Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

4/4/21 :: Easter Vestry 2021


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the challenges and resilience of the Parish during the pandemic. He acknowledges the hardships faced by all sectors of society and the impact on the Church's activities. Despite the difficulties, he highlights the care and engagement shown by the Parish members. As he prepares to move on, he expresses optimism for the future under new leadership.

3/28/21 :: Meekness and Majesty


This sermon explores the themes of Palm Sunday and the days that follow, focusing on the apparent contradictions in the nature of Jesus Christ. It discusses the meekness and majesty of Jesus, and how understanding both aspects is crucial to understanding his identity and the events of Holy Week. The sermon also delves into the mystery of Jesus' suffering and the depth of God's love.

3/21/21 :: Seeing Jesus


This sermon, delivered on the fifth Sunday of Lent in 2021, explores the desire of unnamed Greeks to see Jesus. It discusses the anticipation and tension surrounding Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the expectations of the people, and the subsequent disappointment when Jesus did not fit into their preconceived notions. The sermon emphasizes that Jesus cannot be owned or controlled by any group and challenges listeners to reflect on their own understanding and portrayal of Jesus.

3/16/21 :: Farewell to Rosemary Latimer


This sermon is a touching tribute to Miss Rosemary Latimer, who passed away suddenly in March 2021. It reflects on her life, her contributions to her community, and her faith. The sermon also provides comfort and support to those grieving her loss, reminding them of the eternal nature of love and life.

3/14/21 :: Unconditional Love


This sermon reflects on the topic of unconditional love, particularly the love of a mother. It discusses the concept of the Church as a community of friends drawn together by the friendship of Jesus, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and graciousness. The sermon also highlights the vital role of positive parenting in society, as the home is where attitudes are formed.

3/14/21 :: Love at Full Stretch


This sermon focuses on the concept of 'love at full stretch', drawing parallels between the love of a parent and the love of God. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness, just as the Lord has forgiven us, and the graciousness of love. The sermon also reflects on the unconditional love experienced at home, which serves as our first encounter with such love.

3/7/21 :: The Power of God's Foolishness


In this sermon, Kevin discusses the transitory nature of human power and the enduring strength of God's wisdom. Drawing from his personal experiences and biblical teachings, he contrasts the might of superpowers like Rome and the seeming powerlessness of the Church. He emphasizes the importance of faith in navigating uncertain times and the need for each generation to make the faith its own.

3/1/21 :: Celebrating Arthur and Lilian O'Connor


This sermon is a celebration of the lives of Arthur and Lilian O'Connor, a couple who lived their lives in love, respect and understanding. Despite coming from different traditions, they showed an ecumenism lived out in their daily lives. The sermon also emphasizes the Christian hope of life in the face of death, and the light that shines in the darkness.