Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

11/15/09 :: Discernment and Change


Kevin reflects on the importance of discernment in the face of change, drawing parallels between the disciples' amazement at the Temple and modern reactions to historical events like the fall of the Berlin Wall. He emphasizes the need to understand the significance of events and to question our values and the way we live, especially in times of societal upheaval.

11/1/09 :: Instruments of Faith


Kevin reflects on the Christian pilgrimage on All Saints Day, using the metaphor of 'the only instruments we have to work with' to describe our souls and bodies offered in service to God. He emphasizes our journey into Christ, growing into the person God wants us to be, and the communal aspect of worship in communion with saints past and present.

10/18/09 :: Hierarchy and Service


In his sermon, Kevin reflects on the contrasting models of authority and community presented in the Gospel reading. He draws parallels between his experiences in a rigidly hierarchical naval establishment and the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized service over authority. Kevin underscores the Christian call to a different way of living, where leadership is about service and the community honors each member as part of the Body of Christ.

9/20/09 :: Faith and Worldly Values


Kevin reflects on the tension between faith and life in the world, as exemplified in the Gospel reading where Jesus's disciples discuss their status. He emphasizes the importance of Christian values over worldly hierarchies and individualism, and the role of the church community in supporting each other to live as disciples of Christ. The sermon also highlights the significance of Baptism and the Christian conviction of Incarnation.

7/26/09 :: Steps of Faith and Perspective


Kevin reflects on the significance of small steps and new perspectives, drawing parallels between the moon landing and the journey of faith marked by baptism. He emphasizes the importance of community in this journey, sharing insights from the Letter to the Ephesians on comprehending the vastness of Christ's love and living a life aligned with baptismal promises.

7/12/09 :: The Journey of Baptism


Kevin reflects on the significance of Baptism, drawing inspiration from the late Archbishop Michael Ramsey. He emphasizes Baptism as the beginning of a lifelong journey in response to God's love. Through the metaphor of footprints and fingerprints, Kevin explores the marks we leave on others and the world. He concludes with a call to embody Christ's presence on earth, leaving Christ's footprints in our communities.

7/5/09 :: Journey of Faith


Kevin reflects on the significance of Baptism as more than a family event, emphasizing its importance to the parish community. He draws from anecdotes and scripture to illustrate the Christian life as a journey of response to God's love, marked by both successes and failures. The sermon encourages us to embrace our roles as disciples, carrying the love and presence of Christ into the world, reassured by His constant presence.

6/28/09 :: Thankfulness and Stewardship


Kevin reflects on the importance of thankfulness in Christian life, drawing from the sequential reading of the Bible and the story of David. He discusses the attitudes behind giving, as illustrated by Paul's teachings to the Corinthians, and emphasizes the need for gratitude to inform our actions and priorities. The sermon concludes with a call to embody the values learned and to be thankful for God's love in Christ.