Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

6/12/11 :: Feast of Pentecost 2011


In this sermon, Kevin explores the concept of the Holy Spirit and its role in inspiring all that is good in mankind. He discusses how the Holy Spirit enables us to become more like Christ and how our love, concern, and service for one another should mirror Christ's love for us. He emphasizes the intertwining of love and obedience, and how our adherence to what is right should be rooted in love.

5/22/11 :: Healing and History


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the historical events of the Queen's visit to Ireland and the Belfast Agreement, drawing parallels to the spiritual healing process. He emphasizes that healing is more than dealing with external symptoms, and it often involves faith, forgiveness, and dealing with deeper issues. He concludes with a prayer for healing of the nations, our land, and individuals.

5/15/11 :: Seeking Things Above


The sermon discusses the importance of focusing on 'things that are above' and not just on the benefits we receive from our spiritual life. It emphasizes the role of ordinary people in advancing God's Kingdom and the need for a community that reflects the values of Christ. The sermon also highlights the attractiveness of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and the early Church's commitment to mutual care and worship.

5/8/11 :: Journey from Doubt to Faith


This sermon discusses the journey of faith, from doubt to belief, using the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus as a metaphor. The sermon emphasizes the importance of being Christ for each other, listening and sharing in each other's pain, and the realization of Christ's presence in our lives.

5/8/11 :: Recognizing Jesus


The sermon emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus not by his physical appearance but by his actions. It highlights the need for followers of Jesus to emulate his actions and compassion. The sermon concludes with a powerful reminder that as followers, we are the body of Christ on earth.

5/1/11 :: Jesus of the Scars


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the distinguishing marks of Jesus, his scars, as not just identifiers but also markers of his personality and sacrifice. He discusses the impact of suffering, using the example of the First World War, and how Jesus' scars speak to a world shattered by pain. The sermon concludes with the message of peace offered by Jesus, a peace that addresses sin and shines through suffering.

4/24/11 :: Tradition and Flexibility


The sermon reflects on the importance of tradition within the Church of Ireland, emphasizing the need for flexibility to adapt to changing times. It discusses the balance between respecting inherited traditions and broadening them to remain relevant. The sermon also highlights the Church's efforts to engage with contemporary issues and maintain its relevance in modern society.

4/24/11 :: Easter Day 2011


This sermon reflects on the meaning of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes that the Church is shaped by the death and resurrection of Jesus, and that the resurrection is not just an event that happened to Jesus, but also to his disciples. The sermon also discusses the sacrament of Baptism and its close relation to the death and resurrection of Jesus.