Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

3/13/11 :: Born Again


This sermon, delivered during the Lent season in 2011, explores the concept of being 'born again' in the Christian faith. The speaker uses the examples of Peter and Paul from the New Testament to illustrate the varied and individual nature of spiritual birth. The sermon also emphasizes the importance of inclusiveness, respect for different theological perspectives, and the need for ongoing attentiveness to the Spirit in the Church of Ireland.

3/9/11 :: Ash Wednesday 2011


This sermon discusses the theme of journey, as seen in the Old Testament, and relates it to our own life journey. It emphasizes the importance of community, repentance, and reflection in this journey. The sermon also draws parallels between the journey of faith and the political journey of the nation, urging the congregation to be guided by spiritual heritage and the teachings of the prophet Micah.

2/27/11 :: Sunday before Lent


This sermon reflects on the story of the Transfiguration of our Lord and the disciples' journey with Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of not just admiring Jesus, but obeying and following him. The sermon also discusses the disciples' struggle to understand who Jesus was and assures that Jesus is with us in our struggles and searches.

2/23/11 :: Funeral of Alastair McMillan


This sermon is a tribute to Alastair McMillan, a man of deep spirituality, peace, and practicality. It reflects on his life, his love for the sea, and his devotion to his family. The sermon also touches on his contributions to the community, his achievements, and his lifelong habits of worship.

2/20/11 :: Choices and Consequences


In this sermon, Kevin emphasizes the importance of choices in our lives. He discusses the different levels of choices we make, from mundane daily decisions to life-altering ones. He also highlights how our choices reflect our values and faith, and how they can have far-reaching implications. Kevin calls for a rediscovery of community values and a commitment to making choices that lead to life and blessings.

2/13/11 :: Religion and Politics


The sermon discusses the role of religious conviction in political choices, emphasizing the importance of voting with integrity and considering the greater good of society. It explores the concept of covenant in politics, which implies mutual respect and consent between the governed and the governors. The sermon urges the congregation to reflect on how their Christian values influence their political decisions.

1/30/11 :: Wisdom and Folly


In this sermon, Kevin explores the contrasts between foolish and wise, weak and strong, through the lens of the Epistle to the Church in Corinth. He reflects on the power of small, seemingly insignificant actions to bring about great change, and the illusion of strength in worldly systems. He also discusses the role of Christians in society, particularly in the context of politics and social justice.

1/23/11 :: Light in Darkness


In this sermon, Kevin explores the theme of light and darkness in the scriptures, and how it parallels the contrast between good and evil. He highlights the role of light as a sign of God's presence and the call for Christians to be channels of this light. He also discusses the societal changes in Ireland and challenges the Christian community to be a beacon of light and justice in the midst of these changes.