Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

1/21/11 :: Value of Individuals


In this sermon, delivered at the funeral of Leonard Harvey, the core message emphasizes the inherent value of every individual, regardless of their status in the world. It highlights the unique gifts each person brings to the world and underscores the significance of these contributions. The sermon also emphasizes that each individual is made in God's image and carries a piece of the divine, thereby possessing a dignity before God.

1/16/11 :: The Call and Vocation


The sermon discusses the joy and significance of Baptism, the importance of names in the Bible, and the transformation of individuals when they accept God's call. It emphasizes the idea of vocation and purpose, using examples of biblical figures like Simon becoming Peter and Saul becoming Paul. The sermon also encourages reflection on one's discipleship and the reaffirmation of baptismal promises.

1/14/11 :: Eleanor Whiting's Funeral


This sermon is a tribute to the life of Mrs. Eleanor Whiting, a woman of quiet sincere faith, who was a regular at the 9:30 service. She was a nurse, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. Despite her health challenges in her later years, she maintained her independence and interest in life. The sermon also reflects on the Christian understanding of death and the hope of resurrection.

1/9/11 :: Adapting to Change


This sermon discusses the importance of adapting to change, using the story of Mountmellick as an example. It emphasizes the need for the Church to adapt its presentation to meet the needs of those to whom it is speaking, while staying true to the content of the Gospel. It also highlights the importance of the Church's mission to proclaim the Gospel to all cultures and times.

12/26/10 :: God in Our Humanity


This sermon reflects on the message of Christmas, emphasizing the humanity of God as shown through Jesus Christ. It discusses the idea that God knows what it's like to be human, and that through Jesus, we can find strength and comfort. The sermon also touches on the challenges of the coming New Year and the importance of seeking Christ amidst these challenges.

12/25/10 :: Christmas - 2010


This sermon reflects on the importance of recognizing God's presence not just in worship, but also in the ordinary aspects of life. It emphasizes the values of care and compassion, and the idea of God present in the world today. The sermon also encourages us to think beyond the immediate, and to consider our role in making God present in the world.

12/19/10 :: Advent 4 - 2010


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the meaning of Advent and the importance of compassion and care in society. He shares a story about a young man who fell into destitution but found hope and support through Focus Ireland. The sermon emphasizes the presence of God in our lives, embodied in the acts of love and care we show to each other.

12/14/10 :: Funeral of Mrs Jocelyn Coghlan


This sermon was given at the funeral of Mrs Jocelyn Coghlan, a remarkable woman who lived her life with quiet strength and faith. Despite her frailty in her later years, she was remembered for her devotion to her sons and her contributions to the Church of Ireland. The sermon reflects on her life, her struggles, and her faith, drawing parallels with the teachings of the Apostle Paul and the hope of eternal life.