Warning: GPT 4 is doing its best but it can make mistakes! In the top of each file you will find a link to the original unmodified PDF, this is the source of truth.

9/25/11 :: The Two Sons' Choices


Kevin's sermon reflects on the parable of the two sons from Matthew 28-31, inviting us to consider our own responses to God's call. It contrasts 'casual religion' with genuine repentance and obedience, urging us to re-examine our priorities and be open to God's will. The message emphasizes the importance of second chances and the need to listen again to God's word to find true peace.

9/25/11 :: Reflections on Christlikeness


Kevin discusses the importance of being Christ-like in our daily lives, drawing parallels between the stained glass stories and our role as Christians. He emphasizes the significance of companionship, support, and embodying Christ for one another. Through personal anecdotes and community experiences, Kevin illustrates how we can live out Christ's teachings and be a source of encouragement and love.

9/24/11 :: Love and Commitment


In this sermon, Kevin celebrates the marriage of Sinead and Ron, emphasizing the themes of commitment, faithfulness, and love. He draws parallels between the couple's love and the bond between Christ and his Church, urging them to embody self-giving love. Kevin also reflects on the significance of their wedding attire as an expression of their personalities and the spiritual clothing of compassion, kindness, and patience as taught by St. Paul.

9/18/11 :: The Injustice of Grace


Kevin's sermon explores the theme of God's provision to a rebellious and undeserving people, as illustrated in the story of manna in the wilderness and the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. He emphasizes the 'injustice of grace,' highlighting that God's grace is not based on our merit but is a gift that challenges our notions of fairness. The sermon also addresses the importance of accepting each other before God, avoiding judgment, and embracing the diversity within the Christian community.

9/11/11 :: Embracing Sunday School


The sermon marks the beginning of a new Sunday School year, emphasizing the importance of the community's support for the teachers and students. It highlights the role of Sunday School in teaching children about being followers of Jesus Christ, the significance of forgiveness, and integrating with the larger church community. The sermon also notes changes to make services more accessible for children and the exemplary dedication of the Sunday School teachers.

9/4/11 :: Tradition and Transition


Kevin reflects on the significance of the Passover and its observance through generations, emphasizing the importance of passing traditions and faith from one generation to another. He introduces a new approach to Sunday School aimed at integrating young parishioners into the life and worship of the Church, while also addressing the need for flexibility in maintaining traditions to ensure they remain relevant and meaningful in contemporary times.

8/28/11 :: The Significance of Baptism


In this sermon, Kevin reflects on the significance of the baptism ceremony, particularly the act of marking the sign of the cross on the children's foreheads. He connects this ritual to the broader themes of God's presence in times of suffering, as exemplified by the story of Moses and the burning bush. The sermon also discusses the Christian life of obedience and service, as well as the importance of living as a witness to God's love through the symbolism of the cross.

8/12/11 :: Celebrating Joan Pickard


This sermon is a tribute to Mrs. Joan Pickard, a beloved member of the Parish of Howth. It highlights her unwavering faith, her commitment to the church, and her love for the community. Joan's life is celebrated as an example of a faith that is expressed through acts of concern for others. Her sense of humor, love for the young people of the church, and her dedication to prayer are remembered fondly.