discusses the importance of faith and belief, using the story of Doubting Thomas as a key example. It highlights how our society is often reliant on visual evidence to believe in something, and how this can be a weakness. The sermon encourages questioning and doubt as a means to strengthen faith and belief.

4/12/09 :: Easter Resurrection Movement


Kevin reflects on the Easter story, emphasizing the theme of movement and the journeys between the Upper Room and the tomb. He highlights the transition from despair to faith, and the living presence of Christ that comforts and guides us in times of doubt and despair. The sermon reassures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

4/12/09 :: Easter Day 2009


The sermon on Easter Day 2009 focuses on the theme of resurrection and the movement between the Upper Room and the tomb. It explores the journey from despair, through confusion, to faith. The sermon emphasizes that resurrection is more than just resuscitation; it's about the living presence of Christ, who understands human suffering and offers hope and purpose.

4/12/09 :: Easter Resurrection Movement


Kevin reflects on the Easter story, emphasizing the theme of movement and the underlying journey from despair to faith. He highlights Mary Magdalene's experience at the empty tomb and the disciples' initial confusion, leading to the realization of Christ's living presence. The sermon reassures us that Christ's presence offers hope and purpose, even in times of doubt, fear, and loss.

4/9/09 :: The Journey of Faith


This sermon discusses the journey of faith, referencing the speaker's personal experiences with fellow clergy and the challenges of organizing religious tours. It also touches on the theme of competition within the clergy, using the example of John the Baptist and Jesus. The sermon ends with a story about a unique church plant in Dublin, tasked with reaching out to those disillusioned with traditional churches.