Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/15/10 :: Remembering Jack Maguinness


This sermon is a tribute to Jack Maguinness, a remarkable man who lived his life with honesty, hard work, and a deep love for gardening. Despite his age, Jack continued to push boundaries and live life to the fullest. His passing is a reminder of our mortality, but also of the hope we have in Christ for eternal life.

3/14/10 :: Mothering Sunday


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2010, explores the concept of home and the role of mothers. It emphasizes the importance of living together, loving together, and learning together. It also highlights the crucial role of mothers in nurturing, understanding, and caring for their families.

3/14/10 :: Mothering Sunday


This sermon, delivered on Mothering Sunday in 2010, explores the concept of home and the role of mothers. It emphasizes the importance of living together, loving together, and learning together. The sermon also underscores the significance of mothers, who often go unnoticed and taken for granted, in shaping our lives.

3/10/10 :: Patience - Fruits of the Spirit


This sermon explores the concept of patience as a fruit of the Spirit. It delves into the biblical accounts of God's patience with humanity, Jesus' patience with his disciples, and how patience allows space for healing in relationships. The sermon encourages believers to show the same patience God has shown them, not seeking immediate revenge for wrongs done to them.

3/7/10 :: Thirst for God


This sermon, delivered on the third Sunday of Lent in 2010, uses the metaphor of a marathon runner's thirst to explore the deep spiritual thirst that humans have for God. It discusses the different types of thirst found in the Bible, from physical thirst to a deeper spiritual longing, and emphasizes that only God can satisfy this deep-seated hunger within us.

3/7/10 :: Thirst for God


In this sermon from Lent 3, 2010, Kevin uses the metaphor of a marathon runner's thirst to explore our spiritual thirst for God. He discusses the different ways 'thirst' is used in the Bible, from physical need to spiritual desire, and how our thirst for God is a fundamental part of our humanity. The sermon concludes with the idea that there is a God-shaped hole in our lives that only God can fill.

2/28/10 :: Faith Amidst Trials


The sermon discusses the enduring faith of individuals despite life's trials and tribulations. It emphasizes that belief in God does not insulate us from hardships but equips us with the courage and hope to face them. The sermon draws on the story of Abraham and Sophie O’Neill, demonstrating that faith is not an escape from reality but a means to engage with God amidst everyday challenges.

2/28/10 :: Faith Amidst Trials


This sermon explores the theme of maintaining faith in God during difficult times, using the story of Sophie O'Neill and Abraham's journey as examples. It emphasizes that faith in God does not insulate us from trials and tribulations, but equips us to live with courage and hope.