Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

8/11/11 :: Orla's Farewell


This sermon was delivered at the funeral of Mrs. Orla Ennis, a woman known for her resilience and love for life. Despite her illness, she continued to live a full life, caring for her family and animals. The sermon invites the attendees to remember Orla's life and the ways she enriched theirs. It also offers comfort and hope in the face of death, drawing on Christian faith.

7/31/11 :: Service and Humility


Kevin reflects on the history of the Church of Ireland and its journey from political power to a focus on serving the community. He emphasizes the importance of humility and service, drawing parallels between the disciples' experiences and the modern Church's challenges. The sermon encourages finding strength in weakness and being willing instruments of God's work, using the feeding of the five thousand as a metaphor for God's ability to work through our inadequacies.

7/24/11 :: Memory and Identity


Kevin reflects on the role of memory in shaping community identity, drawing from Psalm 105 and historical events. He discusses the impact of media on collective memory and emphasizes the importance of remembering in the context of faith. The sermon encourages understanding our place before God through the act of remembrance, especially during the Holy Communion.

7/24/11 :: Presence in Psalm 139


Kevin reflects on the omnipresence of God as depicted in Psalm 139, drawing parallels with personal experiences and biblical narratives. He emphasizes the idea that God is always with us, even when we are unaware, and provides comfort and hope in times of despair. The sermon concludes with the reassuring message that God understands us completely and is always by our side.

7/10/11 :: Grace in Human Frailty


Kevin reflects on the end of the News of the World paper and draws parallels with the human stories of the Bible, particularly the saga of Jacob. He emphasizes the theme of grace throughout the biblical narrative, illustrating how God works through human imperfection. The sermon concludes with a call to service, recognizing our own strengths and weaknesses, and the transformative power of God's grace.

7/10/11 :: Living with Difference


Kevin reflects on the importance of remembering and living with differences, drawing parallels between the biblical story of Jacob and Esau and the historical and contemporary conflicts in Ireland. He emphasizes the need for mutual understanding and reconciliation, recognizing the trauma and pain of all communities involved. The sermon calls for empathy and the role of individuals as agents of healing and reconciliation in their own contexts.

7/3/11 :: Reflections on Righteousness


Kevin's sermon on Proper 8, year A, emphasizes the transformative power of the Gospel in our lives. He draws on St. Francis of Assisi's teachings to illustrate the importance of living the Gospel beyond words, and cites C.S. Lewis on the pervasive influence of faith. The sermon encourages us to reflect Christ's light in the world, to see through His eyes, and to act justly and lovingly in His name.

6/19/11 :: Embracing Faith's Journey


Kevin reflects on the importance of taking scripture seriously, drawing from the Gospel reading for Trinity Sunday. He emphasizes the 'poverty of our faith' as a humble acknowledgment of our partial and provisional understanding, likening our spiritual journey to a child's growth. The sermon also touches on the inclusive nature of Jesus' commission to make disciples, even among those who doubt, and the constant presence of God in our lives regardless of our clarity or doubts about faith.