Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

8/1/10 :: The Rich Fool


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of greed and its impact on our spiritual and societal values. He uses the Parable of the Rich Fool to illustrate how an obsessive accumulation of wealth can lead to a distortion of values and priorities. He emphasizes that true wealth lies in being 'rich towards God', a concept that goes beyond mere possessions.

7/18/10 :: Values and Priorities


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the societal changes brought about by the rise and fall of the Celtic Tiger. He discusses the displacement of important values by urgent needs and the shift in societal priorities. He urges the Church to rediscover its prophetic role and challenge the society to learn from the scars left by the excesses of the Celtic Tiger.

7/15/10 :: Funeral of Barry Vaughan


This sermon is a tribute to Barry Vaughan, a man of intelligence, humor, and capability. It reflects on his life journey, his love for flying, and his family. The sermon also discusses the concepts of mortality and eternal life, offering hope and comfort in the face of loss.

7/11/10 :: Who is my Neighbour?


This sermon, delivered in 2010, explores the concept of 'neighbour' in the context of the Christian faith. Drawing on the parable of the Good Samaritan, it challenges the listener to broaden their understanding of who they are obliged to love as themselves. It emphasizes the importance of transcending barriers of prejudice and extending love and concern to all, reflecting the love of Christ in a wounded and hurting world.

7/4/10 :: One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church


On the occasion of the sacrament of Baptism, the sermon reflects on the identity of the Church and its members. It emphasizes the Church as Apostolic, Catholic, Holy, and One. The Church is 'sent' to look beyond itself, it is part of the universal Church of Christ, it is set apart for a purpose, and it is one because Christ is one.

6/27/10 :: Journey with Jesus


This sermon discusses the journey of Jesus towards Jerusalem, accompanied by his disciples. It draws parallels between this journey and our own life journey with Jesus, highlighting the challenges and the discoveries made along the way. The sermon emphasizes Jesus' inclusive approach, reaching out to all, and the need for immediate commitment to follow Him.

6/25/10 :: Love and Commitment


Kevin's sermon on the occasion of Emma and Ross's wedding emphasizes the Christian values of love, commitment, and selflessness, drawing parallels between the couple's union and the relationship between Christ and the Church. He encourages the newlyweds to embody the spiritual qualities of compassion, kindness, and patience, reflecting Christ's sacrificial love in their marriage.

6/20/10 :: Exorcising Historical Demons


Kevin reflects on the impact of the Bloody Sunday events and the subsequent Saville Report, drawing parallels with the Gospel's account of demon exorcism. He emphasizes the need for collective healing and truth in Northern Ireland, advocating for a mutual understanding of pain and the recognition of our common humanity before God.