Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/10/10 :: Personal Redemption


In this sermon, Kevin draws parallels between personal letters and the scriptures, emphasizing the personal and timeless nature of God's message. He discusses the concept of God as a personal redeemer and savior, who stays with us through all the ups and downs of life. The sermon also touches on the beginning of Jesus' public ministry with his baptism, reinforcing the message of personal redemption and God's enduring presence.

1/10/10 :: Power of the Spirit


In this sermon, Kevin explores the power of the Spirit, drawing parallels between the unpredictable and uncontrollable nature of the wind and the Holy Spirit. He emphasizes the role of the Church in pointing to Christ and the importance of being open to and responsive to the Spirit. The sermon also touches on the concept of being baptized in the Spirit that leads and empowers.

12/27/09 :: Breaking God's Silence


The sermon discusses the feeling of emptiness and alienation from God, drawing parallels with the exile in Babylon and the silence of God. It emphasizes the hope expressed in Isaiah and the fulfillment of this hope with the birth of Jesus. The sermon also highlights the role of the shepherds as agents of God in breaking His silence and spreading the good news.

12/18/09 :: Memorial Service - Jenny Newell


This sermon was given at the memorial service of Jenny Newell. It speaks of the light and hope in the face of the tragic loss, and the comfort and assurance found in the love of God. The sermon also highlights the importance of remembering Jenny not just for the tragic events, but for who she was as a mother, daughter, sister, and friend.

12/13/09 :: Advent 3 - 2009


This sermon, delivered on the 3rd Sunday of Advent in 2009, focuses on the figure of John the Baptist and his role in preparing the way for Jesus. The sermon emphasizes the importance of repentance and the need for it to go beyond mere words and start working itself out in daily living. It also highlights the need for Christians to show their trust in Christ through lives committed to his service and the advancement of his kingdom of justice and peace.

11/29/09 :: Healing and Wholeness


This sermon delivered on the first Sunday of Advent in 2009 discusses the concept of healing in the Christian Gospel and the Church's role as a community of healing. It reflects on the Church's responsibility to embody Christ in today's world and to be an instrument of deep, fundamental healing. The sermon also addresses the importance of love, commitment, and a sense of belonging in expressing God's love.

11/22/09 :: Stir Up Sunday Reflection


Kevin reflects on the significance of the Sunday before Advent, known as 'Stir Up Sunday'. He emphasizes the importance of preparing for the Incarnation and the serious business of living in the light of Christ's coming. The sermon ties the end of the Church's year to the themes of Christ the King, the gift of God's love, and our priestly vocation in response to the Incarnation.

11/18/09 :: Light, Hope, Peace


In this sermon, Kevin speaks at the funeral of Jenny Newell, emphasizing the themes of light, hope, and peace. He encourages the mourners to remember the happier times with Jenny and not let the darkness of her passing overshadow her life. He also speaks about the hope that death is not the end and that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Finally, he talks about the peace that comes from God, a peace that surpasses all understanding.