Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

2/24/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit - Joy


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of joy as a fruit of the Spirit. He discusses the importance of harmony with God and our neighbours, and how joy is a deeper emotion that arises from love experienced in Christ. He also emphasizes that joy is a gift from God, not something we can manufacture ourselves.

2/21/10 :: Temptation and Faith


This sermon discusses the personal experience of temptation and how it relates to Christian faith and discipleship. It explores the inner tension faced when making moral decisions and the struggle between self-focus and aligning with God. The sermon emphasizes the importance of prayer and faith in navigating these challenges.

2/21/10 :: The Struggle with Temptation


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the personal experience of temptation and how it affects our Christian faith and discipleship. He explores the concept of free will and the inner battle between self and God. He also highlights the importance of prayer and seeking God's presence in times of trial.

2/17/10 :: Fruits of the Spirit: Love


The sermon focuses on the concept of Love as a fruit of the Spirit. It emphasizes the self-giving, self-sacrificing nature of Christian love, drawing parallels with God's unfailing mercy. The ultimate expression of love is seen in Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The sermon encourages believers to show a healing, reconciling, and redeeming love in their lives, just like Jesus.

1/31/10 :: The Gift of Prophecy


This sermon discusses the spiritual gift of prophecy, often misunderstood as foretelling the future. It emphasizes that prophecy is about seeing events and people as God sees them, recognizing the significance of events, and declaring this to those who listen. It also highlights the importance of love in the Christian faith, without which all other gifts are meaningless.

1/31/10 :: Understanding Prophecy


The sermon explores the concept of prophecy, often misunderstood as foretelling the future. Instead, it's about seeing events and people as God does, recognizing the significance of events, and declaring it to those who listen. The sermon also reflects on the vision of the glory of the Lord filling the Temple, a symbol of divine judgement and ultimate redemption.

1/24/10 :: Body of the Church


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of the Church as a body. He emphasizes the importance of each member's unique gifts and their contribution to the overall health and vitality of the Church. He also highlights the Church's ongoing growth and development, likening it to a child learning and maturing within a family.

1/10/10 :: God's Personal Care and Concern


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the personal and intimate relationship between God and his people. Drawing parallels between personal letters and the scriptures, he emphasizes the timeless and personal nature of God's messages. The sermon highlights God's constant presence and support in our lives, reminding us that we are individually called and redeemed by Him.