Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/28/21 :: Journey of Faith


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the journey of faith, using the story of Abraham as a metaphor. He discusses the challenges and doubts that can arise along the way, and the importance of trust and patience in God's timing. He also draws parallels between Abraham's journey and the path of self-sacrifice that Jesus calls his disciples to follow.

2/28/21 :: Transfiguration: A Different Angle


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of Transfiguration and encourages the congregation to look at Jesus from a different angle. He emphasizes that Jesus is not just a teacher, but God's beloved Son, and His teachings should change the way we act, think, and live. This new perspective also changes how we view ourselves and others, highlighting our potential as beings made in God's image.

2/26/21 :: Celebrating Lilian O'Connor's Life


This sermon, delivered at the funeral of Lilian O’Connor, celebrates her life and the love she shared with her family and community. It emphasizes the Christian hope in the face of death, and the unity that can be found in shared life experiences. The sermon also touches on the power of faith in overcoming darkness and suffering.

2/26/21 :: Funeral of Anne Stanley


This sermon was delivered during the funeral of Mrs. Anne Stanley. It highlights Anne's life, her devotion to her family, and her faith. The sermon draws on passages from Ecclesiastes and John's Gospel to reflect on the themes of peace and the rhythm of life. It concludes with a hopeful message about the Christian belief in life after death.

2/14/21 :: Transfiguration and Insight


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of transfiguration and how it relates to our understanding of Jesus. He discusses the highs and lows of life and faith, and the role of the Church as the Body of Christ in providing support and hope. He also addresses the impact of the ongoing pandemic and the Church's responsibility to be a beacon of light and hope in society.

2/14/21 :: Signs of Hope


In this sermon, Kevin talks about the importance of hope in the midst of adversity, using the metaphor of a solitary daffodil blooming in the frost as a sign of better times ahead. He draws parallels between the current Covid-19 pandemic and the Transfiguration of Jesus, emphasizing the need for resilience and faith. He encourages the congregation to be 'signs of hope' in their communities.

2/7/21 :: Creation's Purpose


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of creation and its purpose. He recalls how his journey to faith began in physics classes, where he pondered the order and purpose in the universe. He discusses the teachings of French theologian, Teilhard de Chardin, and the Apostle Paul, both of whom saw a progression and purpose in creation. Kevin emphasizes that our care for the world and for each other are integral parts of our worship and response to God's love.

2/2/21 :: Presentation of Christ in the Temple


This sermon reflects on the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, drawing parallels with the liberation of Auschwitz. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the humanity in others and warns against the dangers of racism, sectarianism, and other forms of discrimination. The sermon underscores the message of Jesus as a beacon of righteousness, truth, and reconciliation in a broken world.